i have been out to 2 events hada blast doing it.
cant wait till next year.
some pic’s and vids
vids 144,147,168
i have been out to 2 events hada blast doing it.
cant wait till next year.
some pic’s and vids
vids 144,147,168
Hey homie, I saw your car’s videos on one of the threads… i think thats the ones from above… you need to seriously rework your setup… too much rear wheel lift… too much skiddish happening. That course did seem shorter wheel base friendly but then most autox is… miatas own, mr2 mk1s own, etc… Also it looks like you understeer into corners, maybe not getting enough travel up front because the car is way too lowered and yet not enough sway or springrate…and too much in the rear. i think bumping the car up a little would help in grip overall anyways its way too lowered, the suspension doesn’t get to do its job…this car seems more drift-oriented… if you managed to fix some of these things you could go on throttle far more, it seems you hesitate to press the throttle at all as its slippery hehe… none the less i love videos, thats awesome still
The s14 had similar woes imho, but seems better setup and less lowered, just tons more grip with those big tires whatever they are (i wouldn’t be surprsied if they are 285/30/18… they look pretty beefy)… The only cars that seem well setup is the miata and that rx7. They also have smoother drivers.
What dampers and spring rates are you using?
What tires (and wheels) are you using?
What swaybar setup are you running?
What are your alignment specs?
Here’s a friend of mine down in the states Drool now:
What LSD?
Autox is loads of fun even though some people consider it ‘parking lot’ racing, but it definetely is not, and its tons of fun and you learn alot… plus its very technical I love it
I didn’t manage to do many this year as my car was mostly stranded for most of the summer…
my car is by no means auto x ready. im getting all set up for next drift season… just some track fun. i leave the car in second gear the whole course, first is pointless.
my set ups
1.5 diff
everything megan underneath.
rps 6 puck dual diaphragm clutch
magen track coil overs
tires are 225 45 17 on a 9j rear
best time 69 seconds
^^ stick to running ur track days
Stick to being a “drifter”, poser.
^^ why do u care so much about what i post?? u wanna fuk me in the ass??
every time i post something about drifting… u hate on it. so i post something about auto cross, which is gay to you, so the only thing left is your (gay)lapping days. funny how u only hate on my car. but the s14 n g35 u say nothing about. just cuz u dont or cant do it doesnt make it gay.
like i said stick to ur lapping.
lol, this has nothing to do with lapping days. All I said was gay… and you went on assuming stuff. Where are you getting all that information from? Can you read my mind or something? Who are you? George Bush?
If I were to really hate on your car, you’d probably kill yourself, so I’m not even going to go there. Unless, you want me to?
LOL go for it. u think i give a fuk what a punk kid thinks about my car.
so why the fuck would u post gay?
if u dont have anything positive to say… keep ur mouth shut
So I’m only allowed to say positive things about your car? Something tells me you’re one of those kids that like to say “I don’t care what people think about me” but deep down inside, you really do care.
If you didn’t care, why would you be all pissed off at me?
im pissed cuz… if mark doesnt do it or think its cool its gay. have u tried autocross or solo?
its ALLLLLL GAY!!! hes picking on u cuz its the new thread for him to make fun of… autox lapping drifting… choose ur topic…
Good to see some autox sil8t, looks like you had a lot of fun. I’ll keep you in mind for next season since I’ve been wanting to give autox a try. Not sure if you have sways but you might want to consider up sizing a bit from stock if you haven’t already.
Can you please explain to us all how there is not enough sway or spring rate. I’m pretty sure with 12/10kg Megan tracks, there’s more than enough spring rate, rebound settings on the other hand might not be matched. I find your statements kinda contradictory since you say that there’s not enough travel, yet you encourage to up the spring rate since there’s not enough. Could it be possible that his front end settings are too stiff, preventing adequate wheel travel, and this could be causing his understeer issues?
Also, raising the car would really do nothing but correct his geometry (and possibly slightly change the shape of his rebound curve - depending on where the piston’s current range of motion lies), or he could keep it slammed and just reset his control arms with extended bj’s. If you’re going to get all technical, at least explain yourself more thoroughly, not some bullshit like “i think bumping the car up a little would help in grip overall anyways its way too lowered, the suspension doesn’t get to do its job” - thanks Ahmed, I now know that I have to make my suspension ‘do its job’ by raising the car height…not.
With understeer there’s also contribution from his steering column. On my car I’m currently noticing a high amount of flex from the column bushing (soooo shot right now, replacing with aluminum next year) so when I add steering input, due to the flex, this gives a springy feeling to your steering input (ie. it might take maybe 1/16 of a turn to actually start moving the wheels). Once the wheels start to move, all of the preload built up from the column flex outputs to the wheels all at once, giving you something far from a linear input -> output. This is for manual steering btw. In Sil8t’s case, I’m sure his tie-rod geometry’s a bit off at his current height but meh…shouldn’t be that much of a factor compared to the LCA angles and undersized sway (if that’s the case).
And were you saying 285/30/18’s on the s14 just because you wish you could run those with your MONSTROUS taurus brakes? Check again buddy, I think you’re just dreaming…oh wait, you always are.
I’ll give you credit though, your ‘friends’ setup is pretty nice.
Have a good one.
PS: C’mon Mark, you’re losing your touch… Simply saying ‘gay’ isn’t up to your usual standards man. How come no love for autox?
Kimmer, it’s Ahmed, he just talks like he knows. I don’t know why you wasted your time to type all that.
And relax, I wasn’t saying gay to autox, I just said gay in general. If you want specifics, it was about that gay huge sticker on sil8t’s car. I’d love to try autox. But I prefer going to a Roadcourse as it’s easier for me since the track is all laid out for you, rather than cones.
tires on the s14 are 245’s on a 9.5j rim
for more info here’s the link
I think if you have windeshield decals saying you killing it…you better get pics that look more like this…
Exactly. Like I said. Poser.