Amherst Police - Sick a duck.

cops can drink and drive. - NO

cops can pull you over for no (real) reason at all. - YES

cops don’t have to wear seatbelts (click it or ticket, GTFO). YES, but most do especially seeing all the traffic accidents that happen. It may seem like most don’t because when they are shooting radar, no they don’t typically wear it. But when driving around/distances/transport, yeah they do.

and from personal experience/viewing, cops can talk on cell while driving. -YES, we all have family though, you mean to tell me you call no one during a given shift of work? Thought so.

more than not, cops abuse their status/power. - Most do not despite what you all may think. Hell, theres a lot of black people in jail for petit larceny (theft) does that mean that most black people steal? HELL NO, but that’s how stereotypes become born.

APD, for the most part is very cool. Like EVERY department, there is going to be a few assholes on a power trip and/or thinks that every kid they pull over is a criminal. I’ve personally been pulled over by APD 4 times. 3 times the officer was very polite and cool. There was 1 time, I had cruise control set at 50 (in a 45) I was pulled over and screamed at. I was polite and the officer was an asshole swearing at me and calling me names. He told me he radared me at 62. How do you tell a guy who may be an asshole flipping out on you that he’s lying?

You have to realize you can’t judge an entire department or law enforcement in general based on one experience. You also have to realize, if you’ve been pulled over 10-20 times, odds are you are going to run into a guy/gal officer who happens to be having a bad day and is taking it out on you. The same “asshole” that is pulling you over and claiming you’re drunk or high (I’d be frustrated and pissed as hell too) may be the same “asshole” that makes the arrests of drunken idiots who may crash into and hurt/kill you or someone you know. (but then everyone claims they are doing their job)

You have to realize how many damn people on the road past 1 am really have been drinking (A LOT). 3/4 of the times I’ve been pulled over has been past 1 am. The majority of the time, yeah, they were just checking to see if I’ve been drinking. 7-8 over is over the speed limit and all the reason needed to see if I was drinking. However, every time, respect was given in both directions and I’ve not been ticketed.
