Amherst Police - Sick a duck.

I personally hate the perks other cops get. Driving blasted and flashing a badge… its ridiculous… Then when someone wins a noble in medicine for finding a new treatment for lung cancer, goes out and parties in celebration drives home bam DWI.

When he has more impact on the world than some dickhead cop that gets drunk and flash his badge to get out of bullshit

Couldn’t agree more.

you really think that this is appropriate behavior for an officer of the law? I wish I could find out your name so that I could mail this post to every police dept. in buffalo, ensuring that your sorry ass will never see the academy.

that seems a little ridic Tom.

Here’s an interesting tidbit to consider.

My friends who do not live in Williamsville/Getzville/Amherst get shit all the time when they get pulled over in Amherst.

I have gotten pulled over 10+ times in Amherst and have gotten 1 ticket. And I drive a rice-rocket.

From my experience, it would seem that they are playing favorites with addresses

I know, I would never do that, just making a point that he sucks and I hope he is never a cop.

they DEFINITELY do, my old roommate was the biggest scumbag on the planet, drove like and asshole with limo tints all the way around, got pulled over and never ticketed all the time.

True story here… I went to Pepboys one day to return something that was bought for me. I returned the item and left. Mind you I was 21 at the time, a student at UB, and living in a house that I owned in Buffalo. Somehow amherst PD called my father (who lives in florida) and said that he had me on video stealing, exhaust parts, headlights, a radio, subwoofers, and a distributor cap. I was then told by my father that I was accused. My dad told me he explained to the officer that Stealing was NOT in my character. (I’ve never stolen anything, anybody who knows me can attest to that) the officer insisted “parents think that they know their children, but sometimes they can be surprised.” anyway, i gave the guy the benefit of the doubt, and humored him, by calling the station. I was very polite, even though he insisted that he saw me on tape taking the items in broad daylight. He asked me to come down to the station, I told him to GTFO… (politely),… there was no way they had ME on tape or any of the people I was with anywhere near the car audio section, and at the time the only car I owned was a malibu, so why would i be stealing a distributor cap and an exhaust system for a honda? He told me he would be contacting me… at a later date…

I never did hear back from him, but his method of trying to bring me down, enraged me. For the record, my guess is that since i returned the item and bought a candy bar… they knew my name from my credit card…

F*ckin dicks…
oh well I understand they are doing their jobs, but be more professional

i think the problem with alot of APD cops (not all of them) is that they look at everyone like they are a criminal until proven otherwise. i dunno if its a power trip mentality, envy of big city cops, or if this is just how their trained. but almost every person an APD cop will encounter in a day is just an average citizen that serves absolutely no threat to the cop or the town of amherst. and these people dont want to be harassed because a cop is fishing for a reason to punish them. in a municipality like amherst a police officer plays the role of public servant more so than of enforcer and they need to start treating people like they’re a family member rather than a gang banger.

i used to get pulled over probably once every other month for some stupid BS when i lived in buffalo. Since moving ive been pulled over twice in 2 years, one for an expired inspection and another my license plate screw felt out and the plate was hanging off and they stopped me to let me know, never for a BS reason. WNY cops blow.

:lol: I wish Tonawanda did that. I got a speeding ticket in my fucking driveway once. Cop radared (sp?) about 1/4 mile from my house when I was on my way home. Didn’t catch up to me until I was backing into my driveway.

lol, Ken/Ton is the worst. My record tickets/times pulled over:

Amherst: 2/10 or more (forgot about that second one, cuz it was dropped)
NT: 1/2
Ken/Ton: 2/2

edit: however, kenmore/tonawanda is good with dropping tickets from my experience as well as what I’ve heard.

Well i can’t complain about the APD one bit. I borrowed my buddies 97 Mustang for a weekend while he was in Virginia Beach. Driving down sweet home i noticed an officer following me. I thought nothing of it since i was doing 46 in a 45. The gumballs came on, i pulled over instantly, rolled both windows down, got the insurance and regi cards and placed my hands on the wheel/dash. The officer came up very slowly with his hand on his gun. He stood at the corner of the vehicle and proceeded to ask me if i had any drugs/guns or anything else he should know about. I replied " i got a case of CD’s in here and thats it. He then came up said he appreciated me putting both hands on the wheel, rolling the windows down and having everything ready for him. He then informed me my buddies insurance had expired, the regi was not taken care of making the plates suspended. He should have towed the car and could have been a real dickhead. But instead he asked where i was going. I said right to that street where my friends pulle dover wiating for me. He said he’d escort me to their house and don’t drive the car. He then said tell your buddy to get his shit in order and Have a good day.

Cliffs: Pulled over could have been towed but the cop was very cool about it. BTW that was when i lived on Winspear.

I’ve “heard”:

Revenue from “parking tickets” is included in Ken/Ton’s annual budget. The state gets some of the money from a speeding ticket but the town keeps it all from a parking ticket.

I dunno if that’s the same in every town?

I grew up in tonawanda/kenmore,

have a mother who can get me out of tickets in tonawanda
have a godfather who can get me out of tickets with the sheriff’s dept.
have a aunt who can get me out of tickets in buffalo
have a “uncle in law” who is a state trooper who can get me out of tickets.
The DA for the ToT (kevin) is a great friend of the family
The 911 emergency response officer for the ToT is a good friend of mine.
there are more, i cant think…

moral of story

I STAY THE FUCK OUTTA AMHERST because the cops are all DICKS!

(edit)- not really, they just want to keep things clean, and not like the city

My mother is the Deputy Sheriff for the Ken/Ton, all violations that are not claimed to the state (i.e. speeding tickets/ and or any ticket that counts against a persons license) goes into the pockets of the town… So when Gruber or Caruso gives you the “benifit of the doubt” and says ill reduce it to a parking “violation” and you only have to pay 50,100, etc… that does not get claimed to the state, thats the Towns money…

thats the way it has always been… it wont change

Jesus, are you that stupid? I will take it with me to every interview and then show them your response and watch them laugh. Where did I say it was appropriate behavior? Everyone is posting stories of cops being “assholes” so I posted one of a cop not being an asshole. Who cares if he said hes going to write a book of tickets. It was a convo between him and I, he can say whatever he wants. He didn’t actually do it. Yes my sorry ass, oh no another internet genius, tough guy. Relax and maybe you wont look so idiotic.

I have been pulled over once in Amherst…and I deserved it…

I live 5min from the Amherst police station and drive around a lot late…1-2am…

My father’s APD, and a ton of my good friends are APD. There’s maybe one or two guys on the force I would consider dicks.


Nice threat. Can you back it up? You don’t know me, so maybe you should keep your fucking mouth shut with the threats?