Amherst Police - Sick a duck.


cops are cops, there all just people with a badge… both you and I should know this best if we have family on the force…

People have great reading skills. The sentence “If you are serious im going to backhand you.” would implicate that I am threatening you. The sentence “You deserve a backhand.” suggests that what you said was of poor choice and suggests that someone (no specific identification of any individual) should backhand you.

I don’t think the internet serious enough, you need to get a bit more irked please.

And no I wouldn’t, I respect the elderly.

ok now dont get mad at this comment, but for the people that get pulled over all the time. just take a quick minute to rethink. why was i pulled over? most of the time if cops see you doing something wrong they might not pull you over but yet they run your plate in thier computer to check priors, 99% of the time if your plate is clear they do not bug you. but every time they run your plate it counts as a strike and if they keep logging it in the comoputer they will pull you over for something stupied. and then ask you those dumb questions. hey i admit i drive like an asshole sometimes. but i dont sit here and say oh the cops are assholes. most of the time its my fault and the officers only do half of the questions due to cops being shot at all over the country. and sobriety tests are for the high fataility rate with drunk drivers. so like i said before we say wow cops are dicks lets think of why we might be getting pulled over.

Being threatend is one of my least favorite things. I was (partly) serious. That means that you are at least partly, threatening me. My reading comprehension is fine. A simple IF…THEN statement. Not so hard to understand.

I deal with people who are literally psychotic every day, far more dangerous than the typical person who the Amherst police pull over in a traffic stop. And I also tell people every day things they do NOT want to hear. “No, I will not give you drugs to feed your habit” is daily statement that I make. And so on. Constant threat of HIV from blood exposure, and so on. Statistically, I wonder given only one really service related death in the history of the Amherst PD if my job IS more dangerous?

so far all i’m getting from this thread is:

cops can drink and drive.

cops can pull you over for no (real) reason at all.

cops don’t have to wear seatbelts (click it or ticket, GTFO).

and from personal experience/viewing, cops can talk on cell while driving.

more than not, cops abuse their status/power.

i personally haven’t been in a bad experience with APD…but i do have a few names i can throw out if i ever were pulled over in APD or Kenmore…

but, Cheektowaga…i felt totally violated, and i know i posted the story on here. it was ridiculous…no front plate leads to me being searched, thrown in the back of their car, and my car being torn apart…with plenty of spectators from my neighborhood to spread the story…

got no ticket, but the fact that it took place, and that my name an reputation among my neighbors probably was damaged, pissed me off to no end.

Cops legally do not have to wear seatbelts…

ehh, everyone takes advantage of the perks of their jobs, its human nature. but sitting through a green light an holding up traffic to “shoot the shit” with a complete stranger who he was acting very unprofessional towards, now that is and asshole move.

Nor can they legally harass, abuse, and injure the people they are supposed to be protecting. But that doesn’t stop them.

Well in no way was I trying to threaten you. Psych work is the worst. Is you job more dangerous than working for a quaint little PD in suburbia, yes. If you ask about your average bigger city PD, not a chance.

I don’t think he treated me in an unprofessional manner. He was very polite and had a legitimate reason to pull me over. He didn’t threaten me or treat me like some punk kid. He even apologized. I wouldn’t constitute one car at 430 am traffic, but I see your point.

cops can drink and drive. - NO

cops can pull you over for no (real) reason at all. - YES

cops don’t have to wear seatbelts (click it or ticket, GTFO). YES, but most do especially seeing all the traffic accidents that happen. It may seem like most don’t because when they are shooting radar, no they don’t typically wear it. But when driving around/distances/transport, yeah they do.

and from personal experience/viewing, cops can talk on cell while driving. -YES, we all have family though, you mean to tell me you call no one during a given shift of work? Thought so.

more than not, cops abuse their status/power. - Most do not despite what you all may think. Hell, theres a lot of black people in jail for petit larceny (theft) does that mean that most black people steal? HELL NO, but that’s how stereotypes become born.

APD, for the most part is very cool. Like EVERY department, there is going to be a few assholes on a power trip and/or thinks that every kid they pull over is a criminal. I’ve personally been pulled over by APD 4 times. 3 times the officer was very polite and cool. There was 1 time, I had cruise control set at 50 (in a 45) I was pulled over and screamed at. I was polite and the officer was an asshole swearing at me and calling me names. He told me he radared me at 62. How do you tell a guy who may be an asshole flipping out on you that he’s lying?

