Actually he’s got a point. If no one drove like cunts they wouldn’t have to profile everyone else.
There are always those assholes who give everyone else a bad name.
Actually he’s got a point. If no one drove like cunts they wouldn’t have to profile everyone else.
There are always those assholes who give everyone else a bad name.
Stop driving like an idiot and reving your ricey ass exhaust out to 4-5 K and you won’t get pulled over.
no good will come out of this thread
ya that 10 over ticket, I remember living up near Newmarket and they nail everyone to the wall with 10 over. I had 7 of these damn tickets and they sure dont do any good, Mind you 2 of them were for doing over and they lowered it to that but still they like to just nail eveyone to the walls. One time it was for doing 80km in a 70km going to the hospital because my friend broke her ancle and i was taking her to get it looked at and they still held us up and gave me a ticket.
Thats why I like living in the bounies 100km even 110km they dont bother you unless it is the end of the month.
Thank god my car changes gears for me before it hits 5k.
haha agreed… knock on wood ive been pulled over once in GTA because my car appeared to have cut springs, i just have stiff coils. anyways cop did a complete “inspection” of the car. best part is he popped the hood and saw the SR and said “everything looks stock” he said everything checked out and that i have a nice project on the way.
i have been pulled over for nothing before and if you just talk to them normally and you have nothing to hide … then there shouldn’t be any problems. in my experience anyways
just my 2 cents
ive been pulled over alot of times for no reason at all, and usually walked away with no tickets just time wasted. for example i was leaving my area just took a right turn cop was going in the opposite direction and as soon as he saw my car he followed me for a couple min pulled me over did not give me any reason. searched my car searched me and then comes too me and says oh you keep a clean car and then just let me go. but only happens in peel region.
From Scarborough - Toronto - Niagara.
Not a single pull over in months
You guys either are driving like idiots or you have in the past and it lists those times when they run your plates
It could have been just a skin color thing , or the length of your hair ( darian )
Because of the whole issue in '07 with my red car I RARELY drive obnoxiously with the 180, yet I’ve never been pulled over so many times in my life. It’s not because of right hand driver either. 90% of the time the officer has no clue until they arrive at the window, following closely after that is a useless ticket or warning for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Like getting a $110 ticket for not having a “Right Hand Drive Vehicle” sticker, when both my signals work and I had proven to the officer what it says in the HTA.
Or getting accused of possession because the dirt on my floor looks like “weed particles”.
Or how bout, “Why are these plates on this car?” - Because they’re registered to my vehicle - “No, they’re registered to a silver 4 door sedan, this is a stolen vehicle”
and lets not forget, “What color is your car?” - Black (My fender and bumper are white - currently doing body work, which was explained) - “What color does it say on the registration?” - Black. “I’m going to give you a ticket for miss-information” - Comes back 10 min later with a warning, while explaining how he would have done a road side inspection however he’s been hit before at the current location doing just that.
I’m not driving like an asshole and I’m following the speed limits, yet every time I leave my house I fear of coming home with another useless ticket I have to go fight in court, wasting my time and money.
lol at martino. damn you have the absolute worst luck ever… ive still never got pulled over or even looked at by a cop in my 240 and its loud as all hell. you guys need to move farther west
Some of you guys are jokers…
I’m the poster boy for being pulled over for no reason… First time i got pulled over it was cause my audi had tinted windows… even tho it was factory tint i got ticketed…while waiting to receive my ticket the cop had the nerve to come back and ask my how comes i have 3 other cars registered in my name and all insured… then proceeded to ask what i do for a living… I asked what it has to do with the price of rice in china…jokingly… this also caused him to jack the price of that one ticket up to $200.
since then I’ve been pulled over even when i’m driving my aunts corolla with her in the car and all of them ask the same very questions …
YES i’m black… if that were illegal then sorry i missed that memo…
COPs don’t need a reason to harrass and ticket ppl because they are the law and with the new 50 over law we just gave them the right to F**k with any and everyone… I get stopped on average 2-3 times a week… i’ve went to court and fought alot of shit but that only makes it worse the ones where i live know me by name…
I’ve been hauled out on my ass for suspicion of weapons and drugs…that ended up with a loud muffler ticket and an apology…
Funny part is I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket!
if you’re doing dumb shit; they give you a ticket because you fucked up.
if you aren’t doing dumb shit; they eye your car and try their hardest to find something to ticket you for / accuse you of random shit
don’t say that only wreckless drivers get tickets because everyone knows it happens even when you do nothing wrong
i was getting followed by a cop in concord, so i pulled into a gas station to try and blow her off. she followed me in then came over to my car (the wrong side cause im right hand drive) as i pretended to dick around with shit… and this is how the convo went…
Cop: Hey there
Me: Hey how are ya?
Cop: Good you?
Me: Im pretty goo (then she cut me off like mad)
Cop: Any Drugs in the car?
Me: ughh… (pretty shocked at this point…) Umm No?
Cop: Ok have a good one.
then she left right away…
that was the only time ive been pulled over this summer and it was the most confusing thing ive ever had to deal with…
Valinsky , it’s those plates man .
Try and start fresh, can you pick up new plates?
I hate how I made a statement that is true and everyone is on my case.
I’ve had my 240 for 5 years and never been pulled over once. It is loud, low, no front license plate, a god damn roll cage and I have never had an issue. I’ve driven in Durham, Markham, Toronto, Mississauga all of Ontario and believe it or not have passed a couple police officers in 5 years. So for all you people getting pulled over and saying my comment is stupid stop driving like idiots and see what happens.
You don’t have to drive like an idiot to get pulled over. Peel Region Police are dicks who pull over everyone for no reason!
Poor Martino btw…
Well then I guess you are extremely lucky. However, some cops out there are pricks and even if your not doing anything wrong… they will pull you over and give out stupid tickets to meet their quota. (Specifically York Region) And dude, you can’t sit there and tell me you haven’t done stupid shit in your car on public roads… common
I’m convinced with every post you make that your shit truly does not stink. It must smell heavenly compared to all us folk.
My advice is …KNOCK on wood… simply put… I hope you never get a ticket and i hope they leave me and the rest of law abiding citizens alone…
My mom get’s pulled over in her purple automatic neon for the same shit.
90% of cops are just huge vagina’s.