Amherst Police - Sick a duck.

Awh ok:

Just for the record, I have been pulled over maybe 10 times ever. Hamburg cops are generally cool about things.

I also had a bad experience with a Cheektowaga cop.

On my lunch break I went from my work (Derrick) to the HSBC bank on Walden. On my way back I turned left onto Union and made an immediate right onto duke road where my work is. The speed limit on Duke is 30mph, and my work isn’t far down the road. I generally tend not to speed by my work because my car is very loud at WOT and I want to show a little respect. I might have made it up to 35 mph before I went to pull into the lot. The lot is gated. As I swipe my car to get in a cop rips up with his lights on and screams to stop and not pull in. So in front of my work I am getting harassed for about one hour as to why I’m diving crazy and trying to avoid him. I explain that I work here and he say yah right. He then questions me about selling drugs and I even allow him to look in my car. He then asks why I am driving a corvette and what not. LAME

Story = Asshole cop.