ADMIN: 'leadership' change >> moved to MEMBERS

The club cannot and will not be changed overnight. Small and seemingly insignifcant changes over time eventually add up, though.
I totally agree with Bing that changes for change’s sake are stupid. People who cry for change but can’t pinpoint what exactly is wrong in the first place aren’t going to help the situation. There must be a solid plan for:
a) what changes should go down
b) why they should go down
c) how will they be implemented and
d) how (or whether) their implementation will adress the problems in the first place.

Here is my take on SOME of the issues at hand…

  1. Given the club’s overall demographic, I don’t think reorienting the club towards a strictly motorsport-based affair is the best plan. However, there are a good number of people who take motorsports more seriously and I think the club should accomodate them better than it does now. This means a reorganization of the forum, which (face it) makes up the largest part of this ‘club’, in a way that lets serious people be serious, social people be social, and stupid people be stupid.
    Does this mean we should have tiered forum sections? Maybe. (More on this later.) This is one of the issues that have divided club leaders and veterans and addressing it, I think, will go a long way to making the club better for all.

Do we need ‘official’ track days? It would be nice, but I agree with Bing when he says that the track-time opportunities being offered here are plentiful. If the end-goal is to provide opporunity for people to get their car on a road-course, then this goal is being met-- even exceeded I would say. There is no shortage of track-day events. What would be even better, though, would be a club SPONSORED trackday where the club subsidizes some of the cost from its coffers. (Of course… as it is now, there is no club coffer and there is no accountability or transparency with ANY financial matters. Everything is on need-to-know and that is one of the reasons, I believe, for the low confidence levels in the leadership of this club by members or potential members.)

  1. Bing’s meet is certainly the largest SON meet and, dare I say, the best one by far. But it happens once a year and, as such, cannot makeup for other initiatives that make a club- a club. Right now, SON is an online forum 364 days of the year and a car club 1 day of the year. The reason for this is because nobody else is stepping up to the plate, like Bing has done, to host and organize a similar gathering.

Let’s be realistic though. I don’t expect people to routinely take the time out of their lives to organize an event for hundreds of people and 100+ cars. Bing has proven that he can do it, and do it well, and that is why his meet is the highlight of the SON calendar. But I don’t think one terrific meet excuses lackluster activity throughout the rest of the year and, certainly, I do not believe it excuses the piss-poor organization of club finances nor the weak, childish, immature attitudes on the online-side of the club.

Below are listed some of the more salient points underlining the club’s weaknesses, which I think need to be addressed.

Clearly there is a need to reconcile, on the one hand, the level of retardation taking place on the forums on a daily basis and, on the other hand, the degree of inclusiveness which the club offers.

Related to the above point, there is a need to reorganize the forum, particularly in two ways. The second is easy to change, the first-- not so much. 1) The general attitude and demeanor of posts needs to change-- a lot. 2) The sections themselves could be better organized to facilitate browsing and searching, as well as to induce people to post in the right place.
The amount of asshattery on the boards lately is crazy. I think it would be wise to consider splitting the board into different tiers… one tier where anything goes (within reason)and one where asshattery is absolutely not tolerated. That way, people who come here to troll or “be social” will still have a place to chill, and people who want to talk tech in a civil manner can do so without being interrupted by retards.

there is a need to get club finances organized and a need to demonstrably show members where their money is going and what they are paying for. If the club isn’t prepared to give discounts or club cards or stickers or whatever… then the front page SHOULD NOT be making those promises to prospective members. This “trust us we know what’s best” attitude isn’t worth jack shit.

P.S. If you read all this crap, at least it shows you have more than a passing interest in the well-being of this place. Thanks.

well the dudes at Dunnville let me borrow tools out of their shop when i was there… seemed nice enough.

putting it to a vote seems a bit much… if Adam and Andrew want to start up some track events and tech sessions in the name of SON then there is no reason why they cannot just start doing it at any time.

if there are people that want to move into a new direction they need only move into that direction.

like what do people really expect us to do? have a general assembly and tell everyone that we are changing the way SON will appreciate 240sx’s…

no one is preventing anyone from doing anything within reason… at the end of the day is simply a message board… the members / users decide what the club is by doing whatever it is they do.

if everyone started racing and hanging out at the race tracks every weekend then SON would reflect that, but they dont and so it doesnt.

Let’s just keep the way the club is then.

Someone lock this thread.

