It’s logic like this that allows many frivelous law suits to begin. Someones private property is someones private property. Dont TRESSPASS and STEAL someones property. I agree with safes for accidents sake but don’t tell me how to live my life. If someone commits a crime first off by stealing my gun, and then commits a second crime by murdering someone with it and you come to take ME in for his crimes… what is wrong with that picture.
That is an unproductive use of tax payers money and societies efforts. Much like suing the gun manufacturers. That is like suing the car manufacturers claiming the cars cause DWI fatal accidents. right.
Be responsible for your own actions. This is common sense and something we have apparently lost in the United States of America.
Good idea. And if a gang banger steals your car, and kills a cop when a chase ensues, then you should be fined and held liable. And when your steak knives are stolen, and a guy gets stabbed, then you should be sued into poverty. See you and many others, still blame one person, for the act of another. How is it my respinsibility when someone BREAKS into my HOME, STEALS my property, then commits a crime. See you thinking like a pure blood liberal. You think i am wrong, for the simple fact of owing a gun. Why don’t you blame the fucking asshole that broke into my house. You don’t secure 3,000 lbs of killing machine (car) with a 1/4 in safe. Keep in mind, that if you take away one of the parts of the bill of rights, you very well stand to lose them all. This was understood many many years ago, and this is why we have the 2nd amendment. Do you think that it was number 2 because it was taken lightly? Its above your freedom of religion, and self incrimination. Until you are dragged into court for someone elses actions, you will never know. But BS thought processes like yours, cause good americans to lose there entire life earnings, because of a crack head or meth addict decided to do bad with your property. Take care of the fuckin criminal, don’t try to make your entire society a criminal.
Its your fucking property. You own a gun, its your responsibility to have it locked up. You make it sound like someone is just going to grab your gun thats sitting on a table or something. You purchase it knowing that its sole purpose is to kill. Don’t you think you should be 100% responsible for every action of that gun. You use it when you want to, when you are done you lock it up so it does not get into the hands of someone else.
pls clarifty tx. what “race” are you talking about, because at first i thought you meant perhaps American, or do you mean human race? Not to mention that “we” is polarized since im sure many people would not consider themselves to be a part of your “race”. I personally am not self destructive, rather adhere to the fight or flight instincts. Saying that we are self destructive reflects Hobbes; sorry to break it to you but America was founded on Lockean principles, thus the reason we have government. I would no doubt if faced with a life or death situation knife someone in the throat before they could do the same to me, but i dont look to kill weaker people nor be a destructive force on the world. is that the type of person you are? because maybe its misrepresentative of gun owners…
Dude, your a fuck, calm down, and go back to some fist person shooter game, or to your tofu lunch. When you get a little life experiance under you belt, and realize the real ways of the world, come back and talk.
a steak knife isnt something you need a background check for.
a car, is a separate entity, but thanks for trying to go off topic.
i own an office that stores medical equipment, if someone steals a drug and dies, its my ass on the line, its as simple as keeping it secured and reporting it asap to exonerate myself should anything happen… its called negligence. i mean if you have a gun and its unlocked and say… your kid, finds it and shoots his friend because they were playing, its your fault still to a minor degree.
but yes its true but arming yourself is defensive not destructive. oh on a side note i dont own any guns but love shooting them, i dont really have much experience though, ive only shot an ak47, ar15, couple shotguns, and some dinky 12’s. i want to buy a S&W .50 eventually, i think the 5 shooter is so cool. im just saying people should be MORE responsible.
Exactly, This is what happens when a populace decides to rise up. The German commander had such high soldier losses that he decided to blow up EVERY house systematically rather than send soldiers door to door to clear the area out. Matt, the Jews were able to get very small and limited amounts of weapons from the underground, smuggled in through the sewers. An armed populace cannot forever hold off a trained army, but they can force a war of attrition, as evident here.
Following your ill conceived logic, that means the rest of the constitution is also moot. Way to go fuckstick.
Honestly, there is no way you can make that decision behind your computer in a safe and secure house. It was a totally different environment.
