All new cars made after 2016 limited to 65MPH

A car isn’t exactly a murder weapon of choice.

Law tends to be more lenient when a death occurs as a result of an accident rather then premediated.

The two are hardly comparable.

If you take a look at history of automotive deaths you will see that cars also became safer over the decades due to heavy government regulation and mandates, and the roads are patrolled daily by cops all over the country. It’s hardly a “wild west” out on the roads.

There are better similes to be had to indicate the arguable ineffectiveness of gun laws, comparing guns to cars isn’t a relevant one.

Edit: in regards to constitutional protection. Kinda hard to protect something by forefathers that didn’t exist. I’m sure if a notion came asking if people should have a right to own a horse, people would look at the proposer like he’s an idiot an say “duh”

“But horses aren’t the same as modern vehicles”

  • Neither are the weapons.

Straw man argument.

How many cars killed soldiers in the Civil War? Check and mate.

Oh and the obligatory.

If everybody had cars, car accidents wouldn’t happen!

I’ll see myself out… :rofl