Anybody good with a porter cable? v. Frytard

Yeah so this morning I moved my wife’s shiny new subaru over to the side of the driveway so I could get the Mazda around it, then proceeded to back the Mazda into it. :picard: :picard: :picard:

Knocked the fuggin side skirt off and scuffed the hell out of the front passenger side door. Pushed the panel in a touch too, but it’s not creased so I’ll wait for a hot day this summer and plunger it, or take the inside panel off and push from behind.

Anybody want to help me save the paint? Advice or skilled labor appreciated. Wash -> polish -> clay bar -> wax?


We all have those moments. Geoff has a really good one. lol

Yeah, those garage doors are tricky.

Shit happens, but I feel bad because it’s my wife’s shiny new car. Plus I can no longer give her shit now.

well, at least u are ok, no one was hurt. Your pride doesnt matter.:wink:

It would be wash,clay,polish,wax

ORLY? Thanks. I think they sell a meguires clay bar at advanced. Is that as good as any? Colinite for wax…

It’s a subaru thing

Generally speaking any clay you can buy otc at auto stores is going to be the same. Megs is good or Mothers clay bar or clay magic. Meguiars has a more agressive clay version also but I have never seen that sold @ any auto store. Only online.

Got clay ?

Leave it and just tell people your wife caught air durring a winter rally?

I have done worse… Backing out of my dads driveway once, I looked down to buckle my seatbelt and sideswiped the house a little. Just enough to fold back my springy mirror and dent the shit out of my car on the water spicket.

ahhhh this made me LOL

im of no help i know, good luck fry

should have stuck with motorcycles.

Don’t feel bad. I had borrowed my dad’s truck to go to my mom’s new apartment right after she left him, and the parking situation was really lame. I was attempting to turn around in the parking area behind the house so I wouldn’t have to back out all retardedly, and got stuck between the house and the fence. I ran inside to try and get help getting unstuck, and my mom’s boyfriend decided that the only way to move the truck was to scrape the driver’s side door along the house, leaving a terrific dent, and a nice line of white paint. :fu:

… I told my dad I was parked on the street and must have gotten side-swiped. How does one tell their father that their mother’s new boyfriend was in his car? Ugh.

With a check to cover the damages he is 100% resposible for paying for them.

never would have guessed you’re a woman based upon this post

Hmf. I was 17. And I swear when I say the parking was really lame! Really lame!!!

Talk to cougarspeed he knows he way around detailing and could prob tell ya if it worth buffing.

Post up a pic.

Me and my Makita buffer have been great friends for nearly 10 years now…have seen many levels of damaged paint so I may be able to either help out or at a minimum give you better advice.

I’m going to try to clean it up and give it a handjob tonight before/after my midterm. I’ll post pics for help if it doesn’t come out well. For now I’ll see what a wash and claybar will do.