another tint thread! w00t!

I’ve never been busted on any of my cars in recent years and they’re all tinted out. I thought cops dropped doing that shit.
When I was busted multiple times about 5 years back, I had a car that screamed ghetto ricer. So I’m sure the car grabbed attention to the tint.
But, in any case, they may have changed the laws (because they didn’t give “fix it” tickets then), but then I carried around a piece of paper with the sentence, “If you can read this with my window up, then I’m not in violation”. That would always piss them off, but would be what got me out of it at the county level.
The meters were technicaly not admissable because there was no official mandated “training” on them. As such, they weren’t allowed to be used in court. And even if so, there was no definitive light percentage reading; that part of the “law” was just suggestion. The cops really don’t know how to interpet it all. If they say they do, they’re full of shit, because it is so ambiguous.
I would always lose at the magestrate level. The magestrate usually was buddy-buddy with the cop and had no idea of the law other than what the cop fed them. Then I’d appeal. Won every time. Simply because at the time there was no real interp that could be agreed upon, and the light meters were not permitted for use. As such, all that needed done was to show my sign in court, and ask the po-po if they read that sign when I was in my car with the windows up. Once they admitted it, the judge would always go my way.

I’ve never been busted on any of my cars in recent years and they’re all tinted out. I thought cops dropped doing that shit.
When I was busted multiple times about 5 years back, I had a car that screamed ghetto ricer. So I’m sure the car grabbed attention to the tint.
But, in any case, they may have changed the laws (because they didn’t give “fix it” tickets then), but then I carried around a piece of paper with the sentence, “If you can read this with my window up, then I’m not in violation”. That would always piss them off, but would be what got me out of it at the county level.
The meters were technicaly not admissable because there was no official mandated “training” on them. As such, they weren’t allowed to be used in court. And even if so, there was no definitive light percentage reading; that part of the “law” was just suggestion. The cops really don’t know how to interpet it all. If they say they do, they’re full of shit, because it is so ambiguous and isn’t actually written in to the books as “law”.
I would always lose at the magestrate level. The magestrate usually was buddy-buddy with the cop and had no idea of the law other than what the cop fed them. Then I’d appeal. Won every time. Simply because at the time there was no real interp that could be agreed upon (they can’t use PENN DOT suggestions as “LAW”.), and the light meters were not permitted for use. As such, all that needed done was to show my sign in court, and ask the po-po if they read that sign when I was in my car with the windows up. Once they admitted it, the judge would always go my way.

The law is:

(1) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sun screening device or other material which does not permit a person to see or view the inside of the vehicle through the windshield, side wing or side window of the vehicle.

If you can read my sign with the windows up, then I’m not in violation of that law. Funny thing is that the “law” is different for different types of vehicles, too.

From above:

“btw the pa law that’s posted aboveisnt current as far how I read it out of ? officers book, which stated (paraphrasing) regardless of the window, or percentage, IF film is applied to ANY window at ANY Percent it is to be considered a violation of state inspection code.”

Which it is not. Tint passes inspection. There is nothing stating that tint will fail state inspection.

they probably were catching up with meeting their monthly quota… tint is a really gay reason to pull someone over. i would think speeding and crazy driving would a be more important reason to write a ticket.

100% agreed. what the cop does in his own time doesnt mean he still doesnt have a job to do. Its like the kids who cries that his sibling gets away with something and the parent usually says “dont worry about ur sister just worry about yourself”

sometimes a mole means you have skin cancer but sometimes its just a mole… should doctors ignore it cuase its mostly nothing major… should a cop ignore tint because its only a minor infraction…what if that guy behind the wheel is a child molester or a guy on his way to murder someone.

i got tint… i know its illegal… i know i might get pulled over… i still dont care if i do.

So if he parks a personal vehicle with tint at the station, do his coworkers write him a fix it ticket because they have a job to do as well?

So to the two other guys that got nailed yesterday…What are you guys doing to get around this? You can pm me if you like. There’s no way i’m paying to have the tint taken off and then put back on.

ding ding ding

thats a separate issue… what if one cop deals crack…should he not arrest you if you deal crack? the issue of cops not policeing cops has nothing to do with you breaking the laws and getting a ticket for it. if you want to bring it up call channel 11. until then all you fuckin cry babies that get tint tickets take ur medicine and shut the fuck up.

