A lesson learned the hard way.

so does the watch still work?

shit…ouch man… that rlly sucks…
i never wear jewelry when i work on my car… always afraid something might happen… u neevr now…

first lesson you learn in health and safty, your lucky it wasnt worse. dont wear any kind of metal on your hands when working on a car. ive seen rings burn through fingers its gross. Trust me on this safty first

^They can also get crushed or caught and take your finger off right quick. I know a guy who’s missing his middle finger past the first knuckle because of it.

battle scars lol im sure anyone who has worked on there car got some or will but that must have killed, thinking of the pain hurts.
i dislocated my thumb slightly lol and got a scar when my wrench slipped while i was tightening my exhaust and my thumb hit a the head of a bolt. I was able to see my bone but by the time i got my exhaust back on and car off the jack the bleeding stoped, but about a month later just after 1 swing of a baseball bat it opened up.

ouch, good thing i dont wear watches either. hope the healing process is gonna be good. like posted above, bun dem tings and itll ease the pain, always helps me.

we all have battle scars from working on our cars but thats a doozzy. just one more reason why the battery should be disconnected when doing work in the engine bay.
