
Actually he did not mention that. I said something along the lines that race cars are DESIGNED to be low from the get go and have inboard suspensions, but he just rephrased that and RESTATED THAT and called me a moron. Which is typical

Two, I just state something and THEN got attacked because as usual its “ALL FOR TRACK” and "TOO MUCH’. Please man. Frickin new family cars have better acceleration and equal handling, better braking.

Eg; the infamous z32 brakes crap with that douchebag mark and the whole of son who thinks stock brakes are good.

He runs stock brakes and when I said stock brakes suck, he said z32 brakes are ‘too much’ and i shouldnt have them. I drove on both and have gone back and forth between both. The z32 brakes feel like something that should have been on the car stock imho as the stock ones suck. The stock brakes would fade like a crazy mofo in regular traffic, not to mention almost disapear with constant stop and go traffic from point a to b, definetely not for spirited driving… Even before getting HP+ pads, the z32 brakes would overheat at slightly enough in stop and go traffic to become very soft to the feel.

This is how it all started a few months ago. Been like this ever since over every little thing i say as the little fag spread his hate for me to the rest, eg; even you, you just joined and was ‘warned of me’.

Stock 240 brakes suck and YES THEY DO SUCK AND YES a taurus which is 20 years newer is faster and better at braking than it, only difference is my 240 has a better brake pedal feel than it,. Sorry. It’s true.

Stock 240 brakes felt like suicide to me as im too used to better brakes. I felt like i was driving a car from the 80s. Anyone who had the stock ones and i let them drive mine with z32 brakes said it was a world of difference.

How the hell does this mean that a crap load of STOCK new cars have better brakes and thus if you think the stock 240 ones suck and you upgrade them you automatically need to use them only for the track.

That means x number of stock new cars need to be taken to the track because their brakes are better than stock 240 brakes. Get over yourself.

The whole point of owning a car like the 240 is to modify it to be better, not to screw it up more or just leave it as is, unless you want to fully restore it to stock mint condition ala www.sillbeer.com (which isnt stock anywyas) and have it in a museum.

so you’re basically saying that with the exception of 3 cars, the rest are stock rust buckets that are either track elitist donkeys or just wannabe JDM tyte hard parkers who wanna show off?coming from the guy who doesnt track his car because of time constraints, money constraints, and a ford taurus that can rock all the 240s on this forum.

if you’re so fond of your taurus and believe so much in its ability to destroy 240s on the track, why do you still own a 240? why not just build up your taurus and go school the whole lot of us on the track? im sure parts for the taurus would be cheaper, cant say you have financial constraints on that one.

oh and in terms of having to spend time with your wife, why not bring her with you to the track? ive seen tons of people bring their gfs with them to the track with them to spend time with them, most of them were from this forum too. so whats your excuse? not private enough? is she not allowed to see the light of day?

as for how a person mods his car, im pretty certain you dont need the highest degree of JDM Tyte parts to compete. maybe you’re not retarded yourself but just misguided, all we ask is your stop spewing that bullshit you call advice out unless you’ve tried and tested it, then again we’ll never know since you dont have time, money, tires, or possibly even a sense of direction to get to a track.

duckjai is a perfect example. his car isnt modded to the teeth, but it performs like a cheetah, his girlfriend is always with him when he goes to the track to spend time with him, and he’s a average joe working a day job to support his family and kid. so does he use the same excuse? not even.

And in response to the post that if you just want looks its OKAY.



THAT THREAD turned from me responding with adjustable LCA and tie rods HELPING HIM correct his geometry, roll center and bumpsteer to fucken fags twisting my words as all the time AND attacking me!

if it was some TYPICAL MORON like the whole of you on son240 with megan racing coilovers asking something random i wouldnt have posted.

Experience? Fucken experience do you even read my posts. I stated i tested with same dampening a stock height and 1.5" lowered height and THERE WAS MORE ROLL. PROOF OF FUCKEN ROLL INTRODUCED.

IMAGINE something FOUR times lower!

And stop fucken twisting my words or misquoting me you idiots.

Second EVERYTHING I say you TWIST around. I stated a taurus brakes BETTER than a stock 240, you go on and say why dont you sell your 240 and get a taurus modded? WHO SAID THAT!? I SAID STOCK BRAKES SUCK! AND YES A TAURUS THAT IS TWENTY YEARS NEWER BRAKES BETTER!

You twist god damn everything i say.

