Anyone here? (14 year old killed street racing)

wow that sucks he was so young


fine, ill go one better here … did anyone else read this part and go WTF till they got to the next line

"He and my son were very very close. He’d eat me out…



Are the books alright???

Freekin’ street racers, they should be hanged. :hang:

i live down that way and its really no place at all to be racin

don’t do stupid shit in stupid places

No good man… Terrible road to go quick on…

Shoulda never bought tha bookz.

Seeing that he was coming back from buying the book, Is his family gonna sue J.K. Rowling?
I wouldnt doubt it knowing that Celino is back with the Barnes firm!!

But really, what a waste, We try & teach our kids right from wrong, and he makes one lousy choice, and it gets him killed. How many did you make & live to brag about it??

I have an 18 yr old son, & I know I wouldnt let him go out crusing at 3:30 AM for any reason, (when he was 14) let alone buying a book even with family members.

As my Dad always said to me, “nothing good happens after 2:30 am”.
RIP kid…

kinda sad reading all the things on his page

MySpace URL:

he was kinda close to a lot of people i know



Are the books alright???



i just realized who this kid was. i didnt recognize his full name at first. really sad to see all those posts on his myspace page and especially sad for the driver i can imagine. he probably feels terrible.

Seeing shit like this makes me wonder why/how I survived my crash.
Also, I wonder why I wasnt investigated for driving “agressively” when they said I crashed (flipped, rolled, and slid at 80+mph*.

*Well, aware of the fact (first hand aware actually) that speeding while tired isnt a good thing.

Looks like somebody should have just read the spoilers…


i was kinda friends with him they were comin back from a grad party the kid driving wasnt fucked up n they were speeding down roads n the hit a turn to fast!joes face was so fucked up if it wasnt for the kid driving behing them the authorities wouldnt of known who it was!

shoulda zigged when he zaged

Fucking gay ass news website makes my screen go full screen. :shoot::shoot:


Fucking gay ass news website makes my screen go full screen. :shoot::shoot:


Same here. Wayyyyyyyyy lame.