Amost went down today......ugh

So on my ride into work today I got a nice scare. I take I-90 to I-87 and central down to work in colonie. After bombing up the highway I made my way onto Central, OUT OF FREAKING NOWHERE my front wheel completely locked up and the bike came to a very abrupt stop. I ended up making it into the middle turning lane. I then tried to pull the bike into s side road in 1st gear, basially the bike was doing a burnout in the middle of the road while the front wasnt budging. Two guys came to help me physically lift the bike off of central into a parking lot. After calming down ~10 mintues later, we finally had a wrench to “bleed” some pressure out of the front line. By that time the bike was able to roll and I basically parking lot hopped my way to work.
I’m really not looking forward to riding home and going to be freaking out that this could happen again. :ohnoes

Bleeder valve in the master cylinder is clogged.

Replace the master.

Happened to me twice right after Gsxr 600 front end swap.

Fluid heats up as you ride from slight dragging, expands and locks your wheel out.

Just wheelie everywhere

my thought is don’t ride it home.

could be a clogged line, when the brakes heat up the fluid has no where to go so it clamps up

edit: damn, too slow

I’ll def look into that today at work. It could have been really bad though, considering I was just on the highway…

:lol Good thinkin! lol


Yeah definitely get a new master before riding again.

Just wondering if you can confirm brake fluids are not being over filled.

Personally I think you really need to find out exactly what caused this to avoid putting yourself in a situation where you “think” you cure the problem by fixing the wrong part.

Jesus I bet that was scary as fuck. Glad it didn’t end worse.

Yea I don’t think I would risk riding that on the highway, -or at all until you get that straightened out 100%. I’d like to see you again someday carb king (nohomo)

I might try to get a ride home, then grab my truck to get the bike back. Where’s the best local shop to get the master?

On the flip side. I did my first burnout today with the new bike… lol

Damn that’s fucking scary. Glad you’re all good and didn’t go down.

Griffin’s is usually very quick with getting parts in that aren’t in stock. Always had good customer service there when I owned a GSXR.

I just quickly looked up the price for Griffin’s master cylinder… $190 friggin bucks. I havent had to replace one on a bike yet, is that a little high???

Not sure, but if you go to any dealer you are going to pay a bit more.


BikeBandit was charging $180. Is this something where I can have it flushed/cleaned? or no?

It scared you once, that’s called a warning. Don’t be a cheap fuck with something that is potentially life threatening to you and others on the road.

Make the seller pay for it. Did he give you a warranty?

He most certainly did not Sir. He has been notified and reported to the Better Business Bureau.

I’ve replaced a two on two of my coworkers gsxrs and a friends gsxr I ended up upgrading them to brembo 19 rcs masters they are a bit pricy but have great reviews and never har any issues like the gsxr ones do