Any wine drinkers here?

sweet… good tip. I’ll look for those.

wow, talk about a lot of no nothings spewing garbage.

there are some fantastic reds that come from this area, red cat being one of my favorites, and i usually don’t care for sweet wines.

oh, and some of you “work” with it, and some of you like to think you drink it, but the gf and i empty 3 cases a month of various wines (not including what we drink when we are out). so i bet i am more antioxidized that any of you :stuck_out_tongue:

Red Cat, is that the hot tub wine?

I’m a big fan of pinot noir and merlot, both red. I think Spence said it already, but Charles Shaw (aka Two Buck Chuck) from Trader Joe’s=awesome. We buy them by the case when we’re in an area that has a Trader Joe’s.

was just there… its a good time…

Picked up the Red cat, pretty good :slight_smile: Waiting to open a Prejean bottle from the finger lakes area, haven’t had or heard of them yet, just reached for a random bottle.

i make my own wine, much better.

Prison wine FTW

Some of the best wines I have tasted were in Long Island. Dirt cheap too. 15 3oz samples for 4 dollars plus a pass to sample 8 more on a north fork vineyard.

Latley, I have been into dessert wines for after meals with some people. Most favorite are the blushes. Favorite bottle for the price was Duck Walk Vineyard in Southampton, NY. 9.95 for a bottle and it was just an amazing wine to sit and drink outside in the sun.

Ny has very good wines, whoever said that they dont, is a retard and knows nothing about wine.

What is a good local vineyard that has sampling at a decent price and a nice place to sit and drink a bottle? I wanna take this girl who never has been to one but enjoys wine.

local? not sure if any are local, like withen 5 miles. But the finger lakes is good, and niagaqra on the lake is very good. there are some in rochester, on turk hill road there is one that is very good.

This place is pretty nice for tastings, right on Hertel.

You can walk in whenever and taste 5 reds/whites for like 6 bucks.

a list of a few i had this last worth mentioning

red truck
yellow tail cab reserve i was surprised that this was as good as it was
columbia crest cab
arrowhead cab (kinda local… the are from northern PA)
14 hands (or maybe 16 hands)
and there was this great super tuscan… i will have to find the cork when i get home and post it up.

Little Penguin
Pinot Noir

Is delicious and cheap

Red Cat - Amazing dessert wine :tup:
Dr. Lossen is good also. There are a few others, but my wife remembers the names.

Bully Hill Sucks… All of them.

I was actually going to pick that up before I opted to try the Prejeans first, good thing I didn’t :slight_smile:

ewww what are you some kinda homo?!

smoking loon cab /THREAD

Local like, I dunno 30 - 45 minutes.

The one on turk hill in Rochester is good. I live right near there. Great banquet hall too.

yeah i used to live in fairport, great place.

Red wines even burn fat. The minerals from the grape skins dissolve fat when you drink with meals. Red Wines are good for your health when you don’t abuse them of course.

My wife and I went to Bully Hill about 4 years back for a tasting. I tried a few of them and spit them all back in the glass. The person working said, what’s the matter. I said all of them have sucked so far.

We left :slight_smile:

As for Red Cat, I always have some at the house. I have brought over magnums of it to parties and it always disappears. I haven’t met one person that didn’t like it. I tried it about 8 years ago when I was at Watkins Glen. Now it’s my drink of choice. :tup: from me for Red Cat

And it is recommended as a dessert wine, but it goes sooooo well with steak or chicken dinners.