Anybody work Border Patrol?

Last time i went to canada going in all they asked was where i was going and for how long then we were on our merry way, on the way back after waiting in the 1 line for almost an hour the guy said so how much over msrp did you pay for this car. I was driving my challenger. I said nothing he said bull shit! Nice ride have a nice day lol!

CBP is the amalgamation of US Customs and US Border Patrol all rolled into Customs and Border Protection

we both operate under the same DHS and CBP directors, but we are still very different entities and the application and entrance procedures are vastly different…

green uniforms are border patrol, blue uniforms are customs…

haha going in i had a hard time telling the customs agent i was going to dunville lapping day she looked at me weird and asked me if i was racing another car .

I’ve filled out both and taken both tests. Click the careers link and watch the difference pics that pop up. They show BORDER PATROL and CBP OFFICERS. It’s not complicated, 2 different tests, academies, careers, entities (even though they are both under the homeland security umbrella).

those kind of jobs are the only ones that are really secure nowadays and they have like a 20yr retirement, i might consider quiting corrections and goin to the border patrol, the state is trying to fuck us

That is rapidly changing. As of now, the Air and Marine division is totally blended. Give it 6 months and you will be taking the same tests. I understand the legacy of the 2 seperate units, and I understand the jobs. But you will have a hard time pointing to a website that is just customs, or a website that is just border patrol. Expect the line to be blurred even more in the upcomming months.

I worked there for about a year and a half. They have tests all the time. It was a nice job. you have to live down south for about two years through federal acadamy. I transfered back to the sheriffs dept before I even went online there. Its a good job if you dont mind moving away for a few years.

so you got a job with the (local?) sheriffs dept within your first two years of being down south? im definetily going to try to get into nys troopers if/when i go down there and they offer the next test.

this thread has so much backwards info it makes my head hurt…

i just got my medical release paper work by priority mail today. already have a doctor appt to have him fill it out and send it on it.

Why do you think that they will be blurred? They are doing very different jobs.

customs and border patrol are two completely different jobs under the same government branch, they will NOT be uniting the tests and training programs, i assure you that

air and marine were combined into a single interdiction unit to perform job duties for both border patrol and customs, that much is true

there will not be a blurred line between BP and customs…we perform two entirely separate job functions…


you need expirience or a four year degree to qualify as a GL-5…i just passed my oral interview yesterday…

i dont really understand why you said that first sentence.

and congrats, i passed mine on sept 15th.

if you are applying for this job and dont have some expierence dealing with the public, you are a bust. you dont need a 4yr. some schooling and some expierence will do just fine.

and p.s. it is GS-5 not (GL)

ps im looking at the hiring book right now and it is GL 5

Not sure whether or not to apply… Not available to be employed within the next 12 months, need to graduate first.

Does anyone know about internship opportunities?

p.s. i work there assclown
