Another motorcyclist killed.

Yeah, sorry about that. I’m talking about the Colonie accident.

I live 15 seconds from New Karner, saw the road blocked off at both ends on Sunday, didn’t know what happened, so sad =/



one of my friends knows someone who saw what happened and they also said that speed was not a factor.

That’s not completely true.
It’s a long read but it’s worthwhile;

I’ve come to terms that no matter what you do, how safe you believe you ride, you will go down on a motorcycle. Every single person I ever rode with on a regular basis or knew someone who owned a bike all had an experience where they went down or got clipped by a car.

Most of the general public on the road have no courtesy or awareness of motorcycles on the road, which is a lot of the reason why I gave it up. I was simply coming off a red light passing through an intersection and an older couple in the left lane did not see me and cut right into me and smashed me. I was lucky I didn’t go down, I still to this day can’t figure out how I didn’t but it made me realize it is way too dangerous to risk my life on a bike… That or i’m just getting old.

There are only two types of riders…

Bike or not there are a lot of similar cases in a car, people just dont seem to look these days when changing lanes, they assume if there directional is on its clear to move over, but I hear ya about not wanting to ride, all this shit going on lately makes me not wanna ride because I dont trust being on the road with everyone out there and old people ARE THE WORST.

A few years back I had some old guy go right on red as I was going through an intersection (I had a green light) and he clipped the back end of my old bike, fortunately I managed to keep the bike up and didn’t get hurt.

Although nowadays the sportbike rider age group seems to be getting younger and younger (that or I’m just getting really old) which makes me nervous as well because if you have less then 2 years of exp driving a car you should not be on a street bike at all, they need to pass a law that shouldnt allow people to get a motorcycle permit until you have had a drivers license for at least 2 years.

Some old guy killed a 14 year old girl on rt 30 this past weekend up by the lake. Girl and her friend were walking down the GIANT shoulder of rt 30 in the 45mph zone, old man either didnt see them and wondered off the lane into the shoulder or what but hit her and killed her.

Monday I think it was another old man hit and killed someone walking in amsterdam too. Dude was 81 driving.

Old people should be retested every 4 years. You know what FUCK IT the state is broke as fuck, re-test EVERYONE every 4 years! It wouldn’t bother me one bit, pay 30$ for the test and take an hour of PTO from work to do it, if it keeps retards off the road, puts money into the states debit, and lowers insurance in the long run its a win in my book… hassle or not.

I think what it is, especially in this area are people are just selfish assholes on the road. Traffic sucks because of it. Attitudes suck because of it. insurance rates suck, and the general experience on the road sucks because of it. They dont care what they hit, run off the road, hurt or kill… until it happens to them or someone they know. To them cutting off a rider or another car is just a 10 second interaction that if it didnt cause an accident the only result is a middle finger, and they forget about it 5 miles later. Thats sad.

Thats also why I have road rage like a mother fucker. If you do something dumb and I see it I will hammer it home the best I can into your head in hopes it sticks for a while.

I worked off Washington ave ext in an office on the right. One morning on the bike, I approach a green light to continue on the ext or take a right off, I approach the dotted lines and the expanding lane to the right to take the turn, I was actually going to cut it a little early, about 5 feet prior to the actually bend in the white line, and this bitch is motoring up behind the car following me going straight, cuts on the shoulder of them and then just about hits me. I swerve back to the left to not get hit, look at her looking at me and shake my head, then she flips me off like its my fault and stares me down. Split second decision I kicked her drivers side mirror off her pos Dodge Caravan, and pulled in behind her. She followed me to my office and got out PISSED (right fully so I guess) and flipped shit on me saying I am paying for the mirror and I am an asshole. I simply said, would you rather me break your mirror or sue you for everything you are worth if you hit me back there and I got hurt? And dont bother calling the police, because they already saw the whole thing, the guy I worked with was a few car behind me and is a part time CPD. I am going to work now, if you feel the need to take this further call the cops and come get me, and if you do anything to my bike, I have your plate number. :rofl

Dont fuck with a krazy kid


Take them.

You need to work from home.

if I worked from home I would never post on here! I would actually have something to do with my time!!!

Riding the bike chills me out personally. Honestly I view it as fun vs a Car
I mean if someone cuts me off or almost hit’s me which has happend a lot.
I don’t even get mad really, it fades fairly quickly I let it roll off my back like water on a duck. I used to be a Rageaholic, but now I have found piece.

BTW, how you handled the situation with said woman was pretty damn funny.


[QUOTE=Gundamzeppelin;859303]Riding the bike chills me out personally. Honestly I view it as fun vs a Car
I mean if someone cuts me off or almost hit’s me which has happend a lot.
I don’t even get mad really, it fades fairly quickly I let it roll off my back like water on a duck. I used to be a Rageaholic, but now I have found piece.

BTW, how you handled the situation with said woman was pretty damn funny.

Truth right there. I hear ya, it chills me right out too.

Krazy, haha, good stuff man. I just wish you finshed the story with a funky twist, “She tried to throw down, but I gave her a judo chop…beat bitch, I got work to do…”. Haha.