omg i can’t deal with this incredibly terribly formed paragraph. Let me respond to everything though. Hopefully I can break the ideas up as you intended and respond accordingly.
Correct I do attend school at UB, I’m 23
When I was 14 I worked with my step father at a metal fabrication plant, where I learned to weld, and do other tasks that were required to modify racks for ford so they could accommodate new parts.
When i was 16 I worked as a bus boy/ dishwasher for a restaurant until I was 18 when I went away to Basic Military training.
I enlisted in the Air National Guard. Now almost serving 6 years I have done the following.
Honor Graduate (top 10%) in BMT
Expert marksman in BMT
Honor Graduate for Technical training as an air craft mechanic
After training and actually doing the work. I’ve been to many places around the US too many to name individually, Guam, Turkey, Norway, Ecuador, Antilles, and probably a few more I’ve been to many places myself. Personal Travel I’ve been to France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.
I started at the university at buffalo when i was 19 or 20 during which I obtained an IT Job as a student, working my way up to a Supervisor position, which there are 6 of us… in charge of i think the current number is 59 consultants.
I really can’t say that I haven’t lived a well fulfilled life, when I’m clearly more educated than you, and probably understand more about the world than you do.
Yes I left a lot of details out, specifics because I really don’t feel I need to explain in great detail. Moving on…
France is still beautiful BTW. After World War I there should have been indications of something happening when Germany began rearming and gaining strength.
Yes, Germany destroyed a ton of Europe, but did you see 9/11 happening, no. We should have banned all muslims from the flights already, or Eradicated germany after WWI or before. /sarcasm
you are viewing everything in retrospect, congratulations everything is much easier to see after it happens.
So lets arm the teachers with weapons and give every student a hand gun. Sure I would have hoped I could have defended myself at VT. The larger problem of this was the signs that were ignored by the Asian person who did the deed. If someone would have caught them, or was educated enough to realize there is a problem this would have been prevented with therapy. Do you think its a gun thats needed in this case to shoot the crazy kid? or therapy to prevent any deaths including the shooter?
rhetorical question, question used merely for effect and not expecting an answer.
Thats a ridiculous claim, you can’t rape the willing.
Nope I haven’t seen the ugly of the world, I’ve only been to corrupt countries where you can pay the police off for anything, because the 4 dollars a day they are making is a lot less than 100 bucks for turning their head and not seeing you kill someone.
Or the gang members that you can get to kill someone for 150 bucks.
Or the times when we’re restricted to go places because of recent activities of people being snatched off the roads, tossed in the back of vans and beaten to death or just severely beaten and left in the middle of the rain forest. Why, for 40 bucks you may have in your wallet.
what did I do while I was in those places? I trusted the system and the Intel that I was given, and I’m still here.
I would rather be optimistic about it and disarm and take full faith in the system, instead of being defiant because the only person I can trust is myself. So Continue to be pessimistic and hold on to your guns forever. Do you really think in 50 years the focus is going to be on Wars or Crime? No, We’ll be more focused on a better life, whether its combating cancer, or a new kind of Super Bacteria (omg the new staph infection?!?!?). Violence and self protection is not the answer. The system fails when people don’t let it succeed. Yes I’m aware of the chance of a flawed system, I feel that the US getting rid of weapons would be able to accommodate for any lack of protection that you have, whether its a better police system for internal problems and increased military for external threats.
Thats unfortunate that it happened to a church, and great there was a hero. Put it in the news for everyone to embrace. If there was no guns, assuming the story was someone who held up the church with a gun. There wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place.
Story time, my grandmother found out relatively recently that my cousin dropped out of college to pursue love to marry a Puerto Rican in the Air Force.
Grandmother’s initial response, “I will never accept that as marriage I cannot believe she married that spic” My grandfather being much worse and much more racist, he also was in World War 2 and an active member of the church.
Is this something you want to put your faith into. Complete intolerance? Racism? Ask your grandparents what their thoughts on minorities are.
Maybe It doesn’t specifically match the example, but its a good example of how flawed older people can be.
Did I answer everything?