Another motorcyclist killed.


You should tell Mikey to stop before he ends up hurting himself too. It’s only a matter of time. Tell him how much you care about him and that riding like an idiot is not a good idea. Tell him to wear a helmet while riding wheelies on his quad up my street too. That’s somewhere to start anyway.


i tell him all the time. i think seeing his bestfriend dead might have changed his mind about riding like an asshole around colonie. hopefully.

It says in the news article a high rate of speed. I know somone who was 3 cars back when he crashed upwards of 140mph when the car pulled out in front of him… that type of speed you dont walk away from. nick i think the kid your thinking of was someone else named dom or someshit… Jeremy was a good kid i saw him saturday at bourbon st wierd to think hes gone… God Speed jer

cant believe hes gone

Tall blonde kid, orange new style R6?

It says 09 r6 on his Facebook. Orange and black plastics

He must have changed bikes since i saw him last, he had a cbr600rr i swear

There really is no such thing as an accident. An “accident” implies that the outcome was not preventable. In this, and just about all crashes, something could have been done to change what happened. If he was riding slower, he might not have crashed. If he wasn’t overly confident in his riding abilities he might not have crashed. The list goes on and on, but at the end of the day, something could have been done to prevent this death. Just about all crashes are like this, even the ones I’ve been in or have witnessed. It’s unfortunate that someone is dead over something that could have been prevented with just a small attitude adjustment.

Well stated Chris.

Dont get me wrong it sucks for the kid dieing and the family having to go through with this. But the younger generation needs to start stepping up their social image, ethics and morality hardcore. Its one thing to be young and stupid, but more and more stories come out every year of the young and stupid not making it to old and wise. If the kids had bigger balls, they would tell others to shut the fuck up I dont need to do 140 to look cool, I dont need to take guns to school to be a bad ass, etc. If only they could see the real people they need to earn the respect from, are people who facepalm the retarded actions they are thinking of taking… maybe they would still be here.

You want to know how you can help, or your family and friends? Get involved in charity rides, ones that teach responsible riding to the younger generation of riders. Make it mandatory to ride in full gear, not shorts, sneakers and a cut off t-shirt. Sponsor track days in remembrance of him, support the speed he was apparently after where it should have belonged… on a track. Balls in your court now. Too many just walk away and morn the loss, go do something.

You cant force sensibility on people.

Last 4 guys proved it. They wanted a fast bike, wanted to ride it recklessly and didn’t want to learn to ride properly first.

5 minute search online would show that you shoulda always wear gear and start on a more sensible bike.

We all slow down one way or another. Either age and wisdom or newtons laws.

yea thats him

Well said also Vlad.

I slowed down a lot after taking a heli ride away from hitting a tree on my bike ACCIDENT. Wasn’t a crash, it was someone else’s negligence causing poor road conditions… I wasn’t speeding and wasn’t riding hard, I just wanted to get home to put on my leathers and ride at my ability/harder than most think is safe. Months of recovery and 2 years dealing with medical bill bullshit taught me a damn good lesson: All the years of pushing my body to the limits; BMX, MotoX, skiing, cars, bikes, etc… and getting away with it for that long was a gift. Mother fucking statistics and the laws of probability can and WILL catch up with you.

I will still ride, just a whole lot more responsibly. Respect the machine, and then respect your body.

Well if that person wasn’t negligent, it wouldn’t have happened, no? Thus it was preventable = crash. lol

/learned from defensive driving class

Somewhat true, I never interacted with “them”… I didnt see who blew the turn and roosted rocks/dirt like a rally car into the road on a blind 45mph turn.

for all I know the devil could have put the shit in the road.

I say crash = all or some immediate parties involved could have changed the outcome but didn’t. Accident = you could be playing by the rules and still get fucked somehow.



/ˈækənt/ Show Spelled[ak-si-duh] Show IPA
noun 1. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents.

  1. Law . such a happening resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought.

  2. any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause.

  3. chance; fortune; luck: I was there by accident.

  4. a fortuitous circumstance, quality, or characteristic: an accident of birth.

actually the law definition supports you because its his fault

the rest of the defintion says and accident is an unexpected outcome that was not deliberate.

accidents happen, of course they could be prevented. that doesn’t mean its not an accident

of course being in an accident doesn’t excuse you from being in someway responsible for the outcome