The A1 had its 1st race this past weekend. Well it was kind of a qualifier. Its called a sprint. I don’t know how many of you are following this but most race fans are. Anyways here are the results for the top ten:

  1. Brazil

  2. France

  3. New Zealand

  4. Australia

  5. Great Britain

  6. Mexico

  7. Pakistan

  8. Portugal

  9. Switzerland

  10. Ireland

  11. Canada

I’m a bit suprised that teams like Italy and Germany didn’t do so well.

I don’t think its going to be aired on Speed network just yet. I hear ESPN had it. So anyone here following it?

BTW. My team is 7TH - Pakistan Driver : Adam Khan :smiley:


That’s not bad.

Look out for the upcoming GPM series, also. It will decimate all.


P.S. you can watch the A1 race that just happened at www.a1gp.com/media

^^^ Legendary F1 drivers racing!! :shock:
Thats gona be good. If had to make a choice to watch either one it would still have to be A1. I love international competition and Motorsports, put them together and :wackit:

The A1GP is an exciting evolution. With all teams being equal, smaller countries have a chance to showcase their talented drivers. The opportunities are abundant, and for that fact alone, I see this as a great step for motorsports. Let’s just hope the fans will realize this and back the series wholehartedly.

Nice to see some more stepping stones being added to “the big league” of F1.