another pulled over story this is pretty bad though.

I think later sections of the 219 are, but you gotta go pretty far from the I-90 for the 65mph zone. IDK about the 400… i’ve driven on it like twice in my life.

Yea dude. When you get as many tix as I have… you don’t give a fuck about the flow of traffic. go 55, set your cruise and jam to some tunes. driving like a dick, although very fun I wont lie, will eventually catch up with you financially. some day your car insurance will be 48% higher than it should be due to violations like me and we wont need to have this discussion. believe me I’m not one to stand up for cops but maybe your lucky he only marked it up as much as he did, sounds like you need the lesson. the only reason that 10 mph over is “acceptable” is because everyone thinks it is so everyone goes that fast. Ive gotten a ticket for 4 mph over once. it sucked but like somebody already said, anything over is over. They should be that strict. one more thing… keep it one the tracks and not the highway. its hard to do, believe me I should know, but ultimately safer and cheaper. I hope I dont sound like too much of a dick but im sorry thats just how it is.

i thought the date was april 20th so i shit a brick because iam due back in court that day. i agree with josh(strickly) leave some time for urself tickets suck balls. if i added up how much money iin court fines lawyer from driving like a moron i could have some really nice stuff.