Alternative to Adelphia (timewarner)

DISCLAIMER: Nothing against any races, nationalities etc.

I’ll try and keep this short. (That isn’t going to happen) CLIFF NOTES at bottom.

My VZ DSL modem arrived yesterday. I got the faster one. I hook it all up and can’t get it working. It’s now about 6:30 so I call support. I get a nice girl on the phone, we start the trouble shooting and we get cut off. She doesn’t call me back on the alternate number she asked me when we started the conversation.

I call back and get someone that sounds like they are from India. I have a really hard time understanding her. I explain that I do customer support for a living so she knows we can get technical. She proceeds to walk me through various things that I had already tried. She is explaining every step like I am a housewife that is more at home with a vacuum cleaner. I keep asking her to send me to tier 2 but apparently she has no idea what that is. We spend 1.5 hours and she finally wants to send me to the next level. The kicker is that they will contact me in 24-48 hours! I told her forget it and I will call the next day to cancel.

Today I was off work so I figure I’ll take another shot. I call tech support, after 5 minutes navigating the phone tree, I am connected to India again. I hang up.

Now I’m pissed and going to cancel. I call back, navigate correctly to get an agent to cancel my service. The electronic bitch passes me to tech support by mistake but to my amazement, I am connected to someone without an accent that was born here. Imagine that. I tell this guy my frustration with their tech support and he says he understands but cannot comment. wink wink.

In 15 minutes we determine that my modem is bad. New one shipped, go at it again Friday.

If it works, all is well, if not it will go back and I’ll be stuck with TW/Roadrunner.

I am in no way racist or anything like that. I was married to a Colombian and have seen that kind of treatment first hand. It took all my patience to work with the girl the night before. I was very respectful with her. Large companies do not understand that you cannot have an accent/language difference in the customer support field. It doesn’t work when trying to get technical. They only care about their bottom line. Customer service is dead in this country.

CLIFF NOTES: Can't get new DSL to work. 2 calls to India Tech support causes frustration and 1.5 hours of my time. Call to cancel, gets someone capable and in 15 minutes problem figured out.