Any audio wizards at SON that can help me with this?

Ok, so i got an MTX Sub (not 100% sure what the model name is, if it is important i’ll post it, it’s 10" Dual coil, 400 rms 800 max) The sub in sealed box works fine, but I wanted more out of that sub, so i got a ported box, prefab by ‘BASS SLAMMER’ it’s called. The problem is on the higher volume above 15, the HU maxes out at 35, I hear this almost like rattling ‘pop’ noise. Some notes its only at the very beginning, some notes it’s throughout. I can’t describe perfectly what it sounds like but it sounds like slamming a piece of wood with another piece of wood. like banging hammer on the wood. I’ve looked around the web, they all say the different thing, but 90% of them say “oh your sub is blown”
but i know it’s not because in a sealed box or outside the box it sounds fine.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading

It’s hard to fully diagnose your problem over the internet… But a few things to keep in mind, a sealed box takes the most power for the lowest gain, it’s great for rock music and a rally crisp sound. A ported box on the other hand produces about a 3 db gain and a slightly flatter sound. Just out of curiosity what are the settings on your amp? Did you do any tuning when you switched the boxes? If you fried a voice coil, it would exhibit like 10% of the power it used to. Are you noticing any power loss? Or just the sound distortion? I suggest re checking the tuning of your amp.

I’m a complete noob, I just checked how it’s mounted, the actual box and what nto everything seems to be good. The amp is all set at max lol.
Gain: Max
Frequency: 40Hz (range = 40~300) It was set at somewhere around 60 Hz? and after i changed to 40Hz i only hear that rattling/popping noise on certain notes.
DB gain?(not sure what to call this): 50 db(0 ~ +50 db)
and it’s set at LPF.

I doubt that i fried a voice coil because it sounds just as loud in the sealed box when i put it back. Just sound distortion.
thanks for the input browntown

OK PROBLEM 1!!! turn the gain DOWN… See common mistake… the gain IS NOT a volume knob. It should not be on full. You want to match the gain level with the level of your deck. So (for example) say that your deck has a 2 volt pre out, you will have the gain set higher, essentially this means that your system will get louder as you turn up the volume knob on your deck with LESS turning. Because you have a HIGHER gain thus it takes less deck volume to get louder. The problem you are having here is that you have the gain on MAX. so when you turn your deck volume up it’s literally giving all it can, and this popping due to distortion. Turn your gain down, you want to tune your system more efficiently.

SO Turn your deck to the normal volume you listen to it at and start with the gain and bass boost (or db gain) on 0, and gradually turn it up, once you hear ANY distortion or cracking turn it down a slight bit and leave it at that point.

You did not by any means fry that woofer, if you did you’d know lol, and be sad… don’t worry, just turn your system better and you will be fine! Good luck!

Just to add, the reason your crackling stopped a bit as you turned the frequency down is because it was tuned wayyyy to high. Just remember for the future, the knobs on your amp are NOT VOLUME KNOBS. I guarantee once it is tuned correctly you will get a very efficient system. Also LPF setting is fine, that is your Low Pass Filter, that just doest let any frequency through that the woofer can’t handle.

Will try that, just curious though, I had the exact same setting in a sealed box and she was good, do sealed/ported box work completely differently? I thought ported box just amplifies a certain frequency?

Ok well it’s never a good idea to have every setting maxed, but yeah they do work differently, like I said a sealed box requires the most for the smallest gain. Hence the HIGHEST settings for the least gains. So it must not have been struggling as much, now a ported box is made to resonate and amplify certain frequencies which can be tuned, depending on length of port etc. The thing is though that a ported is more efficient, it needs less power then a sealed to produce more, it can get in the range of a 2-3db increase (which is a huge gain) due to it’s design, it’s only really flaw is that it works best for SPL and music with alot of bass, low bass, where as a sealed is really nice got tight bass and rock music etc. So pretty much why it wasn’t noticeable before is because it used the power and muffled the distortion, now that it’s vented into the air it’s clear and it doesn’t need all that power. Plus full everything is never good. Hope that helps

Where are you located. Browntown got some points right but you will also have to tune around your other limitations “Speakers if not on a amp”. If you are around somewhere Ill be working I can help and take a look. I seem to be quite handy in this area :wink:

I agree with you Benson but regardless of what what driver you are running, a gain knob is NOT a volume knob, my suggested method of tuning is what can probably be considered the simplest form for someone just starting to figure things out. As rc3932 stated, they are a total noob, and I just wanted open their eyes to the fact that you cannot just turn the knob to 10 and get the best result. Good luck!

To also better assist us you should like What sub you are actually running (8000, 7500???) as well as what amp this is being powered with.

lets not forget that some subs are designed for sealed boxs and dont work well in ported or bandpass boxs never mind free air subs also some subs require more or less cubic feet of air in the box it’s self
maybe yours came in a sealed box because that is the requirment of the sub.


it the sub its self i have an mtx to there cheap so they are only good for decent music once you start getting into the loud hard core stuff you need to upgrade in subwoofers

hahahaha, Kollo that is a pretty general statement. As well as bad english.

Let me know the model and amp and I am SURE that I am the guy to help you.

although I’m sure u have fixed it and it doesn’t sound crap anymore, but what size of amp are you running to power this sub? if you are under powering the sub it will cause distortion and probably fuck up your whole system.

sub can not downgrade to meet the amp, much like the amp can’t upgrade to meet the sub. but an amp can downgrade to match the sub. under powering the sub is one of the worst things you can do.

turn the setting down like everyone says, the freq should match the music u listen to and the type of bass you are looking for. check the sub spec and see what range of freq is recommended. it will also have box spec that work the best with your sub, check that to see if it is close to what you have. maybe a sealed is better.

trail and error buddy!! good luck!

^ haha lol englishdjlhsd i dont spoke that lingage on another note i have the CT 12"mtx sub and 220watt mtx 2 channel amp with a 4 guage soche cap and wiring kit

how many watts is your 12" mtx sub?

haha ok, so that is the lowest model they have ever made. I just wound not base the brand on the RoadThunder Series.

I think that he is done with this issue how we are all posting but there is no reply from the thred starter.

It’s a 10" MTX sub, it’s Dual Voice Coil, 400W RMS and 800W Max I’m trying to find it on ebay so i can get the model name but i’m not seeing it. It’s silver cone that says like MTX in a really weird different way, almost looks like (ZTZ) and powered by Sony Xplod XM-2150GSX 760W MAX amp, i think it’s 150rms/channel (2 channel). I started getting weird problem (even though me turning the things down happened before this problem). I sometimes have to CPR my sub to get it to work, as in like I have to push the cone sometimes to get it to work, and once i have it working i have to keep it at high volume or it’ll require CPR again when the bass note goes away in a song. I had a Type S sub, also DVC, 300W rms 900W Max, and Type S didn’t even pound half as hard as this so i switched.

shit… so am i underpowering my sub thus causing all this trouble?

Is your sub bridged? If I have the amp model correct then that amp is 380watts RMS @ 4 ohms. Need more specs for sub

not haveing enuff power to a sub can make it clip and sound like shit , it may not have enuff power for the sub and ported always sounds better , like the othere dude said lower ur gain i like mine at 75 % but does depend on the music u listen to