…? Whatever ???
there was so much reading in this thread I lost track.
Okay my 2 cent’s are in.
…? Whatever ???
there was so much reading in this thread I lost track.
Okay my 2 cent’s are in.
there is only one way to settle this. everyone in this thread must racein reverse gearfor pinks
nice, a free 240, lets do it.
hope you read the fine print
i was 17 when i got my 240 in august…and i’m only 18 now.
nothing stupid has happened to me because i have damn common sense.
so it’s not really about age, it’s about how much you think about the possible outcomes of fucktard driving.
if i wanna drift, i take it to late-night snow runs in the winter (and the occasional slide in the rain when i just can’t help myself :oops: ) and otherwise: track.
speeding i hardly even do, i don’t see the fun in going fast in a straight line. for that, you only need a heavy foot…
all it takes is a little self-control.
there’s a time and a place for everything. if you don’t follow that you could potentially get fucked over
uh… yea thats it. 8)
Race in reverse? Okay I will have to adjust my spoiler the other way so it can create some downforce.
Race for pinks? You want my insurance slip? Sure you can have and pay for it too.
Pinks is in USA up here they are Greens.
OMG Im reading some of the posts and some of you guys are like 17 and 18 That means some of you guys were born in like 1987 and 1988 !
Dammmmnn I remember what I was doing in 1987 and 1988 damn it people stop posting your ages your making me feel old and Im only 28… At least Bruce (sideways) is older then me
sorry :frown:
18 18 18 18 18!
im just gettign into this thread cuz i want to race for ownerships. i need a winter beater , or 6
Haha I’m younger than you and I know where the apostrophe key is.
I’m 24, so I’m with you on that. I remember what I was doing in 87/88 I think it had somehting to do with transformer toys. Us mid to late 20’s folks gotta stick together !
yeah I was hanging out with a car enthusiast today who was only 17. Everything honeslty depends on a person to person basis. this guy knew alot, and a great deal of respect for his vehicle and knew how to handle it.
on the other hand a majority of 17 yo kids I know are totaly developmentally challenged whom I wouldn’t trust with a pair of crayola safety scissors.
so in short, keep sharp objects and high powered vehicles away from anyone who look as dumb as you think they are j/k
Haha I’m younger than you and I know where the apostrophe key is. [/quote]
Acutally I was talking to David Wheeler and asking about grip turns … I couldn’t figure out why I was always understeering in low speed turns. Turns out I was just a terrible newb driver. And I was never practicing on the street, it was always in a huge parking lot.
The only time I’ve ‘drifted’ on the street is when I turned from plowed upper middle to unplowed 3rd line and I bent my control arms front and rear. Definetly not intended.
Well I think I did listen. Everyone basically hinted that I was a bad driver. So I stopped driving quickly and counted the days until I afford to start going to the track. Since then I’ve been accident and ticket free. And I remember exactly what I was like at that age. Trying to tell this guy what people told me. At least he sees both sides of the argument now instead of people telling him to go for it and just remember to check his tire pressure first …
Now that I’m with Formula SAE at Western I understand what driving fast really is. We have a car that we built by hand that can pull 1.5gs and do 0-100 in 3.5. I’ve only had the chance to drive it once so far … but it was incredible and I can’t wait until I’m no longer a starving student. Hopefully my engineering education will pay for a lot of track time in a nice track car.[/quote]
so did you ever find a radar detector that works? lol
Yeah I stopped playing with Transformers along time ago… :roll:
dude I graduated from grade 13 in 87’ …
point? point? fack the point is lost!!
help someone find it!
or dont… becuase the shiz is locked
Hey Pavel. Suck my dick.
You won’t see me on the track likely for a while. Why? Because my parents are giving me about $20,000 a year so I can pay for school, my house, my car, my living expenses. I’ll graduate with two great degrees and 0 debt. My parents only catch is I can’t spend money on the car and I can’t go racing. So basically because I love my parents and they want me to keep my money for school I can’t afford to be buying track time and paying for the wear to the car. Come talk to me in another couple years.
So I’ve been part of this club forever and I’ve spent tons of time and effort helping others, and I’ve shown nothing but the greatest admiration and respect for the people who modify their cars nicely and take it out to the track like yourself.
I brought up Formula SAE because I’m proud of it. Designing a cart from scratch then building it from scratch with only students is a hell of a challange and it’s a hell of a lot of fun. Not to mention our car is deadly fast and we placed 22nd in the world, 3rd in canada just about a month ago at the detroit shoot-out. Hopefully by the next event I’ll win our time trials and get to drive the car then. Time will tell. I thought it might be interesting to a group of car enthuasists but I guess you only respect people who have the luxury of bringing their 240s to the track or who feel the need to do ‘top speed runs’ with blown shocks to show off what a good driver they are.
I have too much going for me to ruin my car and insurance by practicing on public roads / parking lots since as you pointed out I’m still a newbie driver (and I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit it. Let’s have a design competition and I’ll bet I beat you by more then you could beat me on the track).
You are a small man with a narrow field of vision I guess.
So Alan’s-240 there ya have it. Real men drive like jackasses on the road. Now go make us proud.
Thread unlocked.
Nothing wrong with a little healthy discussion. Sven had been gone for
eons soon after becoming a mod, so we’ll let him speak now.
Sven it costs, what maybe $200 to race your car? ($80 gas, $80 track,
$40 hookers). I hope you aren’t afraid of ‘breaking’ your car because we
all know the 240 can nevar lose.
Anyways, hope you keep to your word and you do hit the track after
school. Catch you in the rear view mirror :wavey:
What about brakes and tires? And actually having the time to go, some people work a lot to pay for what they’ve got, even if it aint much.
Sven - You’ve got it sooooo good you don’t even know it. Mine just pay for insurance on the car. The car, mods, school, books (I’m in engineering too, my books cost like a front clip :D) and everything else possible I pay myself by working all year long (2 jobs in the summer). And I’m still taking a full course load, didn’t fail anything. If my parents agreed to give me 20G’s a year not to race, I’d buy the slowest ugliest POS in the world and go 20 below the speed limit all the time. It’d be such a dream come true for me.
But on another note, I’ll be joining SAE as well next year if I finally have the time (commuting is a bitch) so maybe I’ll get to see you on the track
All you kids have it good these days. I did everything my self, even put my self through school. I bought my own house, I bought my own cars with my own money, I fixed my cars with my own money, I go to Europe every summer with my own money, I did everything with my own money.
I always had two jobs and up to now I still have two jobs and Im working night and day.
You appreciate things a lot more when you do it on your own. And you also feel better about your self and you learn to be more independent and have to relie on no one.
So stop your whining and bitching because most of you don’t know how good you have it.
I’m not whining or bitching.
My parents are giving me an amazing opportunity so I’m not going to throw it away by being a jackass to them.
I’ve worked hard too. I worked all through high school and summers as a lifeguard. Made good money because I was promoted to senior around gr.12. During university summers I work at AstraZenica moving boxes of expensive drugs around and get paid really well for a decently easy 9-5.
But any money I make just means my parents cut down what they give me a bit. Oh well.
Brakes tires engine transmission everything adds up and if my parents get pissed I’m wasting money then I’ll lose my ability to: a) not work and b) have my own place with my own car and spending money to go out and enjoy london’s finest.