Anyone else getting pulled over lately???

I am going to assume that you are law enforocement.

Either that or you are one of those champion guys who work security as they keep getting rejected for any real police division. The forums are crowded with those types that constantly blindly defend police actions without opening their eyes. even bogus and retarded traffic tickets that serve no purpose but to keep their numbers up so they look good. dont forget teh power trips…seriously, anyone who says that cops dont power trip are retarded. ANYONE in a position of authority is going to abuse their power at some point. some more than others.

I have nothing against the police dept as a whole, any division. I have problems with individual traffic officers who cant cut it doing real police work. I know, respect and have worked with many Police officers and have never ever met one who had anything good to say about traffic cops or traffic duty.

It really pisses me off how corrupt the system is, that being said, im a total hypocrite when that corruption works in my favour. it really opens your eyes when you see some major traffic violations squashed with a single phone call…what else can and do they get away withÉ

anyways, back on topic…i got pulled over more driving my DD integra than any of my 240…

When I used to drive 5.0 Mustangs, I NEVER got pulled over, save for omce when he chased me down to see what was under my hood.