Another motorcyclist killed.

He had an 09/10 cbr600rr, rode with him once this past summer

RIP, this happens way to often

miss jer so much already. got the call from my mom right when it happened. i was coincidentally just about to sit down to get a tattoo that says, live without regrets in italian. this tattoo will now be for jeremy.

anyone who rides a bike, please be safe.

anyone know if speed truly was a factor or not???

he was going a little faster than he should have been going. just put it that way.

a little confused on what really happend in this accident. My condolences to all who knew him. this is the third by my count in about a months time and each succesively younger.

Heart goes out to the family

he was like family to me :frowning:

very sorry to hear that. can’t imagine how you feel… can’t imagine how the motorist feels either. tragic. I am sorry.

YEAH that too.

Its one thing to ride out of bounds and get killed, but gathering up someone else in your mistake is horrible. My wife said the same thing when she saw the aftermath from the one on Rt5 in our town… Even if I had nothing to do with the accident and they hit me, I couldn’t live with myself. Thats just an awful feeling.

absolutely. I’m still really confused as to what happend. if the woman was taking a left, she could have pulled out in front of him, correct?

It’s very hard to estimate a speed of bike when you see one at a distance.

If one is going multiple times faster than speed limit by the time you realize that he will have already closed on you.

Than typically the person will hit the gas to get out of the way and the rider will swerve in that same direction car is heading to avoid it (to the right).

*I have no details on this case and not referring to it.

actually i guess him hitting the windshield means it was a head on

i guess he was in the wrong lane? is there a turn right before the intersection?

or she turned in somehow and clipped them, sending them over the windshield at an angle… more likely the case, because a head on 40mph+40mph (I know its not the case) is an 80mph impact, no bouncing off the glass… you are a spear going through it. Physics are a bitch sometimes.

yeah you are right.

So… not saying this is what happend, but say a motorcycle is going well above the speed limit and a motorist miss-judges how fast the bike is traveling and makes a left effectively pulling out into his path.

Who is at fault in that situation?

I may get bashed for this however this kid rode like a complete fucking retard. He would go up and down my street wide open and easily 80mph+ (in a 30) at least once a day, riding right up a vehicle’s ass, passing vehicles and other idiotic behavior. I even followed him and his buddy to their house at one point just to see who it was only to hear all sorts of stories of them running from the cops and other completely retarded nonsense.

With that said, it’s a terrible loss and I feel bad about the situation. It’s unfortunate people don’t have the respect for a machine capable of killing you in a second.


i was on your side right up until “i chased them home”. I’m guessing that must have been quite the exilerating and VTL violating ride.

You have a point of course. If you ask me, a sport bike requires more skill and experience to ride then a cruiser. Yet you find far more inexperienced or at least younger riders on sport bikes. obviously there are real world reasons for that like the fact that its harder and harder to ride a sport bike for more then an hour the further you get from 30.

unfortuantely people don’t respect how much more of a risk you are taking on the road by the simple fact that you are not surrounded in a metal cage. That seems to go hand in hand with youth.

was it a liter bike?

Sounds like a typical young kid on a bike. It is a very sad situation and a horrible way to learn but it happens unfortunately

I knew where his buddy lived and it was not a chase and more of a follow especially in my 140 hp jetta. They went ripping past me on my own street for no good reason.

It was a Yamah R6 (600cc).

where was the house? cuz it was probably my cousin…

I’ve heard that it was your cousin. I live around the corner from him.

mikey? yea.