A little gun history


Merry Xmas from NYSPEED

[quote=ILCisDEAD;780695]Are you too fucking dense to realize that a gun is something designed to kill?

A glock can hold what 21 bullets? There is 21 people that could potentially be dead, because you did not secure your weapon. Do you really think your average criminal is going to grab a safe and spend that much time to carry it out and try to crack it.

So if you have 15 gunsā€¦ thats 315 bullets. 315 people possibly deadā€¦


But if those 21 people or 315 people are also armed. It would take all of about 30 seconds for him to be dropped.

Look at the Virginia Tech situation, if they security guards were armed they could have stopped him, but no one had any guns on school campus so he was free to just keep going.

Edit: I fail at quoting

But if those 21 people or 315 people are also armed. It would take all of about 30 seconds for him to be dropped.

Look at the Virginia Tech situation, if they security guards were armed they could have stopped him, but no one had any guns on school campus so he was free to just keep going.

Edit: I fail at quoting

you are right the virginia tech tragedy could have been much less if they were armed you are probably right. Also, they could check people for guns, If he lives in the dorms Guns are not allowed, he would have never had a gun in the first place.

You do realize that the ONLY crime by a citizen with a LEGALLY obtained machine gun since 1934 was a COP! Yes, a police officer was the ONLY person to use a LEGALLY owned machine gun in a crime in the US in the past 73 years! There are more machine guns in the hands of private law abiding citizens in the us than there are in the hands of the US military and police combinedā€¦and the only person to use one in a crime that was legally purchased was a police officerā€¦so tell me how endangered we all really are by citizens owning firearms.


This is such bad logicā€¦

I think you seem to forget that people kill people with the assistance of guns and plenty of things we use on a daily basis in our lives.

Yes having a firearm in your possession does allow you the potential to kill, but using it to do so is a CHOICE. The people that steal guns and use them to kill people are making a CHOICE and therefore you should not be responsible or accountable for their CHOICES.

Everything that Carnut and N20Junkie just mentioned are legal possessions are they not?

According to that logic then YOU SHOULD BE responsible if someone steals your car and slams it into a daycare killing 20 little kids regardless of whether you left the keys in it or they just flat out stole it.

So going along with that, if someone just flat out stole my car and slammed it into the daycare killing all those kids, and lets say hypothetically they didnā€™t catch the guy, I should go to jail because itā€™s my car and even though someone else made a CHOICE to steal it and slam it into a daycare I should still be held accountable and is the one who should go to jail for it?

where the fuck did I say anything about machine guns?

ILC do you actually believe the stuff you are saying? Or are you just trying to stem a debate? Just wondering.

Iā€™m more concerned about how many people lose their lives to nunchucks every year.

^ hahaha

You know what ILC. I have walked this earth for 10 straight years, in defense of the pure retardness that you spew onto the world. Your location say it all, and your words prove it. UB, your a snot nosed, know it all, college student that has only lived under your parents, and now a school system. You know about 1 percent of life. While i was tramping over the world, i got to see other countries, that thought they had life by the balls, then one day someone decided to fuck it up. France was beautiful, until germany wanted it, hell, most of europe was destroyed by something called WWI and WWII. Do you honestly think that they saw that comming, had they they would of stopped it. Before the VT incident, we thought it was good to have gun free school zones, but we learned they only keep away legal gun owners (the only ILLEGAL guns are those restricted by local laws or the NFA, a stolen gun is still legal, the act of stealing it was the illegal part, you never hear a stolen car called an ā€œillegal carā€). If there had been a student or a teacher in that classroom where over 15 students had died, do you think he would have killed them all. Do you think for a fuckin second that if someone walked into your classroom and started killing people that at that instant you wouldnā€™t pray for a gun to defend youself. If you mother was being raped, would you just call 911 and wait for the cops to show up, you seem to put alot of faith in a system, that by Supreme Court ruling is not required to keep you safe, they only protect the Public, and an individual is not that at all. You have yet to see the ugly of the world, and have yet to see that criminals will never obey your laws, only good citizens do that. Go ahead and disarm us, have at it. I pray you never have the need to defend yourself after such an law is passed. I know of a church that jsut 2 weeks ago was saved by a woman with a pistol, go figure. Ever wonder why young people are liberal in there though process, and the majority of older people are more conservative, could have a little bit to do with life experiance.

WAT? you must either be 10 years old or have very sore legs.

A gunā€™s sole purpose is to kill, A steak knifes primary purpose is to cut steak and eat it. A carā€™s purpose is transportation. You still following me?

Yes you can adapt things to kill also, if a person really wanted to kill someone with an avocado, paper clip and some tin foil they could.

Point being a gun, is designed to kill, mean that its primary purpose is to kill. Yes you could open your beer with a handgun, or turn off your tv. Guns would be adapted to do something like that outside of its intended purpose.

Yes it is ā€œYOUR CHOICEā€ to kill but due to the fact that a gunā€™s primary purpose is to kill, why shouldnā€™t you be responsible for its actions. Keep in mind Murder is illegal, where as driving your car is not. Shooting someone with a gun is Murder, driving your car into some children is also murder but its used for something than its intended purpose, aside from being a completely terrible example that some IDIOT came up with. You need to also understand that if you left the keys in the ignition, unlocked and no alarm, yes thats pretty negligent, and you deserve to be charged with something if you assist in a criminals escape, or some crazy dude that has it in for a group of children.

Correct they are legal possesions, Iā€™ve answered the car bit above, but if your child takes a knife out of the drawer because it wasnā€™t locked or it was in reach, and kills a friend, or him/herself who is responsible? The child? The friend for being killed cause he didnā€™t have a knife to defend himself?

No you would be liable/responsible for your kids action regardless if he is stealing from the drawer since you do technically own that knife and he/she did not.

Again, I apologize for not explaining every single possible way to kill a group of 4 year olds, so if someone goes above and beyond to break in and hot wire your car and kills a bunch of childrenā€¦ no you shouldnā€™t be responsible. Also remember that the cars sole purpose is not to just kill. Where as a gun, designed to kill.

Now If I was able to LEGALLY obtain a nuclear weapon another item designed to Kill, and it was stolen from me and used to kill a million people. Do you think i should go to jail?

your logic Says no, the guy that stole the device should. Meaning that when I legally obtain a live nuclear weapon and use it as a couch and someone steals it and kills people, Iā€™m not going to jail. There a completely ridiculous example like the examples everyone else has been harping on so aggressively.

You clearly have no clue, or are just simply retarded to feel that you should be completely responsibility free for someone stealing your weapon and killing someone


personally, I do own a shotgun, I use it to hunt, its very secure. If someone steals it, I am responsible for it.

this topic is obsolete based on the fact that chuck norris will just roundhouse kick everyone in the face and be the last man standing on this pitiful planet


The truth is i do have 2 very sore legs. And a sore back, 3 deployments, tend to do that. On that note, i will leave you guys to finish this off. I have stated my points, and only a fool would try to sway someones opinion, all one can wish for is to mearly discuss it. MERRY CHRISTMAS To all you guys. This conversation has helped me to forget this craphole for a few minutes. :deadhorse2:

WAT dont they hav the nice decor in the DFAC for you? Its the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!

omg i canā€™t deal with this incredibly terribly formed paragraph. Let me respond to everything though. Hopefully I can break the ideas up as you intended and respond accordingly.

Correct I do attend school at UB, Iā€™m 23

When I was 14 I worked with my step father at a metal fabrication plant, where I learned to weld, and do other tasks that were required to modify racks for ford so they could accommodate new parts.

When i was 16 I worked as a bus boy/ dishwasher for a restaurant until I was 18 when I went away to Basic Military training.

I enlisted in the Air National Guard. Now almost serving 6 years I have done the following.

Honor Graduate (top 10%) in BMT
Expert marksman in BMT
Honor Graduate for Technical training as an air craft mechanic

After training and actually doing the work. Iā€™ve been to many places around the US too many to name individually, Guam, Turkey, Norway, Ecuador, Antilles, and probably a few more Iā€™ve been to many places myself. Personal Travel Iā€™ve been to France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.

I started at the university at buffalo when i was 19 or 20 during which I obtained an IT Job as a student, working my way up to a Supervisor position, which there are 6 of usā€¦ in charge of i think the current number is 59 consultants.

I really canā€™t say that I havenā€™t lived a well fulfilled life, when Iā€™m clearly more educated than you, and probably understand more about the world than you do.

Yes I left a lot of details out, specifics because I really donā€™t feel I need to explain in great detail. Moving onā€¦

France is still beautiful BTW. After World War I there should have been indications of something happening when Germany began rearming and gaining strength.

Yes, Germany destroyed a ton of Europe, but did you see 9/11 happening, no. We should have banned all muslims from the flights already, or Eradicated germany after WWI or before. /sarcasm

you are viewing everything in retrospect, congratulations everything is much easier to see after it happens.

So lets arm the teachers with weapons and give every student a hand gun. Sure I would have hoped I could have defended myself at VT. The larger problem of this was the signs that were ignored by the Asian person who did the deed. If someone would have caught them, or was educated enough to realize there is a problem this would have been prevented with therapy. Do you think its a gun thats needed in this case to shoot the crazy kid? or therapy to prevent any deaths including the shooter?

rhetorical question, question used merely for effect and not expecting an answer.

Thats a ridiculous claim, you canā€™t rape the willing.

Nope I havenā€™t seen the ugly of the world, Iā€™ve only been to corrupt countries where you can pay the police off for anything, because the 4 dollars a day they are making is a lot less than 100 bucks for turning their head and not seeing you kill someone.

Or the gang members that you can get to kill someone for 150 bucks.

Or the times when weā€™re restricted to go places because of recent activities of people being snatched off the roads, tossed in the back of vans and beaten to death or just severely beaten and left in the middle of the rain forest. Why, for 40 bucks you may have in your wallet.

what did I do while I was in those places? I trusted the system and the Intel that I was given, and Iā€™m still here.

I would rather be optimistic about it and disarm and take full faith in the system, instead of being defiant because the only person I can trust is myself. So Continue to be pessimistic and hold on to your guns forever. Do you really think in 50 years the focus is going to be on Wars or Crime? No, Weā€™ll be more focused on a better life, whether its combating cancer, or a new kind of Super Bacteria (omg the new staph infection?!?!?). Violence and self protection is not the answer. The system fails when people donā€™t let it succeed. Yes Iā€™m aware of the chance of a flawed system, I feel that the US getting rid of weapons would be able to accommodate for any lack of protection that you have, whether its a better police system for internal problems and increased military for external threats.

Thats unfortunate that it happened to a church, and great there was a hero. Put it in the news for everyone to embrace. If there was no guns, assuming the story was someone who held up the church with a gun. There wouldnā€™t have been a problem in the first place.

Story time, my grandmother found out relatively recently that my cousin dropped out of college to pursue love to marry a Puerto Rican in the Air Force.

Grandmotherā€™s initial response, ā€œI will never accept that as marriage I cannot believe she married that spicā€ My grandfather being much worse and much more racist, he also was in World War 2 and an active member of the church.

Is this something you want to put your faith into. Complete intolerance? Racism? Ask your grandparents what their thoughts on minorities are.

Maybe It doesnā€™t specifically match the example, but its a good example of how flawed older people can be.

Did I answer everything?

LOL @ The russian.