I agree with you bing 100%

and Mike i agree with your points. But if you remember, we had an “off topic” chat for ages. The removal of that cause the last huge 15 page debate between myself and Chris(13th angel) along with a few other people fo the time.

My views have since changed on that subject. It doesn’t work. You end up with the same amount of idiots running around and crap loads of work for the mods.

If you want to get the forums under better control of the general Asshattery and i’m guilty of it. We need there to be a strict mod policy like there was 2 -3 years ago. None of this crap was stood for. Shit i was banned several times for being an ass. I’d LOVE to see that happen now.

And it’s nto though a lack of trying on the mod’s parts, it’s just shear numbers. There should be 1 or 2 more mods elected just with the sole purpose of eradicating that problem

I think a lot of what spd-dmn is saying makes sense. But maybe have a separate racing section where people can get into more serious stuff, if they want to, and nobody will be allowed to ask “hey guy, how much for an SR swap??” in that section. No bashing, no locking, just straight delete if it ever shows up in the “serious” section. You can still be a clown in the rest, but have one piece of the forum where you have to be a mature adult. And maybe even have it open to public viewing, but only paid members can post in that section.

Edit: I think what Mike meant is not to add another section for asshattery, rather add a section with ZERO tolerance for asshattery.

Anyone who disagrees with you is bashing… interesting concept…

Hey Adam,

I was wondering when you would get around to this…

who the f*** are you?


who are you?

who the f*** are you?


who are you?[/quote]

Who am I? My name is Andrew, you are fastback240. This is the kind of asshatery that needs to stop. Mr. Fastback240 makes some retarded comment, doesn’t contribute at all to this thread and posts more bs after I told him to shut-up.

Anyway, Adam I’m glad you posted in this thread. Mike good comments.
I’m just sitting back and reading everything. Whatever you guys decide to do, I’m for it. A more technical and motorsport oriented section of the forum would be nice.


i like son. it is mostly just run by us. as users. the mods just interact when people are being idiots. or when we put things in the wrong sections. we have all come to know son as it is. some more then others. but ever since i have been visiting this site i have met some really nice people who love there 240s and to talk about them on here. point is if we all do our bit on keeping son going with our posts then the mods can only change so much. thats about all i have to say.

who the f*** are you?


who are you?[/quote]

Who am I? My name is Andrew, you are fastback240. This is the kind of asshatery that needs to stop. Mr. Fastback240 makes some retarded comment, doesn’t contribute at all to this thread and posts more bs after I told him to shut-up.

Anyway, Adam I’m glad you posted in this thread. Mike good comments.
I’m just sitting back and reading everything. Whatever you guys decide to do, I’m for it. A more technical and motorsport oriented section of the forum would be nice.


guess that’s your opinion and your initialed to it. im just going to be glad that not every one shares it.


Good points Mike.

I agree for the most part with everything you said.

As for change outside of new sections, visible money trail etc. I think a large part of the change will have to be on club member’s behaviour online.

As mods/admin, we can lock everything that goes offtopic/out of line but that doesn’t seem to work.

As others have already mentioned, the people the make the club what it is are the people who post here everyday, not only the club leaders.

Change isn’t something that we can just decide on and everything will be all good the next day.

It will take an effort from everyone.

Hey WOW and there I am leading the pack! NICE!!!

OMG is it a sign of things to come? Am I the next leader? :noes:


I don’t know?.., Im happy with the way things are around here…then again that’s just me, im not a complainer or a whiner, if I don’t like something I don’t bother with it… I just move on to the next best thing.

Honestly my only gripe with SON right now (with the exception of all the kiddy talk) is the forum. It never saves l/p, often times doenst load properly, etc.

I know we had a period there where we tried to migrate to new software but whatever happened to it? I think thats a good start to show the members that they are being taken care of.

THen we can all meet for drinks and discuss what we should do next :slight_smile:

Hey WOW and there I am leading the pack! NICE!!!


actually, i was in front but i left before that pic…

here are a couple more pics…

…auto spell-check

is the lack of auto-grammer/spell check…

Could we get a grammer program that will eliminate both eubonics and engrish?

Pffff no way, if anything it’s more strict now. I used to insult mods openly in threads and directly over PM. Only times I was every banned was for posting in a thread that said, “if you post here you will be banned”. Never for any posts that actually upset people. This site is so tame now.

ed i dont think thats why you didnt get banned. i think its that we know. Dispite all the hate from your posts, there is an awkward looking boy with a cute sil80 who needs some love and attention.

l :oops:

hence, no ban