Another motorcyclist killed.

it sounds like the car was turning into the plaza and probably misjudged the safe distance due to the excessive speed. Again, I don’t know for sure, just speculating.

I constantly hear bikes ripping by my house on Vly at 60-80+ in a 30mph residential neighborhood with “blind” turns. I almost pulled out in front of one about a month ago. Was getting ready to turn into my driveway and saw him about 1/4-3/8 of a mile down the road. Decided to be patient and wait for him to go by (even though I had plenty of room). thank god I did b/c he closed real quick and there is no doubt he would have hit me… he had to have been going at least 70.

thats scarry. Actually went on a ride with a couple of 21 year olds a few weeks ago, don’t remember the road but it was off 890.

they were screaming through downhill blind hair pins. I was going to fast as well. at least they had been down the road several times before. i hung back quite a bit and judged they blind corners by how then hit them. It was exhilerating, but very freakin dangerous.

please, flame me


RIP. Sorry to hear about the incident and especially to all the members here that knew him.

No bashing from me man, I dont have much respect for people who ride bikes as retarded and careless as some do. No “RIP” from me.

well thats nice

It’s the truth. He wasn’t nice to the person whos life he altered forever either.

If it was a one time lack of judgement that’s one thing, but if it’s patterned behavior it was only a matter of time.

he changed my life forever but im not going to be mad at him for it.

Thats because you dont have to go to bed every night knowing that you played a role in some ones death. You have no clue what that lady is gonna go through for the rest of her life due to his negligence

true. but he was a big part of my life. just saying.

and i bet you know exactly what its like dont you?

This situation is sad for many people and it sucks that he chose the wrong time to fuck around.

No I dont and I do not ever wish to either

it happens. i mean, there have been what like 4 in the past month now? i think everyone who has a bike fucks around sometimes. jeremy might have just been too confident in his riding abilities. all i know is that he was like family to me and im going to miss him so much. way too young.

Every single motherfucker on this site does stupid shit. Ive went faster in a Honda civic then a stock 600cc sportbike can go on more occasions than I care to mention. Safe? absolutely not. I don’t want to hear, “well thats a car, blah blah” Weather anyone wants to admit it or not we do the same thing. Things happen in the blink of an eye. to say no RIP from me is fucked. Had a whole life ahead of him…

+rep. its because they dont know him… no feelings from these assholes who say “no rip”. it is fucked. RIP JER LOVE YOU KID <3

Knowing him would actually make it worse because someone could/would have told him to stop being a fucking retard and to settle down.

And yes Matt, we are ALL retarded from time to time but eventually it will catch up to all of us. Doing it day after day after day and you’re really asking for trouble.

Yeah I agree Nick. Not stuff we do everyday at all. Chances go wayy up in that case.

all i can think about though is how that could have been my cousin. a good thing might have come out of this though because my dad is now selling his bike and i think my cousin might too.

there is a reason why its called an accident… no matter who might be ‘at fault’

this is not going to stop the woman from crying herself to sleep for the next few years, but its not enough to demonize the poor kid either.