Had the same situation happen a couple years ago except in Henrietta in Rochester. Got pulled over early in the morning for minor speeding, completely sober.
Rolled down the window, turned the car off, put the keys on the dash and put the dash light on just to make the cop more at ease because it was late at night.
Got pulled out of the car and was given a field sobriety test, I obviously passed with flying colors although I was a bit nervous. Cop still kept fucking with me, being a douchebag saying that I was stoned because my pupils were dilated, I was on acid and shrooms or some crap and eventually it turned into I was on coke because my pulse was racing.
I was then locked me in the back of the cop car and the officer mentioned I couldn’t leave until I told him where my drugs were and that they were going to take me down to the station to do a piss test :picard:
At this point I started to get pissed off because of how unrealistically dumb this was, but I remained respectful. The stupid douchefag told me to not even bother showing up to court to fight either of the two tickets I was given and eventually let me go after sitting in the back of the car for an hour +
I eventually post poned the court date a couple times, and then went and got the one ticket completely dropped and the other one reduced to a $25 parking ticket.
Since then I’ve had plenty of other experiences where MCS in Henrietta were being shitheads (keep in mind this is driving a car that has a front plate, and doesn’t have tint).