Anyone else getting pulled over lately???

This is sooooooo true man if your Coloured in any kind of way they Harass you 10 times more.

its definatley racial profiling and its still happening.

if you Azn and you drive safe …your safe
if your white(Canadian/European …w.e.) and you dont wear Urban clothes your oookay

I Experimented I dressed like a preppy for a while and …you wouldn’t BELIEVE!! how nice cops were to me , even though i was still pulled over they didnt act stupid with the questions or unlawfully search me. or my cars.

Yeah the right cop did not see you, come to Scarborough my friend!! I have not gotten a ticket with my 240 as yet and not planing too. I remember a day I was driving east on Ellesmere towards the hospital and I know the cops where at the top off the hill timing people coming up the hill so I stayed in the fast lane doing 55km when I reach at the top where they were, you should see the look I got from both of the offiers, I gave the cop the peace sign!!.

Some cops have fast cars too. I meat a cop at a shop were his car was getting work done, it was a RSX with 500whp.

The beginning and the end of the month are the worst, cops have a quoter they have to fill. So if your car looks like a racer you will get pull over.

If you know your car is shady or “cops just don’t like you” start evading them.

As soon as you see a cop, turn somewhere and lose them b4 the cherries go on or pull into somewhere and jump outta ur car and run inside like ur in a hurry. Whether its a conenience store, gas station, grocery store, video store, car dealership, whatever. Just turn, the 30 seconds of going off track is worth the hassle, trust me.

That’s what I do. Don’t give em the chance. Its just most people are pussies and once they see a cop there hands go to 10 and 2, there foot hovers over the break and a sense of fear overcomes them. Get over that,

think of it as a game, they do

Dude…trust me if they want you they’d get you… i was driving the corolla and one follwed me from scarbough town centre to york mills and vic park… i pulled into the gas station and they pulled into the grocery store and they waited dude… when they want you they’d go to any length it seems…

Peel cops are the best! The nicest cops I know. They aren’t dicks and no they don’t. Maybe a lot of you should drop the “fuck the police” stigma while your at it.

I am 10x more likely to make a mistake when I see a cop around, its nerve wracking. I hate that feeling of fear, I’m driving perfectly normally, but still that fear is there. Wonder why…One more thing, I’ve never gotten pulled over, ever. lol

i’d just like to point something out to the guys saying to be careful near the end of the month because cops need to reach their quotas. police officers to not have a quota they have to meet by the end of the month. i’ve had this conversation many times with friends that have just finished school to be an officer. they are just told an average amount of tickets that officers usually gives out in a month. they don’t have to meet or exceed that number.

too add to stupid tickets. i have gotten a 10 over once and i was going the same speed as everyone else on the road. another time i got a 48 over when i legitimately knew i was going only 15 over. there are soo many flaws to those damn radar guns it’s not every funny. i fought the ticket and got it dropped to 25 over… woo.

Honestly just drive straight and do anything stupid as you won’t be pulled over!

Yes you may get pulled over for a spot check or some other ridiculous reason…treat the officer as you want to be treated (no attitude, don’t back talk…just simply answer yes and no).

You may get a cop that’s an ass but so be it…we all have bad days! If you get a ticket just suck it up and take it to court. Why bother escalating the situation to another ticket!

All in all I will probably get flammed for this but as many members that know me…I don’t have a modified car so I can’t relate! :slight_smile:

If you are getting pulled over, it’s probably you have cheap parts on your car.
Cheap parts + stock car leads to trouble. Avoid driving at night too.

Was it Blue? With front overfenders?

night time is the best time to be driving a 240 that’s when the fun starts all in the night

WTF does that even mean?

what the fuck are you on buddy peel region cops are the biggest fucking dicks in the world especially 22 division.

Some fucking asshole kicked in the side of my door and i got arrested for it and ever since the same fucking cops keep pulling me over… they literally forced me to leave brampton…

Ummmm… are you serious???

you wouldnt happen to have any police officers in the family now would you?

I think he’s just sucking to much Peel cock…

Every region has their dick cops, 90% of them are dicks…I’ve gotten maybe 3 nice cops, ever.

Well Martino I’m not the one getting pulled over all the time. So I think you may have more experience in that department. Idiot.

I hope you keep getting pulled over and hassled and sharing how much you life as a young innocent driver sucks.

still driving without a fender liner, grill, 3rd brake light, loud exhaust, loud music and an entirely different colour front end.

Cops leave me alone, even when theyre right on my ass.

Cops dont bother me either been driving without front plate for over a year now…and peel cops seem to be fine they dont even bother looking at my car.

Must be nice.
The FIRST day EVER having my plate off of my bumper I got a ticket down the street from my house. It literally came off 5 minutes before that at the shop and I was driving home.
There’s about 5k between my house and the shop.

I am going to assume that you are law enforocement.

Either that or you are one of those champion guys who work security as they keep getting rejected for any real police division. The forums are crowded with those types that constantly blindly defend police actions without opening their eyes. even bogus and retarded traffic tickets that serve no purpose but to keep their numbers up so they look good. dont forget teh power trips…seriously, anyone who says that cops dont power trip are retarded. ANYONE in a position of authority is going to abuse their power at some point. some more than others.

I have nothing against the police dept as a whole, any division. I have problems with individual traffic officers who cant cut it doing real police work. I know, respect and have worked with many Police officers and have never ever met one who had anything good to say about traffic cops or traffic duty.

It really pisses me off how corrupt the system is, that being said, im a total hypocrite when that corruption works in my favour. it really opens your eyes when you see some major traffic violations squashed with a single phone call…what else can and do they get away withÉ

anyways, back on topic…i got pulled over more driving my DD integra than any of my 240…

When I used to drive 5.0 Mustangs, I NEVER got pulled over, save for omce when he chased me down to see what was under my hood.