An abundance of shady members

I like a few of the posts above me here about how dylan buys wrecked cars, pulls them apart, sells shit. I said the exact same thing earlier tonight while talking to nick, I go;

“shit the guy goes out of his way, tows the car, pulls it apart and you come give him cash without having a pain in the ass time out in the cold getting whatever you’d like. It’s better than going to the scrap yard, and they still fuck you on prices!”

Anyways, everyone has an opinion, community or not, like said above, no one is forcing anyone to buy it. If the guy was desperate enough to move the car for $xx.xx and someone is willing to rebuy it for twice as much there really isn’t anything wrong with that. People will pay what they believe it’s worth to themselves.

edit: can someone do something about guys like this though? :stuck_out_tongue:

Low ballets? Hahaha. Good luck. We’re all made of money and can give shit away for damn near free to strangers because we’re SON240, not Ferrari of Ontario.

intanetz is serious buznez!

seriously though, I can appreciate your guys concerns but if you all just went and worked on your cars instead of getting cought up in SON drama, I can guarentee youll be surprised with the results

This, I’m afraid, is the product of residual time left over between school and work, or work and sleep. Well at least thats my case.

Boring!!! i hate my self for reading this… i just wasted my car PC project time… fuck seriously. Sorry mark and ryan im sure u want that shit done

Summary: Bing is taking car of shit other then that nothing is happening… now go do something constructive

Says the guy who is bitching about someone else bitching…

In fact. Too many comments in here are people bitching about someone else bitching… Seems redundant…

There’s nothing as awesome as a brand new pair of socks…

i think the most important thing is FREEDOM OF SPECH is not disturbed. speak up ppl good, bad ,racist, enlightining, anything. it send a chill down my spine when i see this message has been deleted by f@#e(censored)

who put a 572TT big block chev in a s13 chasis? u could expect sub 8.00s in a 1/4 mile! but who wants to go in a straight line?

hes just weeding your ppls :bsflag::blah::blah::blah::blah:

I think this thread has definitely gone off topic time to lock it up

Only a smidgen…just a smidgen…lol Bing?

I agree with Scott on his point about getting a member to have a certain amount of posts first before he/she can post something in the For Sale section.

And em_5ive, I couldn’t agree more with you. I have the exact same stance on this as Solarian has and I will repeat some points he said before. (It might have already been posted in the thread).

People that just buy stuff here for cheap and then try to sell it right away for more should be banned. Society really doesn’t just build itself like that.

If you buy something for cheap here and don’t add any sort of value to it, you’re absolutely making no contribution to this community at all.

For those of who you are trying to say that no one is forcing you to buy, that is not the point. It’s the fact that someone is trying to do this. Even if I wasn’t interested in a particular item, I’d still be a little upset if I saw someone trying to buy cheap and flip it for more here.

Total BS>

I have done nothing wrong except help people sell the stuff they wanna sell, buy the stuff they wanna buy and im a crook because someone sells me a apple they want gone for 12c then i sell it to a son member two days later for 30c. That apple was the wrong kind for the first guy, but buyer 2# said it was the apple he was lookig for, cheap too.

I go above and beyond most private sellers and maybe some vendors. How does that make me shady? My s14 is worth more than what im asking in my opinion, and who else has seen it (friends, other members etc) So wyhat i f i got a good deal. He wanted it gone, i made him a offer and he took it. I went to richmond hill in the cold with a miata with a hole in the roof and layed on the frozen ground and brought cash with me, i was for him, the pure definition of quick sale, what he wanted. Im allowed to sell a car that is righfully mine in everyway. This isnt some rusted shitbox with bondo in the rails and a salvage title (cough cough nelly cough cough) people just bitch about anything. Anyone who has a problem with this has
#1 Not ever dealt with me
#2 Has no intention or is not looking for anything i am or have sold
#3 Is mad because i acted soorner on asomething I wanted to buy, for whatever reason.
#4 Has nothing better to do except bitch about people who DO contribute , like me. I post outside of the fs forum, unlike alot of other people. I come out to track days, goto members homes to help with thier vehicles, deliver parts to residences.