DID ANYONE EVEN REALIZE that the guy was being told by a tech (one would assume) at an autox event if his post was not clear enough anyawys:

Hey guys. I recently went to a HADA autocross event and had one of the instructors drove and looked over my car. He said the car was much too low (and I also need an alignment). According to him, the max you can lower most cars without screwing up the suspension is around 2 inches. I would say my car is lowered about 3-4inches.

My car has Tein Flex coilovers on it but all of the control arms are stock. I would like to find the optimal ride height for performance with my setup before I go in for an alignment. Does anyone have any suggestions?


You BEGAN the attack AS USUAL and OF COURSE I took it personal as its routine!

FUNNY that you want to turn it around and say that I ATTACK FIRST because i dont value other’s opinions. NO ACTUALLY YOU ATTACK ME THE MOMENT I SPEAK and my ‘opinion’.

for your information, he runs 180sx brakes. If you knwo anything about JDM, you’ll realize that 180sx and 240sx may LOOK similar, but are not the same. they are bigger and more responsive.

and when did anyone say ANYTHING about “if you run anything better than stock you need to track it”?

I don’t know how crappy YOUR stock brakes were/are, but mine don’t fade in stop and go traffic.

maybe you should go get that checked out.

Again its like you dont read anything i say and assume and post like i said something else.

Mark did NOT have 180sx brakes and if he does now woopie doo congratulations he has better than stock brakes now.

  1. WHEN? ALL THE TIME. Just not like that but instead they say “you dont need that you dont track your car” with the assumption i would be satisfied with a 20 year old component on my car instead.

Well then a 20 years NEWER car with BETTER engineered NEWER components should then be taken to the track because guess what, its more than a stock 240’s ability, oooh aaah go taurus vroom vroom!

  1. It’s not aobut MY crappy stock brakes, its aobut EVERY crappy stock brakes 240 i have driven. I dont like them they suck period and they do fade unless you never tap them more than an inch.

I run z32 brakes now, i dont need to check nothing, new ss lines, new rbf600 fluid, new hp+ pads, brembo blanks. The way the car should have been stock.

Ahmed, if your posts were less rude and insulting, they would truly be amusing.
You’re questioning my knowledge and skills, without having a basis to do so. You know nothing of any of my work. The only time you get to see any of my knowledge come into play is when I tear you a new one for being clueless and arrogant. I’ve read your arguments, they do not hold water. It’s as simple as that. You’re not making any sense.
All I’ve asked is that you refrain from misinforming others, yet you continue to refuse and spout your ignorance while accusing everyone else of harping on you. Has it ever occured to you that you might be wrong? You, an individual with no automotive or engineering education or experience. It’s possible you know… All I’m saying is, just think about it. Maybe, just maybe, EVERYONE is right, and you are wrong.

Wow! You don’t even understand why people are attacking you!
It’s because nobody ASKED you. The question was directed at individuals that have experience autocrossing, or designing/tuning automotive suspensions. You are neither. Why do you speak?

Excuse me? You keep changing all the time what you’re saying alongside marky and the rest.

The original poster asked about his car that was 4" lowered, a tech adivsed him not to have it as lowered and to compensate for the lowering by adjusting his suspension not to mess up the geometry.

it turned into another attack of you dont need that for a daily driver when i mentioned adjustable LCAs and adjustable tie rods. The guy autocrosses.

Then it spiraled into more random attacking of me and calling me idiot.

The funniest thing is that at the end you mention a suspension design book, its like you were more showing off knowing a book that is mentioned on half of racing forums and SAE engineering forums that everyone knows about, didn’t exactly help the original poster.

The original poster’s post turned into another crap attacking me and i think everyone FORGOT that the original poster was mentioning he autocrosses. So much for your daily driver and only track bull

Misinforming others? My ass, more like “you dont want me to be on here” period and i know that. Too bad.

I don’t see how you could get stock brakes to fade that badly in regular traffic, let alone 300zx brakes. Are you one of those douchebags that floors it as soon as there is a little space in front of them, and slam the brakes to stop? I know you need to use the brakes more since you can only drive automatic, but still.

