A little gun history

Extremes bog people down in argument and indecision, understanding both sides allows you to cut through the bullshit and get things done. Walk the middle.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Don’t take ILC’s word for his supervisor position at CIT UB. He really does it for the fringe benefits, like breakfast in the Computing Center at 9AM with all the hourly workers. Pancakes and eggs oh my.

Does that crazy receptionist broad give you her candies from Holland, too? I asked for one once during the summer and the bitch…ugh. She also eats the same meals every day. Right down to the portions.

those 6 million would have wiped out that 18 million in a heart beat

alot of battles have been lost when one side knows they have nothing to loose because even if they surender they will not survive.

trap 10 people in a fort and tell them its either they die figthing or they die a worse death after they are captured, and it will take 60+ of your best men to take just one person from that fort

your 60+ men will be taking shots only when they feel safest to do so, meanwhile those 10 is cranking off rounds at him like madmen.

death becaomes a non issue to them, after they realize they are going to die anyways they fight like they are fearless, because they basicly are

I was just saying…