All new cars made after 2016 limited to 65MPH


Cars kill people like guns do and there are more cars than guns. No license retesting ever takes place. Anyone who is intoxicated can use one. The interstate speed limit is most commonly 65MPH so why do we have cars that can easily go double or tripple those speeds on a public road? How many innocent people die every year as a result of high speed motor vehicle accidents?

a road in Texas just adopted a 80mph speed limit recently which is pretty crazy. I’m cool with cars only doing 65mph, but it better get there in 2 seconds…

I cant see any benefits in terms of road safety other than high speed accidents and speeding like you mentioned. I wouldn’t give a fuck as i see/will see enough great cars pre-2016

Are you implying gun massacres are “accidents”?

Doesn’t Japan already do this to a degree?

Your better approach would have been not using accidents in this but rather alcohol. Much easier to make a controlled drug, where people chose to get intoxicated and should be responsible for their actions part of discussion.

I’m trying to see everyone’s point of view on this. I’m not implying gun massacres are accidents. Isn’t the entire purpose of speed limits to reduce fatal traffic accidents? Do people drive cars into pedestrians intentionally? Limit the number of rounds in a magazine but not the top speed of a car? What about banning sports cars? They’re impractical and serve no other purpose than going fast, potentially killing others as a result.

I’m trying to prove a point how ridiculous some gun “laws” can be when there are hundreds of more ways to die that often have higher death rates.

This, and the fact that I don’t think people caught the sarcasm of the OP. It was more of a statement than an idea…

Ahh fuck it. This thread sucks.

Go here: and LOL at the rednecks who don’t get the joke. Arguments are pretty good lolol

I got the sarcasm, in a trolling mood today though.

that is fucking great :rofl

It’s interesting to see people use commons sense when it comes to cars on that FB page, but all of that is out the window when it comes to certain guns.

excellent OP

I’ll believe this when me shit turns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet.

The whole “assault weapon” ban was/is retarded. It didn’t even reduce crime. Everyone gets crazy when there is a mass shooting, but they account for a TINY fraction of deaths per year.

This article explains it better than I do:

i wish cop cars were limited to 65mph. world would be a better place

Just to stir up the pot.


i have been alive for 22years about to be 23 and i have been injured more by cars than guns.

thats just my personal experience.

i would like to know what has hurt you guys more? cars or guns?


I actually think that is one of the better ways of ‘controlling’ guns. Not only does it insure more gun owners are trained in the proper uses/handling, but it also gives each legal gun a paper trail. At the same time, it doesn’t prevent those that have no reason not to own a gun from getting what they want.

Here’s a better comparison: which one of those (cars and guns) are constitutionally protected?

Kill a man with a gun, you’ll neve legally be able to own a gun again (unless self defense).

Kill a man with a car, you’ll be able to get your license after serving jail time or probation.