Advance Auto Parts FTW!

:tup: to the guys at the advance in sunny la, theyre all so handsome too

and now that cky89 doesn’t work there i dont accidentally brake pads for an accord wagon and have to make 2 trips :bloated:


sorry no hot chick. I wish there was cause i work there too.

cant remember her name, shes a red head.


On a serious note, I try to take care of my customers. I didnt know who you were or that you were from NYspeed, but I try to live by the policy of, if a customer leaves my store with a smile, then they will come back. If any of you guys are in the neighborhood and you need parts come see me. I am the store manager and “I run that joint”.

Edit–>Carnut, your are talking about Renee, she works in the LAW in the back.

the owner of sears also owns autozone.I have to call them first. When they do not have the part because they never have any parts. then I call the napa warehouse those guys always pull through for me

yeah thats it. she’s cute

i know your pops

Boom Renee is hot true that balls wish I still worked there sometimes

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

well, now i know where to go. :tup:

Good god…when Nitroinsane mocks your grammar, you know it’s time to put your head in a car door jamb and just go ballistic…

I wish nothing good for you

Actually, that was a compliment to you, and an insult to him (sichmack).

I know