Anyone else getting pulled over lately???

Wow Batman… the GTA needs a real hero, to stop the corruption man its bad out there… Thank you for opening my eyes… I have a new perspective on things… Your really deep amazing piece of writing there… How could I be so blind? Did you learn that at community college or high school? Also, way off on my career aspirations but I hear the strip mall is hiring…interested? Maybe help aleve the corruption that is plaguing our streets and plazas…

^^ your weird dude

There’s always bad apples…but you guys need to stop bashing cops. They should make a “Do-not-help” list of those bashers and put a block on your phone. So when there’s an emergency and you need them, they won’t come.

I have yet to have my bad experience, but until then, I’m not going to jump on the “I hate cops to show others that I’m cool” bandwagon.

I drive the wagon Mark.
You can ride shotgun!

dude, get a grip. he actually gave a legit answer. no need to hate on it.

lol… if a cop pulls me over and says this is wrong and this is wrong I always just ask to see their mechanics license… which they dont have… then I just throw tech shit at them and they soon realize giving me a ticket will lead to court in which Ill win… they lose… just be smart about stuff guys really… you have a light out… fix it… keep good tires on your car and burn your spares…

After my whole post, you decided to touch on the tiny blurb about corruptionÉ

Itès fairly obvious anythin i write will be wasted on you.

did you choose to ignore everythig else i saidÉ Like the fact that I have respect for the police and the force in general, just have no respect for the power trippin trolls in traffic. not all, just the individual ones.

I love people who ignore the big picture and nit pick at the tiny blurbs to take teh whoe thing out of context…

whateves, peace out homie.

Sure, it doesnt matter what you want to be when you grow up and become a big boy, I may be wrong about what you want to be when you grow up, it still doesnt change the fact that you SOUND like that guy.

As far as working in a strip mall, sure!!! Times are tough bud, ill take what I can get! No shame, no pride!! woooot woooot!

Oh please apply Ronnie. I cant wait to get a citation from you!. I really didn’t know I sounded like that guy who knew we’ve spoken before. ha ha I’m just fucking with you now. I write nonsense and every gives meaning to it. I love forums.

Don’t drive like an idiot and you wont be pulled over. (my original point)

are you really still talking ? - dude… you shut up for a little while, and everything was fine, then the next thing we find you posting is some dumb comment about everyone driving like idiots, we all know you know that police may pull over any car for any reason, being loud, being caged, being low, etc… you dont have to be driving “like and idiot”

now you said your car is fully caged, loud and low ? are your sure thats… true ? are you sure it isnt … nothing ? and your not lying ? lol maybe post pics of your car im sure us guys would love to see how baller it is… unless you caged a stock 240 ? i doubt that…

but seriously fag … dont post here any more if your just going to be an idiot… i mean there are other ways to get off… try reading a book about a neat story… or exercise ?
cover your plates if your scared people will know who you are… we would just love to see how SICK your ride is… only true ballers have

not that you should be banned because we all like to laugh every now and then, but if you look over the 71 post’s you have made… most of them are you trying to sell your shit winter tires and then rest are totally unproductive… your the idiot…

I’ve tried both. Exercising doesn’t really work. =\

Chad muffin, can you read me a story :frowning:

wow there’s a lot of hate here… maybe I should exercise… your right Chad I’m getting a bit chubby. I glad you read all 71 of my posts I haven’t gotten around to reading any of yours yet because well thats pointless… I did post pictures of my car so hate all you want…guess you missed those when you were reading through my posts though… who said anything about having a cage is baler?? now your misquoting me thats not the point of one at all… but you already know that faggot. Next time if you want to have an argument P/M me you little pussy.

i would sign on to that if it would stop them from being able to enforce anything on me! that would be a dream come true!

you know Martino when cops cant Racially profile you there gunna look at your appearance and how you dress … i dunno if i posted already if i did…i willfully fail.
but I tried dressing like a preppy for a bit in the same modified cars and those fuckers left me the hell alone and i let my gangster lookin friends drive and they get harrassed lol within minutes.

cops suck end of story jusst make sure everything you have is Legit and you dont speed and they can’t Ticket you, they can just waste your time.

I get pulled over mostly at night when you can only just barely see me. I don’t dress all gangstaaaa y0! and I’m never rude to a cop (other than the guy who gave me a “failed to stop for amber” after he gave me the ticket, I mean I can’t blame anyone but myself for driving late but I guess when a cop runs my plates and sees my history they can’t wait to pull me over.

All in all, it’s still balls how they can have they’re nice power trips. I clearly proved to the lady officer that my signals worked and she still gave me a “No Right Hand Drive Sticker” ticket, all because I apparently, “have gotten off easy with EVERY other cop and she’s putting her foot down”…with wrong information I might add.

Boo erns…McBoobs.

lol… did you really just say P/M you ? and your calling ME, a pussy ? yeah that sounds super cool lets pm him a hate msg and have a discussion on how much i dont care to listen to you- how bout you pm me your address so we can have this discussion you idiot - you waste space on this forum and do not contribute at all… i would just delete your account and find a hobby -

please… do us all a favor and do not post again… ever -

hahahah fuckin right buddy, money is money.