Any Interest In a Dyno Tuning Session?


Looks like you’re first in line. I won’t need your cable.

Yes the M6s have some torque management, but it’s debatable whether it has much if any effect on power.

We’ll talk more about it when I get up there.

I guess we’re going to use Jeff’s as a point of reference? I’ll let him make the call. Jeff??? Jeff??? (Bueller??? Bueller??? LOL)

Any other last minute band wagoners? I need a couple more.

Ed, will you be arriving in Pittsburgh on Tuesday night, Nov. 17th, or Wednesday night, Nov.18?

Wed. night. Late. Send me an email and I’ll forward you my itinerary.

Rich, can you email me your tune files? If you can, send me both the stock file, and the canned tune from DS. Thanx!

I think interest is low this time around due to the 2-3 week notice and it being the end of the season…

I will be there to hang out/Eat… but won’t be ready for a tune until Spring at the earliest lol

Yeah, there wasn’t a lot of lead time this time. Will be good to see how smoothly things go so that any glitches can be corrected for (hopefully) future visits.
-more lead time
-guys finishing their winter projects
-guys getting their cars out of mothballs in the spring
-news about Ed’s skills traveling via the interwebz

I think that next time around there will possibly be too MANY cars.

If I make any progress on fixing my slow car that does not involve trading it in for a C6 vette then I will be ready for spring. lol

Not trying to be mean, but would a C6 Vette even make it up your driveway?

If you get one, ima call you Chuck Jr.

Edit: Oh, and you’ve put a lot of time/money/effort into your GTO to just dump it because of a silly gremlin somewhere in the car.

lol, I would find a way to make it fit… You can call me Chuck Jr but I would actually drive mine.

If a “silly gremlin” is another $2,000 trans/stall combo or $x,xxx engine then yes… it will get dumped because I don’t have the money to throw parts at it until it works

So, what time should I be at Jeff’s shop on Thursday? Early in the morning, after lunch, etc? From looking at googlemaps, it looks like it’s a little over a 90 minute drive, so I want to plan accordingly.

I can get there early to let the car cool down for an hour or two if that’s necessary as well.

How’s about 9-9:30? If you’re a little later, no biggie. I’ll bill ya by the hour LOL. J/K

JEFF!!! Check your email dammit!!

responded and call me after work today been busy in shop all day so haven’t been on computer as much

No problemo. Call yas in a little while.:smiley:


I’ve been back and forth with Diablo spt. My predator is locked up. Right now I can’t get the factory tune back in the car or input or output any data. DS assures me we’ll have this problem cleared up tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime I can’t get you the tunes via e-mail. When I drop the car off I assume you want the stock tune returned to the Jeep so the predator can load the CMR tune that you are going to do. Also do you want my car dropped off on Thursday? If so what time? Lastly FYI the AWD dyno is about 20-30 min from Jeff’s but you don’t want to make the trip before 10am or after 2pm till 6pm because of rush hour traffic. Jason said the dyno is available till 9pm. I work till 4 so if you want it early I’ll drop it off. If you don’t need it till later I’ll bring it out.

Sounds like fun…

If you can drop it off on Thursday, that would be cool. Just leave the tune in it. I can swap it back to stock. I’ll download the stock tune, and the predator tune too. See what they’ve done to it.

We’ll probably go to the dyno on Friday, as I believe the other 2wd dyno is booked Friday. So that will give me time for yours. I’ll do the street tuning on Thursday.

9-9:30 is fine with me. I’ll try to be there on time, hopefully traffic won’t be too bad coming up 51. Weather forecast looks like rain is possible for Thursday…hope that won’t affect street tuning too much.

Ed do you want the Jeep early on Thursday or later in the day?

Depends if you’re dropping it off, or gonna wait on it. If you’re dropping it off, anytime. If you’re gonna wait on it, let’s make it later in the day.

Predator is back online working fine. How bout if I hook up with you after work that would work best for me. I’ll see you around 5:30- 6:00. Should I call Jeff to make contact?

might be interesting to see some of the results.

I Have the results!!