Anybody work Border Patrol?

I thought it was a pay grade of gs14 as a federal officer

Wow, I seriously need sleep. When I first read what you said it looked like you said “I thought it was a gay parade of gs14…” LOL

Entry level BPA positions start at pay grade GL-5, 7, and 9.

FBI/DEA/ICE etc. starts off in GS-11 I believe.

What would I roughly start out at, pay-wise with no schooling previous to this besides my highschool diploma? $14~ish an hour?

~$36,000/yr. Raises come often though. Within 2 years most BPA are around $55,000.

Ironically this job would be about a $30,000 pay cut for me initially but the monotony of my current job is ridiculous. Not to mention being able to retire in 25 years with up to 90% pay is another bonus.

Wow, that’s fantastic if you ask me. I really think I’m going to research this more and try to pursue it as a career.

I appreciate the helpful information!

sorry man, try again. compressed session means you get your score and if you pass you sign up for the oral interview the same day.


you ever get licensed?

mmmmm pushin paper…

holy shit, they cant digitize that?


harmonized tariff…

newberry…What a shitty last name.

exam is open book and that is only a third of the paperwork i have to familiarize myself with.

you’re tellin me, no businesses or anything sweet to be named after me

exam for what?

brokers license

Holy hell. You are giving this kid terrible info. THEY ARE NOT HE SAME TEST AND NOT THE SAME THING!

Border Patrol is a different test altogether that includes Spanish or an artificial language if you don’t know know Spanish. This test is a pass/fail test. If you pass you go to ARIZONA for your academy and have to work in Arizona/new Mexico for 18 months. These are the guys in green uniforms. Border Patrol covers areas and mostly do not have specific posts where they just sit and have routine work. They are looking for illegals who try to come into the country as a main priority.

CBP is an exam that you get a score on and you have no secondary language requirements. This academy is in Georgia and you wear a blue uniform. CBP has stationary posts (peace bride, rainbow bridge, sea ports, etc) and for example, they are concerned with what is being brought into the country and ensureing that the proper amount is declared, taxes are paid, and that certain items that are banned are not brought.

Go tell a Border Patrol officer (the one in the green) that he is the same thing as the guy in the blue, s/he won’t be happy. You clearly do no know what you are talking about. If you are going to be taking these tests do some research.

JDMR2 just graduated from the training. PM him, it might be awhile, but I’m sure he will be happy to tell you all about it.

edit: training for border patrol.

wednesday they called me for a drug test on friday, im pretty sure thats all that is left besides the background test…

i’m not on as much anymore because i work so much, but i’ll throw in my few cents here and try to answer everyones questions as they come…

I currently work for Border Patrol in the Tucson Station in Arizona. I went through the hell that is training in Artesia, NM for 5 months and it is something I don’t want to ever do again lol. I started off as a GS-9, which is the highest salary rate you can start at, and I got it because of both my college degree and past experience in law/arrest techniques. Most people will start off at a GS-5 (~$37-38K/year PLUS overtime = +25% once you are in the field) or at a GS-7 ($41K plus AUO/automatic overtime), and a 9 i think started me at ~$46K. the highest non-competitive increase goes to a GS-11 step 10. the progression goes kind of simply: you move up one level (5-7, 7-9, 9-11) after your initial 6 months in the patrol, and from there you move up one step every year. once you reach GS-11, you move up in steps every year which accounts into about a 3-5% raise every year. anything above a GS-11 is a supervisory position that you have to formally apply for and is considered a competitive position…

its “tonks” alex…and i have no idea what noise you are talking about :X

from what i recall, they actually start at 7 or 9…i want to transfer to ICE after a few years, but they are not currently accepting applications and haven’t for a while…

absolute 100% truth…we are NOT the people in blue as we actually go out into the field and find work rather than sit in a cozy booth all day and let the work come to us :stuck_out_tongue:

thats just a couple nitpicks or tidbits for now…ask away here and i’ll answer whatever i can as quickly as i can…also, i will be back home in the ruff buff from 12/30 - 01/09 if anyone wants to talk about all this fun shit in person over a beer or something :tspry:

lol…tonks…you made my day alex…that noise makes me happy :slight_smile:

dear god how can i forget this

for those that are going through the application process, YES this form takes for fucking ever to fill out entirely

on top of that, be sure to REMEMBER whatever you put on that form, b/c if your application makes it to the background investigator, he is going to spend 2-4 hours of your time going over it page by page reviewing everything you wrote before spending a week going from place to place interviewing your entire family, friends, neighbors, former coworkers, and bosses…i got a LOT of phone calls that week from people lol

If you go to the CBP web site, is says in plain language, that its a merger of the former Customs, and Border patrol. If you go to the customs web site, it now has GREEN uniformed personnel, which by your criteria would be Border patrol. Both services have indeed merged, while the jobs are still different, it is the same service now.

Go fill out a “customs” job application, and see where on USA jobs it takes you. I bet dollars to doughnuts, its a CBP listing, cause there is no seperate Customs service. The DHS rolled all of them up into on entity.