We need an inspection handbook to assist in this debate, window tint fails inspection, its at the discretion of the inspecting station to allow it, the station does not need to enforce it, i think it was 12 years ago when it changed to being allowed to pass BUT still failable (if thats a word).
Heres the thing, I don’t remember what the officer showed me in his book 2 years ago, i just remember what it meant. So i took a ride to the local police station today, I spoke with an officer who explained that side rear windows were okay, then another officer walked in and said NO WINDOWS are Allowed, they began to debate this matter, after a few minute of very entertaining conversation concerning what the law stated (Which was laying on the table in front of the 3 of us) The 1st officer stated “See this is why i would never stop somebody for tint unless its totally blacked out” Then the 2nd Officer stated “Its a matter of officer safety, If its not factory you cannot have it”
By the way i asked if window tint “Sun screening device” was a primary offense or secondary" to which they both agreed Primary, Now I followed that up with “Seat belts, Primary or secondary” to my surprise an officer can not stop you for driving without your seat belt as a primary offense… but he can for driving past with tinted windows, lol