POS sentra brakes?

anyone got ideas why i dont have any?

had a leaking wheel cyl. that didnt help when i replaced it, tech at work said master cyl, that didnt help after i replaced it…this was just out of random after i put bad gas in my car…i let it idle after putting good gas in and then i hop in to take it for a ride, go to stop at the end of my driveway, and where do i go? right out into traffic

are ya leakin fluidd at all…

try bleeding them

he cant be that stupid to not bleed em after he did a cyl

Youre supposed to use brake fluid, not gas. :tongue

we’ll have to wait and see…

not after replacing the wheel cyl


+1 for you

i didnt say u didnt balltoucher

let me clarify…I BLED THE BRAKES! haha

ya may have a hung caliper slide or the wheel cyl came off the pad and let go ya need to get it apart and see …your best bet is to bleed the whole car out and make sure ya pushin fluid out of all the bleeders wit some pressure if not ya may have lost the master

just replaced the master, and all of the brakes are under a year old (new cailpers/brackets, all bolts + wheel cyls.) rear shoes could use replacing but i doubt that i would have nothing

check the slides and make sure there movin ,pull rears apart and make sure wheel cyl didnt let the pad move …trust i have seen it happen

with my luck none of the above happened so any other ideas?..ill check out that stuff tomorrow when i wake up

blew another line or suttin ,thats why ya always change break parts in pairs not singles they let go for a reason

wait, wat

if ya cahnge a caliper do both …change a wheel cyl do both .pads do both not one at a time

the only reason i did one wheel cyl was because the other one was replaced a few months before out of emergency, it was leaking…all of the calipers were replaced at the same time and same with pads/shoes

not sayin they werent ,just makin a general statment

allright, thanks bro ill check that shit out in the morning, hopefully if it isnt snowing too bad, the 240 will have a trans in it

check the rubber flexible lines for internally collapsing. easiest way is to loosen them at the caliper and pump the brakes.

did you bench bleed the master? it should be done this way, especially a dry one.

the slides are probably hanging up, unless you knew enough to wire wheel/ grease them good.