Ahmed, he didn’t ask YOU. He asked someone that KNOWS. You DON’T. So keep it to yourself.
Unlike you I don’t go on these racing forums and SAE engineering forums, I was actually ON an SAE team.
I don’t know who put the idea in your head that you actually know something, because you don’t. Infact, you know less than nothing, because you don’t even know that you know nothing. Please, do us all a favour and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The thing that really grinds my gears is the written diarrhea that ahmed has. Being clear and concise is apparently below him. I would hate to have to be around him for any length of time if he gets this worked up over a forum. Why does he need to take everything so seriously and personally and get so butthurt over everything. I know some things through experience, but I also know that there are many people out there who have a considerable amount more experience and knowledge than I do. If I say something that is incorrect and someone corrects me, I do not flip out and rant about tauruses and wives, and automatic KA’s. I admit that I was wrong, apologize for inadvertently spreading false info, and I shut the fuck up and learn.

Actually who the FUCK are YOU to say he didn’t ask me. HE DIDNT ASK YOU EITHER.


Adjustable LCA + Adjustable tie rods to correct suspension geometry, roll center and bumpsteer.

What happened after? MARK JUMPED and responded “dont listen to anyhting ahmed says get taurus brakes”.

Then GT jumped in STATING what I STATED and calling me an idiot.

THEN you jumped and started calling me an idiot and all of you started talking about how its track only blabla.

It’s like the discussion turned from op’s post, to just attacking me (starting with the douchebag mark).


SASHA WAS ALSO RIGHT, but the insane spring rates that one could run would be suitable to the track NOT daily.

HE WAS NOT A GUY TALKING ABOUT LOOKS, it was a guy AUTOCROSSING. Again you changing talk to suit your attacks against me.

The guy autocrosses, has his car 3-4" lowered a tech told him to correct geometry, not have car as low, etc…

You were on a SAE TEAM?! LOL So was a buddy of mine from university, guess what, every engineering school gives you the chance to be on a SAE team to build a car with various restrictions as a practical thing. Woopie do?

He was on the ryerson SAE team something like two years ago? Who cares? Is he an idiot like you. Certainly not. You’re bringing up just bullshit. If you were mr president of sae and you said 4" drop does not affect geometry you’d still be wrong and a loser attacking me.

Are you saying AS A SO CALLED ENGINEER that a 4" drop in geometry will not fuck up roll center, introduce more roll and bumpsteer?

The thread swirled into an attack on me beginning with mark “dont listen to this guy”.

And into a daily drivers dont need it when the OP was autocrossing.


What an asshat.

Original post WAS:

Hey guys. I recently went to a HADA autocross event and had one of the instructors drove and looked over my car. He said the car was much too low (and I also need an alignment). According to him, the max you can lower most cars without screwing up the suspension is around 2 inches. I would say my car is lowered about 3-4inches.

My car has Tein Flex coilovers on it but all of the control arms are stock. I would like to find the optimal ride height for performance with my setup before I go in for an alignment. Does anyone have any suggestions?

MY response was:

you will need fully adjustable LCAs and tie rods to combat the mishaps of lowering the car.

Lowering the car also makes you have less dampner stroke, meaning you’ll hit those bump stops or fender frame faster…

Low to the ground race cars tend to have inboard, designed to be low suspensions…

Lower = lower cg, but your roll center will be way off… causing you less suspension efficiency, less ride comfort, less grip, requiring stiffer springs to combat the added roll, etc…

Adjustable LCAs front and rear will run you about 1200$… check SPL for adjustable tie rods.

You would definetely want them being 3-4 inches lower heh… I’m 1.5" all around and have bumpsteer… i do need an alignment however… spl unfortunately has the tie rods on backorder since june :-/


Whatever you do, don’t take advice from Ahmed. =\

He’s going to tell you that you need ford taurus brakes if you plan on autocrossing your car more.

First an attack on me. Second irrelavent bullshit against me because I stated a FACT that stock taurus brakes are BETTER than stock tiny whiny 10" 1 piston brakes. 20 year old vs 20 years newer. It’s tried and tested sorry. Running all season tires probably didn’t help you either.

hear hear. like everyone here, we all learn something new every day and take it into consideration.

a_hahaahmed apparently is an omnipotent car god who is too stubborn to admit he is wrong, and chooses to defend his false information with detrimental and derogatory remarks to anyone who corrects him.

Ahmed maybe you should check out some of the books, you might pick up a thing or two…

Original post WAS:

Hey guys. I recently went to a HADA autocross event and had one of the instructors drove and looked over my car. He said the car was much too low (and I also need an alignment). According to him, the max you can lower most cars without screwing up the suspension is around 2 inches. I would say my car is lowered about 3-4inches.

