first of all 240coupe or whatever im not evne going to waste my time with you, anyone that wants to believe your twisted story can and by all means please do, more than enough people know me and trust me and have seen my morals and work to know exactly the kind of person i am, and how i would not purposely steal a ka engine harness, what the fuck do i want an s13 ka harness for?
and b240sx you’re sad dude, go home. size 6 shoes? god bless your cute little heart
Aren’t you the same person who organized a plot to attack Sasha by sending some random guy, who turned out to be your cousin to his shop to “look” at his sub with no money, so you could storm in like an idiot, and verbally attack Sasha and demand your harness back?
you seriously need to get your mind right here buddy and save yourself the embarassment.
Your not fooling anybody with your two bit schemes.
If you actually believe that Sasha would steal a worthless KA engine harness then you are obviously on another planet, which your obscene scam proved that you are.
Aren’t you the same person who organized a plot to attack Sasha by sending some random guy, who turned out to be your cousin to his shop to “look” at his sub with no money, so you could storm in like an idiot, and verbally attack Sasha and demand your harness back?
you seriously need to get your mind right here buddy and save yourself the embarassment.
Your not fooling anybody with your two bit schemes.
If you actually believe that Sasha would steal a worthless KA engine harness then you are obviously on another planet, which your obscene scam proved that you are.[/quote]
so what happened to this harness?
He bought the motor, it must have came with a harness. According to you guys its worthless so naturally it wouldve came with the motor.
I doubt that 240coupe would go through so much trouble for no reason.
but buddy doesnt want to believe this, he thinks im just making it up to stir shit, not to mention when he picked up the engine he didnt even pick up the harness when he got the motor.
it was left ou back along with a lot of other parts that were going to be sorted through / mostly thrown out, and someone came by and helped themselves to a bunch of it. so i tell dude listen man it got stolen im gonna try and find one for you and varun said he had one and then it turned out the shop varun had harnesses at (racing evolution) had thrown out their old stuff so the kid was shit out of luck.
so then he created this ridiculous scam that scotty gave you a breif description of. the guy is a total clown show and needs to go back to nursery school.
240coupe’s story has been entirely true up to this point.
Wouldn’t you agree?
You put the harness in a pile to be sorted through / thrown out.
Then some random dude just walked into your shop and started taking stuff, all without you knowing.
No one noticed someone take an entire wireharness. Because all shops just leave their doors open when no one is around so everyone can see how cool a garage is.
But you seem like a charitable guy who likes to give random people harnesses.
If ppl here are to immature then why are you here?
And you make it sound like were were trying to kidnap you. when in all reality my cousin went in to look at the subs. i went in after and asked for my harness it a common tone, you said it wasnt their and that it got stolen and you were going to get me another one and we left.
If you were just straight up and told me the harness got stolen then i would of beleived you and wouldnt of had to show up.Its the fact that you kept making up excuses to why i couldnt come and pick up the harness. and ignoring my calls.
We would of bought the subs if you would of gotten me a harness lik you said you would
And now you wont comment on it because you got proven wrong :roll: now whose immature ?
And DTS i’m not saying he stole the harness i’m saying he wont give it to me but i paid for it. It dosnt matter if it got stolen from his shop it was in his possesion when it got stolen so he either owes me my harness or a refund for my harness. if you prepay for somthing at a store and it gets stolen from the store they give you a refund they dont say “o well it got stolen too bad”.
He may have morels when i comes to more expensive stuff but for cheaper stuff he dosnt seem to care. this was proved when he told my cuzin when he didnt know it was my cuzin. That “I was not a priority because it was only a 300$ engine” and “Maby if he bought a 3000$ front clip i would care”
And this is ontop of the fact that i didnt count the money right because we bought some other stuff too and gave him 100$ less he called me and told me and i came back to his shop and gave him the extra 100$.
I already had the engine and everything i could of just dissapeared with it but i didnt because i’m a stand up guy and people who have dealt with me know that.
i forgot to get it so i called him like 5 minutes after i left and told him i was coming back to get it he said he had already left and that i would have to get it another day. He knew for sure that i wanted it. no mistake
and “Mommy didn’t hug you and Daddy didn’t go to your little league games?” buddy I heard that line on CSI: NY last night… GET ORIGINAL FOR GOD SAKES…that makes me laugh so hard that you quoted word for word.
I definitely would not classify the issue between Tim & Sasha as Tim robbing Sasha.
Tim a crook? He hasn’t robbed/stolen anything from anyone.
I think your confusing Tim with Kevin. I know of countless people that he has screwed, Including Tim himself(750).
Kevin moved to montreal with some sloozy for those who are curious.
“He’s defrauded many members of this website”
Maybe I’m misinformed? But I think the only issue on son with Tim is with sasha… Am I wrong?
DTs that wasnt typed fully right
“And DTS i’m not saying he stole the harness , i’m saying he wont give it to me but i paid for it”
Cant steal somthing your in posession of
^ that is still considered theft
He stole my money. because i didnt receive what i paid for.
What benefit would i have to make up somthing which sasha admited to.
He agrees that i paid for the harness and never received it from him.
I didnt even make my own thread right after this happened i havent even given him bad feedback yet because i’ve been giving him his chance to make amends but by his childish " i got proved wrong i dont want to talk about it anymore " behaviour i dont think its going to happen.
if by stormed in you mean open the door and walk in as if i were walking into a beckers then yes i “Stormed” in
I was more than patient about getting tha harness he dragged it on about two to three weeks after i bought the engine.
Perhaps if he could of given a straight answer lik “The harness got stolen i will give you a call when i find another one” i wouldnt of had to show up at his shop. Because i really didnt want to have to go out of my way to go down their because i’m a good 30 to 45 minute drive away.
sasha says he has a ka24de parts car that he was planning on parting out i’m not sure if its a 1991 but i know its that model
And please Tell me which part of my story is fabricated?
all the facts are there sasha agreed that i never got what i paid for
Is he knew anything about service he would of given me a refund but he dosnt so he didnt.
it has been discussed that the only reason why he stormed into the guys shop is because sasha would not give him his harness and refused to pick up his calls. It was theft… he tried to go get his harness or money after sasha would not contact him. So what could he have done if the shop owner is avoiding him and not picking up his calls? your posts dont seem to mention that there WAS NO OTHER WAY TO CONTACT.
so before you become critical of other peoples actions why dont you use your head and think of why he would bust into his shop and try to get something that was rightfully his
Perhaps if you would of delt with yourself in a more sociable and proper manner in the situation and you might of recieved better treatment.
If some kid stormed in on me in my shop after a setup I would be rather upset aswell.[/quote]