she might have a “weave”
weaves this is by no means in reference to your name…
she might have a “weave”
weaves this is by no means in reference to your name…
she has a tibby, not a gbody :booty:
next weekend she will be racing down west liberty instead of up it :rolleyes: …
and rear end someone
your fucked up lol
a “weave” is fake hair…
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
way over your head, the scorpions are nibbling on it.
:doh: shit… i got :owned:
i think we might be :offtopic: …just by a bit though
But we are in the :offtopic: forum :ugh2:
good point lol
lol along with everyone else
When i had a hit and run on my front bumper my insurance company at first submitted the check to the dealer. Then i called them back and told them that i needed the check directly to me cause i found a cheaper source for the bumper. They cancelled out the old check and resubmitted one to me. Worked out pretty good cause i ended up getting a little bit extra since i found the bumper for a cheaper price. Oh yea kristen you need to slow :spank:
:1320: :gives: