Any places hiring???


The problem today is that many people, young and old (mostly young), think that their time working is worth multiples of what it really is. They come out of college, ready to work for $100k+ a year with no experience and EXPECT that, or else they will decline positions. Meanwhile, they’re jobless as fuck, student loans out of the ass, and they’re refusing to work these mediocre jobs making $10 an hour. That’s what irks me the most. Sure, you got a degree in something, but that does not tell me that you actually know what the fuck you’re doing. Anyone can take classes and pass with flying colors if they try hard, but that doesn’t mean the learn shit. I’ve taken quite a few classes where aside from an A in the class, I took nothing away from it and if you quizzed me on the subject now, my answer to everything would be “go fuck yourself”.

People need to stop estimating what their time is worth. They simply are not in the position to do that.

Would you rather sit around with your hand in your pants all day while your student loan interest is piling up, or would you at least do something with your time, working a less-than-desirable job (knowing that in the future, your dream job can open up), but still have money in your pocket?

People can not be so picky in today’s time. Millions of people are settling for the job they have now simply because they need a job and realize they can’t make ends meet on unemployment, or by wasting their time doing whatever the fuck each day.

Companies today are also running at much higher efficiency than they were just five short years ago. This isn’t even due to changes in technology. It is because when the going got tough and they had to lay off a few people, they saw the same work getting done because employees realized if they didn’t work their ass off, they’d be out of a job too. So an employer is paying much less and getting the same amount of work done (or MORE). If you were an employer, would you want to hire someone unless you were 110% positive that their work for the company is worth $XXXXX, or would you rather stick with your current employees who get shit done?

/rant made by someone who sits on their ass most days, but pays their taxes, does not receive any benefits from state/federal government, and does not complain.