i kno i kno, its either exercise or become bulimic
binge/purge FTW
i did my fare share of purging friday night…
Yeah. All that foot pounding is going to have you picking up your nuts to tie your shoes.
boxer briefs are pretty good when running.
normal boxers always ride up on me when i run, its soooo fucking annoying that it makes me wanna just stop and walk home
trying to get back into this. coming off a 5 months stint of doing nothing, i managed to run 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. (well running for 40, walking for the last 5 to cool down)
I know i am going to feel this tomorrow, but it wasn’t that hard to do.
I run through the village of Hamburg almost daily. Got a few good routes but I think the latest attempt to get in shape has given me a stress fracture. Either way I am down for a run here and there
I run through the village of Hamburg almost daily. Got a few good routes but I think the latest attempt to get in shape has given me a stress fracture. Either way I am down for a run here and there
oh been there, its usually because you trained to hard for you body to keep up. I couldnt run for over a year without a pain in my leg, but now im fine.
trying to get back into this. coming off a 5 months stint of doing nothing, i managed to run 4.5 miles in 45 minutes. (well running for 40, walking for the last 5 to cool down)
I know i am going to feel this tomorrow, but it wasn’t that hard to do.
you don’t want to run fast for fat burning… time out and doing the activity is much better than racing your heart to 200bpm and saving 15 min.
LOL and you’ll probably be sore tomorrow… go for an easy 3 miler… til you can get your body use to it
you don’t want to run fast for fat burning… time out and doing the activity is much better than racing your heart to 200bpm and saving 15 min.
LOL and you’ll probably be sore tomorrow… go for an easy 3 miler… til you can get your body use to it
i was going at a slow pace (about 9.5 minute miles). once i can run the 4.5 without really breaking a sweat i’ll start doing interval training at that pace/time. that’s when i really feel it burn in my muscles and not just in my chest… if that makes sense…
i was going at a slow pace (about 9.5 minute miles). once i can run the 4.5 without really breaking a sweat i’ll start doing interval training at that pace/time. that’s when i really feel it burn in my muscles and not just in my chest… if that makes sense…
yea that does make sense… what ever keeps you wanting to run again… I personally get bored with routine, so I always give up running after a week or two lol. I should pick up a bike and do some riding… lot more area to cover and explore
I would be down for a run but I dont know if I could make it over 1.5 miles
:tup: On getting out there.
I need to start running. Ugh.
the fastest i’ve ever managed at my peak was 2 miles in about 14 minutes. 13 is flying.
yeah im in the army, so i have a slight advantage…but i am also 5’3", so its not like im taking giant steps either.
i can run 2 miles in 13 minutes flat…anyone need a pacesetter? haha
LOL I feel like uncle rico saying this. . .but I could do 2 miles in 10:50 just after getting back from basic Now i have no idea… i should try and find out.
Anyone else ever get angry that we had to run a mile in elementary school?
im guessing newman doesnt have a chafing problem anymore because he came home from germany absolutly raving about boxer breefs…
haha i run the track at my elementary school and i feel so disappointed that at that young of an age i was a lazy fuck.
Anyone else ever get angry that we had to run a mile in elementary school?
i loved playing football or dodgeball or soccer badmitten was my FAVORITE i used to pwn super athletic soccer kids at badmitten they would get sooo pissed… then i’d go pull a smoke in the locker room lol
i just hate running for no reason. i run the frisbee golf coarse when i play, thats a blast… i fall down a lot lol