I put about 10miles a week on my car I dont get tint tickets anymore.

but it is bullshit that cops have to be such dickheads about something so minor whenever they break the same laws

NO you are such a fuckin cry baby… A LAW IS A LAW!!! should it be treated like a murder investigation? but it shouldnt be ignored because u think so.
people get away with speeding everyday and cry when they get caught… just be glad all the times you didnt get caught.

what if everyone let the little things slide in their own jobs?

If you know that they are policing north park during autox days, just put your windows down until you’re out of the park. Seems pretty simple to me.

Except when it isn’t. There is still no verifiable “Law” as to what is or isn’t illegal.

I’m not a cry baby. If I get hit for it, I’ll laugh, take a ticket, and fight it in court. And I’ll win. Have before; will again. Until they define a law in the motor vehicle code, it will be overturned in higher courts.

am I crying about it? NO the law is not defined correctly. people that have tint on the back windows of the car is legal, it says so in the vehicle code.
this is such a touchy subject for you and you flip out everytime you hear about it. sounds to me like your the one crying about it trying to prove that you are right even tho if you read the law in the code it proves you wrong.

x200000 if they fixed the code listed under 4524 SS (E) 1 stating that aftermarket sun screening on any window is iilegal then we would have nothing to fight about and the problem would be solved.

Yeah, since dealing crack is SO comparable to window tint.

If a offduty cop is pulled over for tint and identifies himself as a Law enforcement officer, do you think he is getting a fix it ticket? Or harrassed?

If an offduty officer is caught dealing crack he is fucked.

agreed again.

if he were pulled over for tint they would sit there and bullshit for awhile.

found dealing crack?, well he’d be on the news lol

just the other day a scott township cop stopped to talk to me, car was parked on the side of a road where it really shouldnt be parked while I was fishing. he saw the tint and saw the thin blue line sticker and asked if I was a cop. I told him my cousin was and he stood around and bullshited with me about fishing that part of the creek lol.

Good point. But nonetheless, if something is a law and I break it, I do so at my own risk. When something is not officially a law but instead a way for a cop to be a dick using PENN DOT suggestions on light percentage, then I’ll fight it. And win.

i wasnt comparing dealing crack…i was showing you morons the concept! The cop is doing his job in relation to you breaking the law…not what he does on his own time or in his life. If he beats his wife at home it has no relevance if he arrests you for it while hes working.

and if an off duty officer gets pulled over for his tint and he gets off…well thats one of the perks of the job. is it right? no but thats too fuckin bad for everyone else. everyone usually has a perk of their job and cops usually get their traffic violations fixed.

people need to get out of this “why u fuckin wit me?” mentality when it comes to police… Cops can be jerks but its a shitty job too, they have to deal with the scum of the earth and dont get any recognition. They only get bitches like jeff crying about tint laws/tickets. guess what assholes… cops dont make the laws, they only enforce them. If your job depended on writing tickets for little shit, you’d fuckin do it to. Half the people in this thread need to take a fuck mac10 stick it up their asshole and when they are done enjoying it pull the fuckin trigger and do the world a favor. Take responsibility for your OWN actions and dont worry about everyone else.

I guess im kinda late on this thread,

but i got pulled over by a cop last year not too far from my high school after he followed me from the school parking lot. i got a written warning and never mailed it in and nothing happened. im not saying thats the way to go, but it worked for me i guess

Olds if this was a random encounter in north park, FINE… but it was quite obvious this asshole was exploiting the NHSCC and the autox to meet his personal agenda or a departmental end of month quota, as can be seen by the MULTIPLE tickets he wrote at the pool.

I think it was a smart idea for him to exploit it…catch everyone at once. it would be smart for police to set up DUI check points after steelers games too. Who is the real asshole…the cop doing his job regarless of what you think his motives are OR every jerk off that got a ticket for …(pay attention here) ILLEGAL WINDOW TINT? Its no different than if he pulled 20 people over for speeding/illegal exhaust/altered suspension/etc after the autoX. anytime you have an event with cars you are gonna have a certain segment of people that are immature and do not know how to act right with their vehicals…it sucks for you if u are adult enough and mind ur own business and get sucked up but thats the chance you take if you have illegal stuff on ur car.