Anybody work Border Patrol?

god what i would do to be border patrol

Dead end job, advance auto.

i believe its gl5 with high school degree, gl7 with 2 year degree and/or work experience, gl9 with 4 year degree

take the test asap. they allow you to defer, i believe, 9 months upon acceptance if you are in college to allow for graduation. what are you on college for?

you can get the government job without education, you just start lower and have to work up to gl-9, 11 etc. but having a 4 year degree plus relevant experience is a plus, whether it be a mall cop or desk security. i work at a bank and had to make random connections to job requirements of the position. If i am going to switch careers again and start entry level it will prob be a security position.

i am currently have a degree in autobody from alfred state and i am going for a business degree from gcc (main goal? who knows. lol). i am not taking criminal justice classes because any position i would want in law enforcement does not require a criminal justice degree, such as trooper, border patrol, city police (rochester, for example). that way i can have two career paths open to me.

I would eventually like to become a trooper, but i didnt score on the last test so this will work for the interm. If I get hired by border patrol ill be going to san diego for minimum 2 years. then the trooper test should be open again and i can take that and hopefully get in. My uncle is 2 years away from retiring as a trooper and he loves it. and i would love to get to the west coast for a while before i get tied down by kids or what ever. if all else fails ill use my autobody degree and business degree to get in as a manager at a body shop or something

its all about having options.

I have a friend who does it out in Arizona… they catch the mexicans coming over. They call 'em “tunks” because that’s the sound the baton makes when you hit them.

I don’t think this is a job you walk into.

It’s not like McD’s, you can’t just decide to do it one day.

A good friend of mine is working on getting into customs and he has a 4 year crim something degree and has 2 internships with p/d.

I do know it is a hell of a lot easier to get in if you know ppl on the inside, like any job.

I have had interest in pursuing a career in this field, but I won’t make any moves until I have graduated.

ill let you know in a few months. ive passed the test, oral interview, and physical. now i just have to wait for them to finish the back ground.

sure it helps to have that when it comes to pay scale, but it is an entry level position. there is a 19 week academy (the final nine weeks are just spanish) with a 2 year probationary period after that. no where thus far have i run into a problem not having a crim degree. troopers on the other hand require 70 or some odd credits, but they do not specify a major.

Keep us posted, and by us i mean me Travis. I am very interested in applying but have to get some personal crap sorted out before I can even think of it.

But it would be nice to kind of get a first person view on the process.

yea no prob, ill def update as i get info. i doubt there will be anything soon as all that is left i think is the background that could take 6-9 months. let me know if there is anything you want to know about the process thus far

#1 tip is get the study packet and actually go through it, just the night or two before so you understand what they are asking for, i spent like 45mins to an hour reading everything and going over the answers to figure out what i didnt understand. there were guys that actually took the test once or twice and never studied and wondered why they keep failing.

Holy fuck lets get this info right.



They are two different branches of homeland security. They have two different academy’s and tests. Do your research. CBP just gave a test a month or 2 ago.

Steve if you honestly want to get into this and want correct info or have any questions shoot me a pm and I will help you out. Or if you have questions in general about any other Fed/Local position and the process I can help with those as well.

not to pop your bubble… but he was a little right

i swear i had to go to the cbp website for something, maybe getting online forms for the back ground packet

It’s the same thing moron. They both lead to the same application to be a BPA.

Anyway, I’ll be taking the test soon. I already have a couple friends in it and it is a very rewarding career and you always do different things everyday. Having a bachelors degree is definitely an edge, but only if you have a GPA above 3.0 and can provide a solid reason as to why you should start at GL-7. Otherwise you will start at GL-5.

As far as getting a 93 on the test, they don’t give you a test score. It’s strictly pass/fail. So I don’t know where you got your test score from…

Definitely look over the study guide for the test as well as the physical requirements. The test is a rather unique test and is very tricky. Once you go over the study guide you’ll see what I mean.

Also study for the ALT, I’m assuming most of you don’t know Spanish so the ALT is what you will take to determine your aptitude at learning Spanish.

Good luck.

^^ Thank you!

Steve my brother who I live with in Arizona, has a good friend who lives here who is a helicopter pilot for the BP. They are everywhere down here seeing as im super close to the border. Everyone ive met here loves their job. I’m thinking about border patrol too, if the whole police thing doesnt work out for me. But anyway good luck. Its a good job to get into.

If you get a chance, ask him how hard it truly is to get into this.

Thanks man, appreciate it!

Alright ill deff. let you know tomorrow my brothers in phoenix for the night at a concert. So when I see him ill PM you.

Thanks Tony! In all honesty, even moving to AZ would be awesome. I’ll go pretty much anywhere away from this shitty area at this point.

Haha I do like it here alot, the nice weather is awesome. Its just so fucking boring. It is pretty funny though watching the BP chase the illegals through the desert. Ive seen it 2 or 3 times on my way to tucson haha.

lol sounds like fun. We’ll see where this goes.