My car has Tein Flex coilovers on it but all of the control arms are stock. I would like to find the optimal ride height for performance with my setup before I go in for an alignment. Does anyone have any suggestions?

MY response was:

you will need fully adjustable LCAs and tie rods to combat the mishaps of lowering the car.

Lowering the car also makes you have less dampner stroke, meaning you’ll hit those bump stops or fender frame faster…

Low to the ground race cars tend to have inboard, designed to be low suspensions…

Lower = lower cg, but your roll center will be way off… causing you less suspension efficiency, less ride comfort, less grip, requiring stiffer springs to combat the added roll, etc…

Adjustable LCAs front and rear will run you about 1200$… check SPL for adjustable tie rods.

You would definetely want them being 3-4 inches lower heh… I’m 1.5" all around and have bumpsteer… i do need an alignment however… spl unfortunately has the tie rods on backorder since june :-/


Whatever you do, don’t take advice from Ahmed. =\

He’s going to tell you that you need ford taurus brakes if you plan on autocrossing your car more.

First an attack on me. Second irrelavent bullshit against me because I stated a FACT that stock taurus brakes are BETTER than stock tiny whiny 10" 1 piston brakes. 20 year old vs 20 years newer. It’s tried and tested sorry. Running all season tires probably didn’t help you either.

The rest was a spew of diarrhea attacking me.

Am I wrong saying that he could invest in LCAs and Tie rods to correct geometry, roll and bumpsteer? 4" HELLO 4" ?

With a 1.5" drop I TESTED with same dampening, there was more roll and crappier handling than a stock ride height 240. Hence, the need to stiffen things up to compensate for the drop. Something sasha suggested which is fine ona track but again IRONICALLY not a good thing for a “daily driver” unless you wana feel attacked up your bum every time you go over a bump with your jdm tyte coilovers with bad valving and 9kg/7kg springs.

This guy autocrosses. You said im giving misinformation to a daily driver, as if he is some random guy dropping 4"

Just to further fuel the fire, Ahmed if your stock brakes were fading in regular traffic there are two possible causes

  1. Your brakes had a maintenance issue, Worn calipers, old fluid, worn rotors / pads.
  2. Your a douche canoe and don’t know how to drive at all constantly dragging the brakes and what not.

Just for giggles I googled some specs on the Ford Taurus vs the 240sx.

Interesting… the 240 is better in both categories you claim it to be bested in by the Taurus.


Braking distance, 60 to 0 mph 168ft.
Lateral acceleration, 200 ft skidpad .81g


Braking Distance (60-0 mph): 125 ft
Road Holding Index: .88 g

Any more lies or mis truths you care to have publicly proven wrong?

P.S I have driven Many 240SX’s and Ford Tarus’s, I actually have one of each in my driveway. If you even consider putting the two cars in the same category stock vs stock that right their proves the validity of any further comments or opinions you may have on anything automotive related.

In essance shut the fuck up, sit back, read, learn and LISTEN

Last time i checked, you dont autocross either ahmed, so wheres your tested source when it comes to that?

your comparing cars which are 20 years apart

thats like me saying my jumbo jet will out run a biplane, pick a comparison that works numbtard

Hurricane thos tests are worthless. Wherever you picked them from.

What year taurus? What tires? All season canadian tires? What kind of skid pad?

All season canadian tires? lol. Chances are yes. You are wrong. Chances are the 240 did not have all season tires.

The Taurus has 11.8" rotors and descently big calipers. 225/55/16 or 205/60/16. My dad’s car has 225/50/zr16s max performance tires. My car has the same tires. Same tire for same tire. My dad’s car was better braking. It was new stock pads new fluid.

Now my car is in a whole other league and it obviously brakes better, has a much better brake pedal feel.

Stock for stock with same tires, the taurus was better and more managable from high speeds too.

Stupid Hurricane. Ahmed is always right. The Taurus is far superior. it needed 43 more feet to stop because it wasn’t trying as hard. It doesn’t need to try because it is better.

Ahmed, by this point it does not matter if you are totally wrong, or 100% right. You seem to have no concept of interpersonal skills. Sure people egg you on, but you play right into it by acting like a mentally retarded 4 year on steroids. You only have yourself to blame, noone else. Start your own ford taurus forum, or learn how to interact with people without blowing an artery.