An abundance of shady members

Fobwall wins???

Ugh, Gotta sift through so much bullshit. Only those who have dealt with Dylan should respond, noone gives a fuck about your opionon.

SO! I’m going to make this real quick.

I met Dylan; 2 summers ago. Ever since I met him my boys have allways told me, “don’t open your hood around Dylan, he’s really shady.” I allways looked past that and talked to him a few times. Till a couple months after I found out he used to steal ECU’s (hondas) from junkyards, and sell them to a local tuner named Andrew. Andrew than found out and stopped buying the ECU’s off Dylan.

Just a little background. I also heard some guy from TCC beat the shit out of him for some shady buisness. Stolen parts maybe?

[QUOTE=sharpe_corners;488780]Total BS>

(cough cough nelly cough cough) /QUOTE]

hahah. You would have no idea who Nelly was before it got linked.

My take on Dylan.

He is what he is. He will never change. Everything is always shifty, and he flips between things overnight. He doesn’t have a job, so he relies on flipping cars to make rent at his shop… which he lives in.

I have stated it before, and I will state it again. I will not ever take his word for anything, ever again.

I will continue to do business with him, but only out of necessity, and only if it is something that you can 100% evaluate at a glance.

Is this shady? I’ll let you evaluate.

Dylan was selling the motorset out of his 180sx.

However the 180sx was still sitting at Montrealjdm, with a 1500 dollar deposit on it.

Is this shady? I wouldn’t exactly say its ethical, considering how well he claims it runs and whatnot… but has never driven it.


I do not trust Dylan.

But that is basically where it ends. I stand him, and would be cordial if we see each other around.

There you go folks. Mark is well respected in this community and is very humble, you rarely see him open his mind up on people. And for mark to say that, there’s clearly something wrong with this Dylan. He’s a scandal. Ban!

Guys i locked this thread and will just say a final few words.

I’ve heard all the rumours you guys are talking about and i take them very seriously. When the Union guys and the S1DC guys tell me something, i listen.

That said, the admin here on SON cannot be accountable for everything that goes on in the 240sx community, only what gets posted on the website.

I do agree that there is an ethical boundary being crossed when doing what Dylan is doing but it is mostly attitude, presentation and the predatory nature of it.

I’ve bought cars on here, parted them out and made money on it, but that was always the intention and the people i bought from and sold to all knew that. Dylan buying under a certain pre-text, pulling an about-face and selling under another is not acceptable… No question about it.

However, as far as i can tell there has been no theft and anyone who handed over money got what they paid for. It’s a delicate issue.

I want to preserve the right to buy and sell through SON, it is one of the most valuable features of the community, but only while it supports the community. That is not what is happening here.

I also will not allow him to become a vendor because it would almost be an endorsement for this kind of behaviour and that isnt healthy.

However, i don’t pretend to have the authority to tell him to get a job or buy for X and sell for Y. Dylan has also not been difficult to deal with while we try to sort things out which is good.

Dylan’s account has been partially restored as you can see. His permissions in the classifieds have been cut temporarily.

At the moment i don’t think VB has the functionality to do what i want it to do since this is an issue that probably doesnt happen too often so there was never the need to build in the kind of restrictions i’d like to place on the account.

Ultimately this will require some type of compromise… and since it is wasting alot of my time already i won’t be giving in only to have the same issue crop up again next week.

That’s all the time i want to spend on it for tonight though… good day to you kind sirs.