You have to realize you can’t judge an entire department or law enforcement in general based on one experience. You also have to realize, if you’ve been pulled over 10-20 times, odds are you are going to run into a guy/gal officer who happens to be having a bad day and is taking it out on you. The same “asshole” that is pulling you over and claiming you’re drunk or high (I’d be frustrated and pissed as hell too) may be the same “asshole” that makes the arrests of drunken idiots who may crash into and hurt/kill you or someone you know. (but then everyone claims they are doing their job)

You have to realize how many damn people on the road past 1 am really have been drinking (A LOT). 3/4 of the times I’ve been pulled over has been past 1 am. The majority of the time, yeah, they were just checking to see if I’ve been drinking. 7-8 over is over the speed limit and all the reason needed to see if I was drinking. However, every time, respect was given in both directions and I’ve not been ticketed.


Another APD story… Back when I was 17 a looooooong time ago, I had just gotten my first Z28 (an '80), I only had it a short period of time when some dipshit rear-ended me and smashed the right rear 1/4 pretty good. It wiped out the entire taillight section. So, the following day my Dad and I rigged a taillight assembly so that I had signals, brake, hazards, etc…so I could at least drive it til the insurance came through.

Anyways one night coming home from work, I pulled alonside an older full-size Ford Fairlane or whatever, with cragars, loud exhaust and whatnot. We were on NFB and we caught a light. We ran them up to an easy 80-90 and I got my first kill! As I turned down East Robinson to head home the gumballs came on behind me. I was shitting my pants big time. The cop asked me why he pulled me over, and I said “because I was racing that Fairlane down NFB”, he instantly BURST out laughing his ass off. He said to me “you’re not supposed to say that (still laughing his ass off)” Then he switched all his attention to the damage on my car and asked me to turn the signals, brakes, and hazards and stuff, to see if they worked. They did, and he told me specifically ,not every cop will give me a break like he did, but he appreciated me being dead honest with him. He let me go scott free.

Big :tup: to APD on this one

Agree, most are not assholes most of the time. However, in my job I am expected to be right 100% of the time. I accept that responsibility and so should they.

Had the same situation happen a couple years ago except in Henrietta in Rochester. Got pulled over early in the morning for minor speeding, completely sober.

Rolled down the window, turned the car off, put the keys on the dash and put the dash light on just to make the cop more at ease because it was late at night.

Got pulled out of the car and was given a field sobriety test, I obviously passed with flying colors although I was a bit nervous. Cop still kept fucking with me, being a douchebag saying that I was stoned because my pupils were dilated, I was on acid and shrooms or some crap and eventually it turned into I was on coke because my pulse was racing.

I was then locked me in the back of the cop car and the officer mentioned I couldn’t leave until I told him where my drugs were and that they were going to take me down to the station to do a piss test :picard:

At this point I started to get pissed off because of how unrealistically dumb this was, but I remained respectful. The stupid douchefag told me to not even bother showing up to court to fight either of the two tickets I was given and eventually let me go after sitting in the back of the car for an hour +

I eventually post poned the court date a couple times, and then went and got the one ticket completely dropped and the other one reduced to a $25 parking ticket.

Since then I’ve had plenty of other experiences where MCS in Henrietta were being shitheads (keep in mind this is driving a car that has a front plate, and doesn’t have tint).

I’ll add to the mix of bitching about Amherst.

I used to have an apartment out there before I moved to the ghetto, was a decently nice place, etc etc. Anyway, I come home one night with a few friends after dinner go straight across Maple on North Forest and pull into my parking lot. Park my Jeep GC, put some CD’s away inside the SUV, grab my cell and a few other things (taking my time as I assumed nothing was wrong obviously). The 3 of us start walking down the lot and get to the stairs of my apartment when APD comes screaming up lights and sirens, spotlight, the whole 9 yards. The officer jumps out of his vehical and comes running up to us asking which one of us was driving the “Reckless white Jeep”. Keep in mind while some of you have seen me drive like an ass, it was late, I had just been to dinner, had friends in the car and was driving my Jeep. I was NOT driving like an ass. I respond that it’s mine but that I cannot remember violating any part of the traffic law and that all my paperwork is up to date “sir”. Guy gets in my face about “Squeeling my tires when I turned onto North Forest” and so on. I ask him where I made my “turn” as the only turn I made the entire trip was into my apartment. He tells me I turned off Maple “WTF”. Of course I tell him he must be mistaken, and he demands all my paperwork, which I grab for him and he informs me that he believes I’ve been drinking… sigh Hadnt had a drink all day, of course I hadnt been. Ended up dealing with this asshole’s crap for about 30 minutes, though thankfully he allowed my friends to go inside. Total powertrip. Dont even get me started about Kenmore, it’s like being a sub commander in the cold war vs the soviets.

Greece is just as bad as APD

Greece doesnt even compare to Amherst or Kenmore, not even on the same blip of the radar. I used to drive the Porsche straight piped through there all the time, hell we dragged a couch behind a Durango down Lake/Long Pond.

Lol, Ill take your word for it.

cop hate thread… whats it been now? a few weeks?

hahaha with aaronwilliams hahaha…

i was looking for that video and the snowboarding video behind the durango… what happened to them ?