I go above and beyond and it bites me in the ass. Non of the vendors here can be mad at me as i do not cut thier grass, they do not offer what i am selling anyways, so whats it to them. If they dont like it, they should start importing jdm parts and selling for peanuts and hand delivering to a house 2 hrs or more away. Oh yeah, they wont.
By doing what i do, it almost pushes vendors to push harder and provide a more personalized service.

Nice dylan, playing the victim card.

is he wrong? i dont think so. . . . sure some deals can go sour but i have witnessed more deals gone good then worse. just drop it let him do his thing, he dont bitch at you for doing yours dose he? No. . .so stfu gtfo… nuff said this post is bs if you have something about a “shady” member post it in the proper section i beleave its called buyer/sellers feedback if im not mistaken.

Not siding with anyone but here are my responses.

If you’re trying to refer to OG Wagon’s (Daniel) analogy of a supermarket buying bananas for 12c/lb and then trying to sell it for 65c/lb you are flawed. Why? Because the supermarket actually sources the bananas from a foreign/local supplier and they get it at that price because they buy in bulk. Keep in mind the costs of labour, transportation, rent, air conditioning, etc and then displaying it conveniently for you to just walk in and purchase it. All that stuff is added value and if you can’t see that, then well, you won’t get my point.

What costs do you really have and what value do you really add to the products that you apparently buy low from SON, and then sell it for more back to SON?
Gas money to go pick up the car, internet connection, and household rent maybe? But do your parents pay for your internet and rent? If so, the only costs you have is just gas and time for picking up the car.

But that’s on your part, what value can you say that you have added? a $12 car wash at Canadian Tire?

Anyways, I hope you get my point.

My s14 is worth more than what im asking in my opinion,

Yeah, everyone always thinks that their cars are worth a lot more in their opinion. It’s not really a good point.

I go above and beyond and it bites me in the ass. By doing what i do, it almost pushes vendors to push harder and provide a more personalized service.

From what I see, you’re just going above and beyond for your own self. Sure, if I had intentions of buying a car for 2k and then trying to make a quick 3k profit, hell I’d drive in the cold (welcome to Canada by the way) and bring cash (I guess some people use credit and debit when buying a used car from a private seller?!).

In the end, the issue is this. You bought a car for really cheap here then tried to sell it back HERE for 3k more and nothing of significant value was really added to it to justify the increased price.

Anyways, it’s just my opinion. If it’s not true, just PM me or respond to me here and I will make changes to what I said.

One thing I’d let to add is this. An honest seller never has to try and defend themselves, their reputation usually speaks for them.

Quoted for the most important point in this thread.

the gross part about this whole ordeal, is after you bought it You told everyone you paid “around 4500-5” That Right there proves what Your true intentions were.

either way, GLWS I guess? If you want to sell it for a REASONABLE profit, I’d be interested in taking a look.

^ No luck there…

I offered 500 even 1000 more than he paid and basically I was told to go fuk myself this car is way to good and he paid 4-5 for it anyways

yes he is still saying he paid that when we have 2-3 people saying otherwise.

anways I did my rant on this topic

To be honest I’m not pissed at all, but a couple things rub me the wrong way. Did the original poster post on Kijiji or just SON, cause if it was just SON then his intention was to sell to a 240 enthusiast for a good deal and make a 240 enthusiast excited about his purchase and make himself feel good afterwards thinking that the kid he sold it to will love his baby like he did. Who knows maybe a young kid on here just got his licence and would love to get into a clean S14 but only has a couple grand. He saw that add and tried to act on it as quick as he can only to find out that some guy that has a Miata and likes Miatas drove up there as fast as he could and took a deal that was meant for him and now is selling that car to make a profit.

It’s just not ethical. We don’t go on your Miata forums to buy low and sell high.