another pulled over story this is pretty bad though.

ha, I hate the police, state troopers, all of em. But they are just doing there job. ESPECIALLY IN WS, i hop on the 90 or 219 and set the cruise to 7 over and thats it. I have NEVER had a problem with 7 over in NYS. Down south, you can get away with 12-15 over with ease, they dont really care, the damn speed limit is 70-75 anyway. I am always cautious in NYS, I aint too worried about the fine, but the points and the possibility of my license being taken scares me bad.

Hmm if you read my first post… i am not trying about the TICKET but the fact that it was signifigantly higher than what I was doing… Like I said…the speedo said 70… My car actually was going at 65. I was doing 65 in a 55. 10 over…not 78 in a 55 which is 23 over which is a big fucking difference. I could care less If i got a 10 over. The point of all this is that either there was an error or he clocked the wrong car and I don’t feel like paying out my ass becasue the officer fucker up
Baddazz you drive a camaro and you call my brand new car a peice of shit.
You’re a fuck bag. that’s all I have to say about that.

I am not trying to get sympathy for a speeding ticket it self…but for the 13 mph over what I was actually doing.
And actually I’m not trying to get sympathy at all…just questioning how I would go about fighting this in court.

lawyer lawyer lawyer call someone that would know maybe a lawyer meanwhile you just wasted 24 hours waiting for a response from us we gave you ideas you shot them down gps sounds good to me but not good enough for you or just man up and face the ticket right or wrong you got it not everything is fair in this life sometimes you have to take things and just man up

the problem with using the GPS as i see it:

if it says you are going 70, then you are essentially pleading guilty to going, say, 10-15 over. That’s points.

I imagine that the would plea that shit down to 0 points. Just a thought.

Plead not guilty, DA or ADA will drop it to parking ticket or 1110a (given you don’t have an extensive past) and be on your way. GPS for backup in case they really try to stick you hard with the 78 but I doubt they will, reduction = more money to the them so I assume they will reduce it as stated above.

actually you clearly said the following:

“Heavy traffic and a sunny day…no way am I going to speed. keep in mind it’s a 55 mph zone.”

no way u were going to speed, yet u did anyway, like a retard.

“I’m going about 70 in my gti”

that’s just stupid, in an area where u know the cops prowl.

“I argue”

nice job bonehead.

“I should have rephrased speeding. On a thruway anything <15mph is not speeding in my books.”

your “books” are wrong, because you are an idiot.

“It’s wrong to speed but it’s more wrong to write a ticket for a false conviction.”

i guess two wrongs make a right huh? and i’m sure the cops radar was right anyway, and you’re just being a pissy little bitch about the situation. grow up, stop speeding, or just deal with the consequences.

i never said u were trying to get sympathy, i am just telling you what i think of you and your worthless complaint.

PS: my car is infinity times greater than yours, and u suck at life.

I never get nabbed by the popo…maybe its because I don’t look like this while driving “:snky:” .I usually do 75-80 on the thruway.


i just got back from the bathroom, and there was nothing in the new readers digest about this.

the lotus spedometer has been proven to read about 8% high.

ALL speedometers read high from the factory ITS the law that its cant read below the actual speed i just looked on the internet and its not just your new gti its all cars so dont use its over 5mph all cars are so dont drive 60 in a 55 when u think your going 55 drive by the speedometer and you’ll be fine think about its if you were going 5 less aka to your speedometer then you would be bitching i got a 13 mph ticket how do i get out of it but in all reality you probably wouldn’t have gotten pulled over so drive by the speedometer not what the insert month car and driver says how high it reads


hi. have we met?

so this is how they make VWs fast! :rofl:

Punch it next time, and see if you can get on wildest police chases.

I’m not going to bother anymore. first of all i said I was doing 65. not 70. I put that in there for even more proof of my speed.
First of all…I consider speeding…going way over the speed that the surrounding traffic is going…If the surrounding traffic is doing 70,I’ll do 70 as to not upset the flow of traffic.

I honestly don’t see how maning up includes paying a higher fine for something that you did not do. In my case…doing 23mph over the speedlimit.
If i got written for 65 in a 55 …I would not be upset at all…as I have admited to speeding.

so badazz…if you were driving 80 in a 65…and got pulled over and the cop said you were doing 93…you wouldn’t make a stink about it?

And I’d like to find a car that is infinite times better than any other car. Thatt is just a bogus statement…if you compare a farrari to a pinto…maybe. but a new gti to a camaro. hmm let’s see.

holy goddamn shit man, use some punctuation…

You fucking suck at typing…

while i agree, yes getting written for the higher speed sucks, the fact is you were still speeding…flowing with traffic or not. it doesn’t matter what “you consider” speeding.

You people are impossible. I never said i wasn’t speeding. I admitted to speeding and I normaly do 10-15 over on the thruway…and I’m ok with getting caught…but the fact that the officer jacked it up that high…is rediculous.

Another thing…could there be any reason my valentine one did not go off? I mean i could see if i had a shitty detector but I would say the v1 is not a shitty detector.

How old is your V1, some of the higher budget districts use different bands that older units cant pick up. and FYI 10 over is usually the ACCEPTED limit for troopers and local pd. 15 is too much.
This is coming from Monroe Country Sheriffs, State Troopers and locals round here. I know a lot of them. 10 is the standard, above that they start hunting you down.

Officers will jack it up becuase they can and are trying to TEACH YOU A LESSON! which is to slow down in WS. flow of traffic or not, they want you to stop. Your Cop magnet of a car doesnt help either.

tyler you can’t win because you drive a VW on a honda/american car forum
