Amherst Police - Sick a duck.

Aaronwilliams is the fucking man. Cant wait till he comes back home.

I’ll put that clip up on youtube.

Edit: Scratch youtube, putting the only copy I have back on my server. It’ll be up shortly.

haha YAY… awesomeness. I do miss aaron :frowning:

Just for Willybeen:

i was going to compliment your ability to spell willybeen but i was wrong :slight_smile: thanks for the video though

FIXED ass. :lol:

everybody does it… sometimes i do a search for willybean on here… just to see how many people get it right/wrong… more bean than been… oh well haha… to HV i go… peace

what a mess those amherst cops are!!!

If you were referring to me, you sir are a total asshat. So you think having a rear window tinted is enough cause to pull someone over, who is already over in a parking lot with their side windows down? Last time I checked you don’t even need a rear window. If you think that is fair you should re-check your morals. If he came up and said “hey man whats going on here?” and proceeded to talk to me like a human, and even asked me if I had drugs or something, I would be cool with that. Don’t make up shit and treat me like a piece of dirt to explorer the possibility that I’m making a drug deal. Cool to exploit your power.

lol I think he was referring to rskrause.

Awh ok:

Just for the record, I have been pulled over maybe 10 times ever. Hamburg cops are generally cool about things.

I also had a bad experience with a Cheektowaga cop.

On my lunch break I went from my work (Derrick) to the HSBC bank on Walden. On my way back I turned left onto Union and made an immediate right onto duke road where my work is. The speed limit on Duke is 30mph, and my work isn’t far down the road. I generally tend not to speed by my work because my car is very loud at WOT and I want to show a little respect. I might have made it up to 35 mph before I went to pull into the lot. The lot is gated. As I swipe my car to get in a cop rips up with his lights on and screams to stop and not pull in. So in front of my work I am getting harassed for about one hour as to why I’m diving crazy and trying to avoid him. I explain that I work here and he say yah right. He then questions me about selling drugs and I even allow him to look in my car. He then asks why I am driving a corvette and what not. LAME

Story = Asshole cop.

I haven’t been bothered since i got the clk…no front plate either…profiling has it’s perks I guess


Nah, I’m referring to the constant barage of newbies we get on here with riced out POS’s, with limo grade tint, no front plate on their POS with a front plate bracket, an exhaust that sounds like total garbage, and a multiple page driving record who come on here and bitch that the police bother them.

When they bitch I just laugh because their complete and total douchebaggery is why the cops are pricks to them and they deserve every bit they get.

That said, I don’t know you. If you have illegal tint and an illegal exhaust I really don’t give a shit what your opinion is about the APD harassing you. Try breaking one law at a time and see how much better their attitude toward you is.

When someone like rskrause says he had a problem with APD, it carries a lot more weight.

At the time it was a Extended Cab Sonoma that was black with a dark tinted rear window and ex cab window but the sides where very very light. That is all, and that was how I bought it.

The vette on the other hand has a very loud exhaust and no front plate. I think that is all that is illegal about it though. (If you don’t count removed cats in the exhaust.)

Amherst remind me of Hiltlers Gestapo…

Got pulled over on Niagara Fall Blvd in the south bound lane by Amherst back in 2003… After $5,000 later in lawyers fee’s it was ruled in court that those fucks where out of the jurisdiction for pulling me over, and arresting me on Tonawandas side of the road…
Nothing like spending your B-day in the slammer…

So if you get pulled over in the S. Bound lane by Amherst and never caused the infraction in Amherst tell them to eat a dick, they are out of their jurisdiction.

You know, I found the whole experience very unsettling. But I learned something. I used to be all over minority people complaining about the cops. I figured - they must have been doing something wrong for the cops to have stopped them and if they got roughed up, they probably deserved it. Hah, little did I know. I was ignorant about cops, that’s for sure. BTW: I was driving my bone stock Silverado.

If it can happen to me, it can happen to just about anyone.

if you payed 5000 in lawyer fees for anything other then a major felony u lossed anyways. that also makes no sense because they have right to travel one mile into the jurisdiction. it does not matter what side of the blvd that is well in there jurisdiction

cops get off on the rush.

I hardly lost… Regardless of what I got busted for I made out better then 95% of the people who get busted for the same thing… I would have paid a hell of allot more in the long run if I would have got wrongfully convicted.

You are correct that they can travel one mile into the jurisdiction. Maybe you should reread what I said.

So if you get pulled over in the S. Bound lane by Amherst and never caused the infraction in Amherst tell them to eat a dick, they are out of their jurisdiction.

They cant do shit if you never caused any infraction or did shit in Amherst. I came from a Tonawanda address and got pulled over in Tonawanda, I never stepped foot in Amherst jurisdiction.

And if you want to know how my lawyer got my charges dropped? It’s because of this exact same case that happened on the same road.

is it kinda like spending easter in the slammer…lol

EDIT:Like a great man by the name of Easy-E said; Fuck da Police!