Another one killed

im going to disagree there. i ride my bike to ride. i enjoy the free feeling. ive ridden harley-davidsons and other “lesser” bikes(performance wise) and i just never really enjoyed it. i ride my GSXR as much as i can. i do 40-45 on central in 4th or 5th. i dont wheelie, stoppie or even really hammer turns. i just cruise around. sure i could do it on anything, but i enjoy having the particular bike i have. its comfortable for me, and its plenty fast when i need it to be.

maybe i just have more self control? who knows, but saying a crotch rocket isnt a good street bike is all personal belief. its like telling a single guy that his S2000 isnt a practical daily driver. maybe for a married guy with kids its not, but its all relevant to your wants/needs.