Very well, I plan on stealing your car and crashing it into a day care. But since the car is your property and you just that
that means you have some responsibility for MY actions. Does this make any sense to you? Or has your mind totally turned to jello. Tell you what, Ill make you a deal. You can continue being a thin lipped panty waist liberal fuckstick faggot . Ill follow the constitution and keep my guns, when the shit hits the fan ill join the militia and make history as someone who had a set and was willing to fight for what he believed in, you will be reduced to a couple of thousand insignificant posts on your beloved internet.
You summed it up a short, “i’m a liberal”, course you expect everyone else to be responsible for the criminals actions, cause criminals just come from poor uneducated neighborhoods. Its not their fault that my guns were in my house, locked behind a 2 inch wood door, with a deadbolt, and a puttbull (yea, you hate her also) guarding them. Its my fault. So what if there in a gun locker, or a safe, and the entire safe is stolen, even though it was chained to the floor, but the chain was cut, and the took it. Am i still responsible? Where are the limits on your grand plan. So when you go to the rifle range, and someone steals your guns off the bench, then i guess your gonna go to jail when they shoot up a bank. rock on
the 2nd amendment, not the rest of the constitution is out of date.
I know what happened in the holocaust. If the Jews had weapons to just start firing at the Germans. They would have been dead right there, the germans would have killed the person with the gun and their family (family killing is speculation, but very possible outcome). Yes many died in the concentration camps, but many survived too (obviously not nearly as many, but you are still alive a little bit long than just being shot when first found)
My car is unlocked with the keys in the ignition, if so, please crash directly into the first one you see, or scout it out for a little bit so you can maximize your kill count. I will be 100% responsible for not making sure my car was stolen. Maybe I shouldn’t though, since a car’s intended purpose is to transport people and goods, not to kill people. So you would be using the car for a purpose beyond what it is initially intended for, but I fucked up and didn’t have an alarm on it, left it unlocked, left the keys in the ignition, and didn’t alert authorities that the car was missing… Negligence.
You can keep your guns, and keep them secure.
Are you really that paranoid that the US is going to go to shit where you will have to join a local militia? Or just a huge dreamer to one day think that you will go on this epic battle to fight a russian invasion and be a hero. To me that sounds like you have nothing going for you, and you dream about this kind of shit all the time to make yourself feel significant so one day you’ll have that calling to lead the local militia into battle against the aliens that are coming from a parallel universe.
Sorry but I have news for you: the aliens aren’t coming, the russians won’t be invading, You will never be a military General to lead your troups into battle and be considered a great leader or a great man for that matter. honestly a civilian lead militia will just get in the way of the real military. you will never have your glory so please just kill yourself before your hopes and dreams get skewed into a reality and you start to fight civilization.
About your guns, when you shoot them do get a rise? I bet you could take a nice shot gun and put the but of it on your ass and get a pretty good tickle when you pull the trigger. Ooo or do you shove the barrel up your ass and see if your balls can touch the trigger? Personally when I shoot a weapon and I see that bullet penetrate a big watermelon and explode out the back, it makes me cum my pants everytime.
You are just another retard, in this wonderful world that we have. So make love to your guns, and when that “time” comes where you get to fight the aliens you’ll be prepared… GRRRRRR… you will be my idol.
Are you too fucking dense to realize that a gun is something designed to kill?
A glock can hold what 21 bullets? There is 21 people that could potentially be dead, because you did not secure your weapon. Do you really think your average criminal is going to grab a safe and spend that much time to carry it out and try to crack it.
So if you have 15 guns… thats 315 bullets. 315 people possibly dead…
shit lets just keep nuclear weapons in our houses too they were meant to kill. Could probably kill a good million people. But they are still designed to kill.
Yes its completely ridiculous to compare a Nuclear weapon with a gun. I’ll bet you a million dollars if a nuclear weapon comes up missing, someone will be going to jail, regardless if it was used or not.
You purchased a weapon (designed to kill) you are responsible for keeping it safe. Yes I could see it being pardoned if you had an elaborate setup to secure the weapon and 14 guys came in and stole it from you. You would at least have put in an exceptional effort.
Just think though, I could find out where you live, steal your gun shoot 10 people, with no trace of my finger prints anywhere on the gun, or in your house. With a Generic set of shoes while you were away. No witnesses cause i would do it at night. Then I put the gun back your alibi doesn’t stand up too well. Look who just got framed for murder.