Another reason to HATE Boston.....

I am 100% justified in, at first, going after this n00b. He is a n00b, and lately, the definition of n00b has been closely associated with “tool,” “suck,” and " :picard: "

There will be exceptions to ever rule, and this particular n00b may happen to be one of them. I admit defeat to this n00b…because i was wrong in immediately jumping to conclusions and judging…but not a single person on here can argue that i’m right in being skeptical of every n00b i see, especially when you look at n00b track records over the past months. These stereotypes about n00bs exist for a reason…all stereotypes are rooted in some truth…call me a n00b racist if you will…

now if you’ll excuse me, i have to toss on my bed sheets and hood, and go to a n00b lynching…